Originally posted by kindlekid
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This supplement is clearly doing something.
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I ran out of fish oil pills and purchased these Nordic Naturals on saturday. After comparing to my grocery store brand that I ususally buy....it does have more oil and is combined with D3. In my opinion, I noticed a difference also. I did as Jack said and took them with a meal (2 pills) and I too noticed within one hour. I noticed a difference in the oil in my eye as well as my skin. Was it a cure for me? Unfortunatley, No. But I do like the difference and I will finish out the bottle and see what else it brings thoughout the month. I got them at vitamin store and they were $24
I keep stumbling upon these partial solutions but this one (Ultimate Omega D3) is lasting the longest. I'm combining it with Lysine and Zeaxanthin-Lutin-Astaxanthin mix for two weeks, maybe that's what makes it work.
Astaxanthin when I first took it had miraculous instant effect, but then my body got used to it. Still, I can't help but think that it too is part of the solution.
Jack, do you mind me asking what your blood lipids are like? are you thinking about adjusting your diet in any way? I'm sorry if this really annoys you, any idea what the tooth problems are caused by genetically? My h. has thickened saliva, problems digesting fats, also premature arcus senilis, like his father. So I'm really interested in whether lipid metabolism or digestion deficiency can create or support MGD in some circumstances or after an event. Is your skin good these days? or has it ever not been? (obviously I'm dealing with chronic p&p paediatric rosacea here) Most interestingly, we have had bad eye and skin flares on flaxseed oils. I'm going to try your suggested fish oils and limit fats, sugar, yeast again. Low carb seems to help. Such personal questions. Feel free to insult me.Last edited by littlemermaid; 30-Jul-2014, 10:06.Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere
I do have thickened saliva and my teeth are never quite white. My lips are always dry. Skin is... fine?
I was on a radically different diet for months after getting gastritis in 2013. Bland plain diet. Made my eyes irreversibly worse due to lack of protein in that diet. Flaxseed oil does nothing for me in either direction.
Eating meat or fish always improves how eyes feel.
Hi Jack,
I guess I skipped over the other items you had. I was taking Tumeric curcumin which is an anti-inflammitory. Astaxanthin is also an anti inflammitory.
Just looked up the other stuff. Actually there is a vitamin bottle called Fortifeye focus that has the Astaxanthin (anti-inflammitory) the Luetin and zeaxanthin (macular degeneration) all together in one pill. It is $25 online. The doctor that makes this suggests taking it with the Omega 3.
Think I will try this and see how it works before adding in the lysine. do you take the lysine every day?
Originally posted by littlemermaid View PostFeel free to insult me.
But I'm sorry that all of this is happening. I heard that a lot of medications can cause thickened saliva and I get it after taking pills like those Rx pain pills post GB surgery. It's as bad as dry eyes.
As for omega 3s, I take Ascenta (and my dog is on their doggie version). I started it after I read a story about how Ascenta's omega 3s helping a rhino in Georgia (http://contrarian.ca/tag/ascenta-health-ltd/). Sounds silly, but I thought if a rhino can be helped, then I can be too.