I just wanted to make some recommendations of some items that are helping me right now until I fully recover. Because I will. Why can I be so positive? That's what I am hoping to share with you all.
First recommendation:
Breaking the Patterns of Depression by Michael D. Yapko, Phd.
This helped me to put my condition in perspective, and not to focus on the negative. I too struggled with the question as to will I ever get better/how this is going to affect my life, and this put me into a deep depression. Before this condition hit me, I was being recommended for partnership at the firm where I work. I have currently had to put that on the back burner. I just did not feel I could manage the stress of this condition, and the position. I never even needed to finished the book, because it has taught me to recognize when my thoughts are negative, and I change my focus.
Second recommendation:
Isotonix OPC-3 www.mktresource.com
This product was recommended by a friend of mine who suffered from seasonal allergies for years. They no longer have symptons. This product helped with headaches, allergies, and depression (probably because you feel better). It helps with other issues, but these I think would be most relevant to this site. It is all natural, so you can double or triple the dose and that has more of an effect with continued use.
All I have to say is that I don't know when, but I will recover from this. I have improved since I first started having symptons. This is a condition that can be managed, we all just have to be patient.
First recommendation:
Breaking the Patterns of Depression by Michael D. Yapko, Phd.
This helped me to put my condition in perspective, and not to focus on the negative. I too struggled with the question as to will I ever get better/how this is going to affect my life, and this put me into a deep depression. Before this condition hit me, I was being recommended for partnership at the firm where I work. I have currently had to put that on the back burner. I just did not feel I could manage the stress of this condition, and the position. I never even needed to finished the book, because it has taught me to recognize when my thoughts are negative, and I change my focus.
Second recommendation:
Isotonix OPC-3 www.mktresource.com
This product was recommended by a friend of mine who suffered from seasonal allergies for years. They no longer have symptons. This product helped with headaches, allergies, and depression (probably because you feel better). It helps with other issues, but these I think would be most relevant to this site. It is all natural, so you can double or triple the dose and that has more of an effect with continued use.
All I have to say is that I don't know when, but I will recover from this. I have improved since I first started having symptons. This is a condition that can be managed, we all just have to be patient.