Pre-Lasik I had a history of dry eyes, made much worse post-Lasik, and I have previously posted how instrumental "Dr. Holly's drops" were in getting me to a place of equilibrium. For the past several years, I've typically used NutraTear (the red stuff) twice a day, and it has almost always kept me comfortable and dewy-eyed
EXCEPT . . . something tipped the scales early this month, I dunno, I dunno, where I live it's clearly summer (blooming time) rather than spring (pollen time), but I have been sneezing incessantly and my eyes have been itching to the point of near-distraction.
Enter Dr. Holly's blue-bottle Dakrina drops -- which I have used faithfully four times a day for the past two weeks . . . ah, blessed, blessed relief!

EXCEPT . . . something tipped the scales early this month, I dunno, I dunno, where I live it's clearly summer (blooming time) rather than spring (pollen time), but I have been sneezing incessantly and my eyes have been itching to the point of near-distraction.
Enter Dr. Holly's blue-bottle Dakrina drops -- which I have used faithfully four times a day for the past two weeks . . . ah, blessed, blessed relief!