I recently took a saliva test for hormone levels, and discovered that my estrogen is more than twice what it should be, progesterone is non-existant, and testosterone is in the normal zone, but low normal. The pharmacist seems to think that getting all of this in balance might really make a big difference with my eyes. I am so hoping she is right! The new year is going to be off to a good start. New PPO, new doctors, new outlook and maybe (hopefully), new EYES! I'd like to encourage everyone to have their hormone levels checked. While it might not make a difference for some, it could for others. It is one of those items on the "to do" checklist. I will tell you that my blood test results look nothing like the saliva results. Good idea to do both if you can. Will keep you posted if there is a great improvement. I've not gotten the medication changed yet, and was told it would probably take about three months to see a difference. We will see.
