I have waited to be sure before I posted what I hope may be an encouragement to some who may be helped as I have been. I feel I have given it a good trial, and I feel so much more better with my contacts!! My eyes may be a bit moister at times also, but no tears have yet to run down cheeks, despite this I am mostly comfortable, still need to use drops, but instead of every 5-10 minutes I can sometimes go hours. I went on a walk today for about an hour and did not have to re drop during the walk, there was some breeze too! This is so wonderful. I want everyone with Dry Eyes to try them, I'm using just normal acuvue oasis brand. The only concern I have is something happening to prevent me from being able to wear them forever! I wait as long as I can in the AM before putting them in so that I'm allowing my eyes to spend time without them in. When I ordered my contacts the Lady who waited on my said that she has Sjogrens and she wears the contacts that she leaves in for seven days and then removes. she said that when she takes them out on Saturdays she cant stand it until she puts them back in (she sleeps in them) I was surprised to hear this, but she said they are the only thing that has helped her. I see the Corneal specialist soon (need to make appointment) cant wait to see what he says.
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Good news
Hi, I have been wearing acuvue oasis for the past year. Before that i had really bad dryness and pain. When dry eye hit me, it was severe. My eye doc helped it get better with meds and drops. I refused to wear contacts for a year hoping it would get better. My corneas were not in great shape per the eye doctor.
Just had a follow-up apptmt with eye doc and he said my corneas have never looked better! They feel good too. I know I am not and will likely not ever be back to normal. I have to avoid A/c, a crying jag hurts right after, I wear protective glasses when I go for a bike ride. I am very careful. But, for the most part, I am doing well so far and I hope it doen't get worse.
I really think my contacts are partly responsible for feeling normal. I don't sleep in them and I do wear glasses somedays just to let them rest or because I can't get my act together in the morning to put them in.
Hi Ladies
Hi Mawsky,
Wow that is so great that this is working for you!
I went to dr. Latkany in NY about 3 weeks ago and he told me that on my next visit if my eyes don't improve he'll prescribe contact lenses. When he said that I thought ouch what in the world is he talking about?? I can't imagine having something in my eye and it sounded like more pain. When I orginally had this problem I was in my mid 20's which was about 20 years ago and what started this whole thing was my contact lenses. I did get this under under control by taking doxy but I never wore contacts again. I thought it sounded strange that he said that but now I'm thinking he's right. He said to me I know it sounds strange that I would prescribe this but 20 years the lenses were much different and have come a long way and the lenses would create a buffer between the eye surface and the lid. I'm definitely willing to try it but my vision isn't really that bad 20/25 but if it helps with this pain I'm willing. Unfortunately my problems came back again over 4 months ago and I can't get it under control.
It sounds like quite a few of you on here have relief from the lenses. Mawsky keep us posted know how you are doing with these in the future.
Hi Mawsky: I am glad that you are feeling better. I think I would have problems with contacts (I wore them when I was in my early 20's and 30's) and always felt like I had something in my eyes. I squinted alot. When people ask me now to describe how I feel, I tell them that it feels like I have worn contacts for too long. That's how I feel most of the time, along with the sometimes foreign body sensation and the constant blurry vision from my abrasions. The tranquileyes have been helping me with the dryness. I have a follow-up with my opthamologist this Friday, but still have to wait until mid-May for my appt. with the corneal specialist. Keep us posted!
Originally posted by LindaLa View PostHi Mawsky: I am glad that you are feeling better. I think I would have problems with contacts (I wore them when I was in my early 20's and 30's) and always felt like I had something in my eyes. I squinted alot. When people ask me now to describe how I feel, I tell them that it feels like I have worn contacts for too long. That's how I feel most of the time, along with the sometimes foreign body sensation and the constant blurry vision from my abrasions. The tranquileyes have been helping me with the dryness. I have a follow-up with my opthamologist this Friday, but still have to wait until mid-May for my appt. with the corneal specialist. Keep us posted!
I find that my soft contacts make my eyes drier and more irritated than my glasses. I wear Acuvue Moist Dailies, too - the best kind for dry eyes other than scleral lenses! I wonder why others are experiencing the opposite effectI would LOVE to get back into my contacts full time!