Not sure if I should post this in this forum because I haven't conquered anything yet. But I finally got some answers and I'm pretty stoked about it. 
Went to a corneal specialist today and he said I have early forming cataracts. And that, coupled with chronic dry eye explains my symtpoms of worsening glare and halos around the lights.
I don't know how the 3 Optometrists I saw missed that, but apparently they did.
I had spoken with one of those online ask-your-question-for-a-fee docs, and he told me that anytime you are having medical problems with your eyes, you really need to see a Opthamologist...and if it's suspected to be surface related, a corneal specialist in particular. Now this guy, himself, was a Opth, so I wasn't sure if he was just saying that because Opthamalogists are all part of a some sort of fraternity like the "good old boy" club for eye docs or not, but I took his advice because he said they have much more training and qualifications than O.D.s.
So I had temporary plugs put in and next week, more than likely, permanent plugs put in. After seeing some of you uninsured folks(like myself) shelling out 700 bucks for these things i was shocked when he quoted me $255 total for 1 plug in each eye. He said permanent plugs cost the same amount. So I'm looking at another $255 next week if the temps provide any relief and I choose to go that route.
Plugs were painless and easily inserted after he took measurements. I've seen mixed reviews about them on this forum, so I'm not overly optimistic, but it's something I have not yet tried.

Went to a corneal specialist today and he said I have early forming cataracts. And that, coupled with chronic dry eye explains my symtpoms of worsening glare and halos around the lights.
I don't know how the 3 Optometrists I saw missed that, but apparently they did.

I had spoken with one of those online ask-your-question-for-a-fee docs, and he told me that anytime you are having medical problems with your eyes, you really need to see a Opthamologist...and if it's suspected to be surface related, a corneal specialist in particular. Now this guy, himself, was a Opth, so I wasn't sure if he was just saying that because Opthamalogists are all part of a some sort of fraternity like the "good old boy" club for eye docs or not, but I took his advice because he said they have much more training and qualifications than O.D.s.
So I had temporary plugs put in and next week, more than likely, permanent plugs put in. After seeing some of you uninsured folks(like myself) shelling out 700 bucks for these things i was shocked when he quoted me $255 total for 1 plug in each eye. He said permanent plugs cost the same amount. So I'm looking at another $255 next week if the temps provide any relief and I choose to go that route.
Plugs were painless and easily inserted after he took measurements. I've seen mixed reviews about them on this forum, so I'm not overly optimistic, but it's something I have not yet tried.