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  • Dwelle+TranquilEyes+Synthroid=Improvement!


    I just wanted to note how much better things are for me. (Now, I say that with qualifications, because every other time I said it, I woke up with a corneal erosion the next day!) However, I can say that physical help came by way of Dwelle, TranquilEyes, and Synthroid. (I'm still on Restasis, but I bet I could live without it.)

    My eye problems brought to light other health problems that had been slowly creeping up on me, namely hypothyroidism, which I never thought could be a problem, since I don't have weight issues. However, I am learning how complex and interrelated the systems of the body are.

    I turned three big corners:

    1. A combination of Restasis, Dextran 10%, Dwelle, and Genteal Gel, alleviated many symptoms and drew out my rce's from a few times each week to every couple of weeks (from 7/07 until 11/07).

    2. TranquilEyes goggles*, begun on 12/14/07, and in addition to the rest of my treatments reduced my rce's even further to every two weeks to every month!

    3. Synthroid, begun on 2/29/08, reduced rce's even more and seem to give me at least a subjective feeling of more tear production during the day. (It should be said that my new optometrist said that my eyes are "quite dry" at my exam last week.) I am done with Dextran 10%, still on Dwelle, Restasis, and Genteal Gel.

    So, I think that my eyes are BETTER than they were when I thought they were "normal" even before serious problems presented themselves.

    There is something about the kind of talking that happens at the DryEyeZone/Talk area that gets me thinking about more than dry eyes. Discussions of things that heal the damaged cornea (Dwelle), prevent moisture loss (TranquilEyes), consider measurable and subjective relief, examine systemic causes, and suggest nutritional changes shows that this is a good place to learn about general well being and not just address the surface problems of dry eye. (No pun intended, given the fact that my problem is located in the epithelial layer of the cornea.)

    I'm really grateful to everyone here and to Rebecca for all of her time and energy. It is because of this site that I am addressing a sub-clinical problem with my thyroid rather than being shoo-ed out of the doctor's office.

    I, like many of us here, am motivated to get to the best state of healthy living available, but I did not know how to go about identifying or stating my concerns and needs until I came here. (I actually took all of my drops and gels and TranquilEyes to my endocrinologist the day I asked to be put on synthroid, just to show her that my request to try it stems from actual suffering that I do a lot to alleviate on my own.)



    *I believe that the three rce's I have had since January (one on 1/4/07, 1/27/07, and 3/15/07) were due to having my TranquilEyes on too tightly. Duh.