Hello Fellow Sufferers, 
Like you, my suffering has many symptoms but the common ingredient is discomfort/pain and and an interuption to my day. I feel for all of us. And over the past two years I've tried almost everything Rebecca has to offer, unfortunately without much success. That is, until I started using Castor Oil; pure, cold pressed, organic Castor Oil. Who knew? You see, my pain happens at night, usually as morning approaches. My observation of my condition lead me to believe that I had a lack of Lipid Oil and that symptom lead my eye lids to stick together or an eye lid to stick to my eye ball - both very painful. So my question was : "if oil isn't getting to my eyes, why not add oil myself?" Seemed logical.
So to the web I went. While there are some personal stories online about its use, there is no medical evidence. So with courage and I must admit a bit of fear, I decided to try it out. The oil comes in a normal container so the first thing I had to do was use an old eye drop bottle from my vast and varied collection
, drill out the hole to make it bit bigger to accomodate the oil and then I was ready. I keep the bottle of oil in the fridge but before bed time I take it out so that it warms up a bit - feels better and helps the oil drop easier. I pour a large amount on the eye, swish it around, do the other eye, while keeping both eyes open, then I close both eyes. It feels wierd at first - as you can probably imagine. But it also feels smooth and silky. I can usually get through the night but occasionally I need to re-fill. Regardless, no more pain; no more discomfort; and the next day isn't hampered either. It's really quite amazing for something so simple and so cheap ($7 CDN for a 4 oz. bottle). I've been using it for 2 months now and I've had my eyes checked twice - once by an Optometrist and once by and Othamalogist - both reported seeing no negatice effects from the oil. In fact, my eyes are in great shape. I'm certainly not recommending this for everyone but it works for me and it really has helped my nights. I go to bed knowing that I will sleep through the night - how comforting is that? May we all find relief. Stewart

Like you, my suffering has many symptoms but the common ingredient is discomfort/pain and and an interuption to my day. I feel for all of us. And over the past two years I've tried almost everything Rebecca has to offer, unfortunately without much success. That is, until I started using Castor Oil; pure, cold pressed, organic Castor Oil. Who knew? You see, my pain happens at night, usually as morning approaches. My observation of my condition lead me to believe that I had a lack of Lipid Oil and that symptom lead my eye lids to stick together or an eye lid to stick to my eye ball - both very painful. So my question was : "if oil isn't getting to my eyes, why not add oil myself?" Seemed logical.
