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I Found The Cause Of My Dry Eye
jp2084, how do you know it is Candida? Can you please elaborate on what you are doing to improve your eyes? What foods are causing the reaction and are you doing anything else than just eliminating certain foods. What was your diagnosis prior to figuring out it was Candida? Thank you
What kind of dry eye were you diagnosed to have? also, I thought it was just a candida connection as well, a while back, I went on an anti-candida diet, only meat/protein and vegetable, and no sugar or fruit. it made me feel a little better for about a couple days, and then my eyes actually started feeling worst, after a few days.
so here's the deal....
i have very severe dry eyes, never knew what the cause was for it. I have mgd also. Candida is the cause for a lot of autoimmune disorders. I have geographic tongue and I noticed that i get headaches and a little bit of nausea after every meal. Also, essential fatty acids don't help candida sufferers bc the candida prevents your body from absorbing them, that's why they never helped me. I'm also anemic, which also is caused by candida. Candida causes a lot of symptoms--there are other autoimmune problems that it causes. I've been on a special diet, you can check out websites that talk about candida and the various regimes. Don't be discouraged if a low-sugar diet causes your conditions to get worse, because you are killing off the candida and therefore getting what is called "die off".
Their is actually a spit test you do, you don't have to go to a doctor, but also the doctors can take a feces specimen and examine it.
the spit test is the easiest and least embarrassing(i don't know if i would want to be carrying around my feces in a bag)
look it up on google, search: Candida spit test
good luck
JP2084, nausea after every meal is a good sign that you have bad digestion, undigested food acts like a poison, if it doesn't get digested properly it isn't of much use to the body, and can potentially act as an irritant to the immune system,(aka food allergies).
nausea is a good sign your liver isn't functioning correctly, it's bile flow is obstructed by intra-hepatic gallstones. this causes poor bile flow(the green alkaline liquid from your liver) to the intestines from the liver/gallbladder. without bile, fats/proteins are hardly digested, making you feel fatigued, or possibly nauseous. feeling fatigued after meals is a good sign of the liver not functioning so well. Bile also is what kills candida as it is an extremely alkaline fluid(candida love acidic environment in the intestines), so if your liver congested with intra-hepatic gallstones, this could possibly lead to candida.
jp2084 - do you feel candida is what gave you dry eyes? Are your eyes better now after going on the candida diet?
I have recently been doing battle with candida before and after an operation and my eyes seem to have gone worse after going on the diet(no sugar or yeast things like bread). (I lost 1/2 a stone tho) Or maybe it is because of the operation(3 weeks ago). I have MGD and so far the Latkany treatment and doxy have helped a lot. I have developed a sore tongue and dry mouth. I am hoping that the diet plus other anti fungal things like garlic tablets/ metamucil/floconazole will bring me right?
I have been getting a foggy head too but that could be from the anaesthetic or the die-off. The foggy head and eyes seem to get better at the end of the day??? Worse in afternoon.
What foods upset you? I would be keen to know more about a candida/dry eye connection?
By the way hubby and myself are positive with the spit test but hubby has no symptoms at all! It would be interesting to find someone who is a negative.
DotWhen the going gets tough - the tough get going!
The thing about Candida is that it is controversal. There is no scientific evidence for a relationship with gastrointestinal candida and the generation of any symptom. That is not to say that a connection does not exist, but that it is not clear whether there is one.
I found that particularly frustrating, especially when holistic health practitioners have a great potential for harming rather than helping by leading people down the wrong path. You essentially realize that you're on your own. So the best way to know whether Candida is a cause for eye pain (or dry eyes) is to find out for yourself. But please don't believe everything you read, especially on the Internet. There are probably more sites trying to make a buck from you by advocating candida products than for any other product. The reason? the "symptoms" of candida overgrowth are so vague and common to so many other causes that virtually everyone has them from time to time.
My personal experience: I have gone on Candida diets off and on. They seem to improve my energy levels (I have a mild version of chronic fatigue syndrome). However, this could be due to the ellimination of foods for which I may be allergic. It could also be due to the fact that it forced me to include more veggies and fruits in my diet (as I was starving from the lack of starch).
My eyes: so far, I have seen no improvement from a candida diet. If anyone here really does, I would be very interested to know.
I have been on the candida diet(no sugar,dairy, yeasty things or refined flour) for over a month now and have also been taking Trigard (anti-fungal drops) plus lots of fibre. I have now been told by my optician that the worsening dry eye was caused by the anaesthetic from my op on 25 August. It takes about 3 months to clear.
You have to stick to the diet for 3 months. My eyes are no different from what they were before the op - probably still a little bit worse. However I will stick to the diet as I sure don't want a return of the candida symptoms. It would be nice to get improvement with my dry eye but I can't imagine that will happen until I get off taking laxatives!!!! One is not allowed to overdo the fruit on the candida diet - it mustn't be too ripe and dried fruit is a no no. They say 2 pieces of fruit. Cottage cheese and sugar free plain yoghurt are OK.
My advice is from a nutritionist who specialises in Candida and a few other things. It sure is a healthy diet but one does suffer when going out for a meal especially a pot luck feed - have to take own meal!!!
We went to a Trivia Pursuits night and our team won a block of chocolate as a booby prize and it was almost unbearable watching the other three slowly consume caramel chocolate!!! And I was on water while they had beer and wine!!! Fruit juice is not allowed as it has to be fresh. Herbal teas are OK.
DotWhen the going gets tough - the tough get going!