Hey all,
I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally found out what what causing all my ocular issues. I started having trouble about a year ago, and I am not going to go in depth about all the details, but all I can say is it has been a long road (you can read through all my posts). As obvious as this may seem, I am allergic to some ingredient common in bar soap. I tried several months ago using a hypallergenic bar soap, which for some reason did not help. I coincidentally was very busy studying here at school (aerospace engineering major) and didnt shower for 3 days lol. I noticed during this period my eyes feeling a little "less tight" and experienced less pain. I also at the same time coincidentally ran out of my dial bar soap. I started using my roomates axe body wash and it has been about 5 days since using the dial soap and I am 90% better. I also seem to be getting better every day! All in all, I went to about 10 opthomologists, 1 optometrist, had blood work done, a cat scan of my brain done, and was tested for various food and environmental allergies. I was told I had "dry eye" "acne of the eyelids" "meibomitis" "chronic blepharitis" "allergies" and "nothing wrong." no doctor was really sure what I had. I knew it was related to inflammation however. and allergies is usually the cause of mass inflammation in the body. I had zero flares with this or itching, both typical of allergies. My advice to everyone is to just maintain hope. I experienced all mental issues (depression, anxiety) cause I was hopless and really wasn't' sure if Id ever get better. I still think I have some of these mental issues lingering (depression), what I am going to checked out, and then I should be able to live my life nomally again. My advice is to just fight through everyday tryin to be as productive as you can, until you figure out what is wrong. I have missed out on a lot in the past year of my life, but I have also learned a lot. Some of this has sucked some of the life out of me, but at the same time made me a better person. With these types of diseases, you have to figure out what is wrong, the doctors can only guide you. you have to be able to figure out what works for you. Also, here are some steps i recommend you follow:
1. Go see a Doctor is New York named Dr. Latkany. He specialized in chronic blepharitis and dry eye and will be able to tell you exactly what is wrong. I wasted my money going to about 9 doctors locally who told me all different causes. I decided I was gonig to make a trip to new york to figure out what exactly was wrong. Dr. Latkany was 100% I had an allergy to something within 5 minutes of examining me. He said I did have blepharits and dry eye, but this was being caused by the allergies. He was 100% right and I believe he is one of the few experts that can distinguish between cause and effect.
2. Do what makes sense. I knew after I was told I had bacteria blepharitis and diagnosis wasn't right. I never had crusting, redness of margins, or any of the symptoms of blepharitis. The lid scrubs didnt work. This is why I investiaged allergies along with Dr. L's recommendations.
3. This is easier said than done, but think back to what might have changed. Its very easy in hindsight, but this can be very helpful. My issues started about 2 months after moving into school. What happened was after 2 motnhs I ran out of my old spice body wash and switched to bar soap (even though I had used bar soap in the past, i must have developed an allergy to it at some point), and this is how the inflammation slowly began to build up. So, think back to what could have changed if you thinks its realted to allergies.
Here is my total list of symptos incase someones can relate.
in begining: redness to caruncle (triangle flesh part in corner of eye) along with a tickling sensation in this area, dry eye
* I might have had some very very minor crusting in the morning, so if you have crust, dont rule out allergies. BUT most the time, my lashes were clean.
middle-end: blurred vision, eyelashes loss, eyelid twitching, moderate dry eye, severe pain under eyelids, sensitive eyelashes to souch (terrible pain), swollen feeling in and around eyes, clearish goop in corner of eyes, redness to insides of eyelids
Hope this helps some people out there. YOU DONT NOT NEED TO HAVE ITCHING FOR ALLERGIES! Thanks to everyone for all thier help and support and I hope you all find the answer to yours problems (there is one out there, you will find it too!). I am saying good bye, but you can private message me if you have any questions, I'll check back on occasion.
-whether its been a month, a year, 5 years, etc... you will eventaully have a coindince like I did and figure out what is wrong, so that should always be in your mind as hope.
Here is also an alternative diagnosis that I would look into if your not sure whats wrong:
2.food intoerlance, sensitivities
3. blood work- hypothroidism, autoimmune diaseases
4. cat scan: brain tumor, sinus issues, etc..
