Hello. I'm new to this site, and I, too, suffer from dry eye. (I have no idea what the cause is.) I've tried pretty much everything, and have been to three opthamologists, but a few days ago, my very smart mother suggested that maybe it is related to my sinuses, and that I should try using nasal spray to hydrate my sinuses. For once, I decided that Mom could be right, so tried a nasal spray called Simply Saline. For whatever it is worth, I have noticed that it helps a bit--much more than eye drops, which always make my eyes worse. It only helps for a short time, but it is better than no time.
I have to get in the habit of using it more often. (It doesn't have any preservatives, so you can use it as often as you want.) I use it before I go to bed, and like I said, it works for a little while, but I still wake up with my eyeballs stuck to my eyelids.
Anyway, I'm curious if anyone else has tried this, and what you think.
