my name is David, I am 23 and I come from Croatia.
I don't have much time so I will keep this short and update in future with more explanation.
I have dry eyes for 4 years, cause unknown, it came gradually.
12 months ago the condition was unbearable.
Schirmer: 3, 3.
TBUT: 4, 4.
Now I feel 70% better.
No more: light sensitivity, burning eyes, sharp pains, blurriness, black shadow.
Only symptom left is mild dryness.
Days can pass without even thinking about eyes.
I have tried a lot of treatment methods.
What helps me:
1. E-ink monitor
Specifically made for this problem, google it.
Now this is very important
Position the monitor so the light comes from ~135 degree angle clockwise or counter clockwise
So light shouldn't be coming from in front of you, or from your back, nor from your rear side.
Light from the window should be coming between one of your rear side and from the back of you, that is 135°.
When you find that angle, measure ~180cm that is good distance. I wanted upload photo but there is some error.
This gives least strain to my eyes.
2. Autologous serum eye drops, 50%
it helped heal cornea, no more feeling of burning eyes.
I can touch eyeball with finger with no more pain.
Blinking doesn't hurt anymore.
Insist on 50% if doctor says 20% is fine.
Put 1 drop in each eye every ~hour. Keep it in fridge. Throw after 5-6 days.
3. Extra virgin COD liver oil
It contains Vitamin A, D and Omega 3. All 3 nutrients very rare in food.
All 3 especially good for ocular dryness.
This is only treatment I use.
Also I had huge success with castor oil but I discontinued to use it because of potential toxic effects to eyes, so keep it as last option.
Other things you probably know:
water, enough sleep, unprocessed food, low omega 6 diet, no alcohol and cigarettes...
Do this 3 things for 6 months and I guarantee you huge improvement.
Good luck,
my name is David, I am 23 and I come from Croatia.
I don't have much time so I will keep this short and update in future with more explanation.
I have dry eyes for 4 years, cause unknown, it came gradually.
12 months ago the condition was unbearable.
Schirmer: 3, 3.
TBUT: 4, 4.
Now I feel 70% better.
No more: light sensitivity, burning eyes, sharp pains, blurriness, black shadow.
Only symptom left is mild dryness.
Days can pass without even thinking about eyes.
I have tried a lot of treatment methods.
What helps me:
1. E-ink monitor
Specifically made for this problem, google it.
Now this is very important
Position the monitor so the light comes from ~135 degree angle clockwise or counter clockwise
So light shouldn't be coming from in front of you, or from your back, nor from your rear side.
Light from the window should be coming between one of your rear side and from the back of you, that is 135°.
When you find that angle, measure ~180cm that is good distance. I wanted upload photo but there is some error.
This gives least strain to my eyes.
2. Autologous serum eye drops, 50%
it helped heal cornea, no more feeling of burning eyes.
I can touch eyeball with finger with no more pain.
Blinking doesn't hurt anymore.
Insist on 50% if doctor says 20% is fine.
Put 1 drop in each eye every ~hour. Keep it in fridge. Throw after 5-6 days.
3. Extra virgin COD liver oil
It contains Vitamin A, D and Omega 3. All 3 nutrients very rare in food.
All 3 especially good for ocular dryness.
This is only treatment I use.
Also I had huge success with castor oil but I discontinued to use it because of potential toxic effects to eyes, so keep it as last option.
Other things you probably know:
water, enough sleep, unprocessed food, low omega 6 diet, no alcohol and cigarettes...
Do this 3 things for 6 months and I guarantee you huge improvement.
Good luck,