5. demodex blepharitis (characterised by cylindrical dandruff at base of roots, itching and inflammation in the morning)
*demodex blepharitis is common in people with ocular rosacea
(my advice is not medical advice is any way, just things I came across causing ocular issues after a lot of reading)
Thanks everyone,
I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally found out what what causing all my ocular issues. I started having trouble about a year ago, and I am not going to go in depth about all the details, but all I can say is it has been a long road (you can read through all my posts). As obvious as this may seem, I am allergic to some ingredient common in bar soap. I tried several months ago using a hypallergenic bar soap, which for some reason did not help. I coincidentally was very busy studying here at school (aerospace engineering major) and didnt shower for 3 days lol. I noticed during this period my eyes feeling a little "less tight" and experienced less pain. I also at the same time coincidentally ran out of my dial bar soap. I started using my roomates axe body wash and it has been about 5 days since using the dial soap and I am 90% better. I also seem to be getting better every day! All in all, I went to about 10 opthomologists, 1 optometrist, had blood work done, a cat scan of my brain done, and was tested for various food and environmental allergies. I was told I had "dry eye" "acne of the eyelids" "meibomitis" "chronic blepharitis" "allergies" and "nothing wrong." no doctor was really sure what I had. I knew it was related to inflammation however. and allergies is usually the cause of mass inflammation in the body. I had zero flares with this or itching, both typical of allergies. My advice to everyone is to just maintain hope. I experienced all mental issues (depression, anxiety) cause I was hopless and really wasn't' sure if Id ever get better. I still think I have some of these mental issues lingering (depression), what I am going to checked out, and then I should be able to live my life nomally again. My advice is to just fight through everyday tryin to be as productive as you can, until you figure out what is wrong. I have missed out on a lot in the past year of my life, but I have also learned a lot. Some of this has sucked some of the life out of me, but at the same time made me a better person. With these types of diseases, you have to figure out what is wrong, the doctors can only guide you. you have to be able to figure out what works for you. Also, here are some steps i recommend you follow:
1. Go see a Doctor is New York named Dr. Latkany. He specialized in chronic blepharitis and dry eye and will be able to tell you exactly what is wrong. I wasted my money going to about 9 doctors locally who told me all different causes. I decided I was gonig to make a trip to new york to figure out what exactly was wrong. Dr. Latkany was 100% I had an allergy to something within 5 minutes of examining me. He said I did have blepharits and dry eye, but this was being caused by the allergies. He was 100% right and I believe he is one of the few experts that can distinguish between cause and effect.
2. Do what makes sense. I knew after I was told I had bacteria blepharitis and diagnosis wasn't right. I never had crusting, redness of margins, or any of the symptoms of blepharitis. The lid scrubs didnt work. This is why I investiaged allergies along with Dr. L's recommendations.
3. This is easier said than done, but think back to what might have changed. Its very easy in hindsight, but this can be very helpful. My issues started about 2 months after moving into school. What happened was after 2 motnhs I ran out of my old spice body wash and switched to bar soap (even though I had used bar soap in the past, i must have developed an allergy to it at some point), and this is how the inflammation slowly began to build up. So, think back to what could have changed if you thinks its realted to allergies.
Here is my total list of symptos incase someones can relate.
in begining: redness to caruncle (triangle flesh part in corner of eye) along with a tickling sensation in this area, dry eye
* I might have had some very very minor crusting in the morning, so if you have crust, dont rule out allergies. BUT most the time, my lashes were clean.
middle-end: blurred vision, eyelashes loss, eyelid twitching, moderate dry eye, severe pain under eyelids, sensitive eyelashes to souch (terrible pain), swollen feeling in and around eyes, clearish goop in corner of eyes, redness to insides of eyelids
Hope this helps some people out there. YOU DONT NOT NEED TO HAVE ITCHING FOR ALLERGIES! Thanks to everyone for all thier help and support and I hope you all find the answer to yours problems (there is one out there, you will find it too!). I am saying good bye, but you can private message me if you have any questions, I'll check back on occasion.
-whether its been a month, a year, 5 years, etc... you will eventaully have a coindince like I did and figure out what is wrong, so that should always be in your mind as hope.
Here is also an alternative diagnosis that I would look into if your not sure whats wrong:
2.food intoerlance, sensitivities
3. blood work- hypothroidism, autoimmune diaseases
4. cat scan: brain tumor, sinus issues, etc..
5. demodex blepharitis (characterised by cylindrical dandruff at base of roots, itching and inflammation in the morning)
*demodex blepharitis is common in people with ocular rosacea
(my advice is not medical advice is any way, just things I came across causing ocular issues after a lot of reading)
Thanks everyone,