(Sorry for poor English)
Hello, I am 28 years old. I am from Örebro, in the middle of Sweden. I can look back on a long period of struggle against dry eyes, about 1,5-2 years. The eye doctor find out I had a BUT between 6-8 sec last year. I got my dry eyes from contact lenses or after quiting a Swedish tobacco called “snus”, i am not sure yet? There have been periods during this years when my eyes have been terrible, especially before last summer and before last Christmas. Now I look back on a 2 month periods with very good eyecondition. Last three weeks I haven´t taken any drops at all (!). Cant belive it myself.
The reason for me to finally post in this forum is the flaxseed oil. Inspired by this guy (http://www.xenophilia.com/zb0061.htm) i gave it a try. AND This stuff was a turning point for me. Seven days after i start taking it i just starting to feel better i my eyes. I cant guarantee that the flaxseed oil alone gave the effect but Im pretty sure.
Things I tried/still try:
- Membrasin, which is a finnish combination of omega 7 and omega 9 made on buckthorn. Start taking it 5 month ago and still take it. Membrasin has no effect for me I think, but im not sure yet because I still eat it. Got caps for a month more.
- Omega 3 + B12, took it for 3 month, stopped a month ago. Made nothing for me.
- Chloromycetin, took it in a two week period, stopped a 3 ago. Had effect on my vision (made it better). I was using it around the turning point so it is to early to exclude.
- used humidifiers for six month, stopped 2 month ago. No effect for me. Actually I hade som great days when it was off.
- Used gel and drops of type Ocutears, Lacryvisc, Viscotears, biotears. Stopped with gel and drops three month ago but I still use Lacryvisc when I need . In general the drops an gels only make my eyes worse.
- Use flaxseed oil from a local farmer here i sweden. Its a cold-pressed oil made in a barn by a farmer who need a second income. I have taken it for a month (http://www.alternativforadling.se/produkter.html). Around day seven i had the best day for two years. I could stare without blinking for over 20 seconds, I usually can stare for around 4-6 seconds when i try in the morning, and after it hurts like hell. Now three weeks later I still haven’t used any eye drops. I only feel dry around one hour in the morning but that’s it. For your information I work in an office with very dry air.
Flaxseed oil or/and Chlormycetin made my eyes feel better. Im 95 % sure that it is the flaxseed. I cant exclude membrasin but It made nothing for me in 4 month so I don’t think it had any effect. But… another aspect I thinking of is gingivitis. Is it possible a connection between bacteria in the mouth and i the eyes? My dentist find out that I had a latent bacterial inflammation. Sometimes, when I get to rough with my toothbrush, I bleed a little bit in the gum in some places (ive done it for years more or less). I didn’t take notice of it before the dentist said that it didn’t look good soo I started clean my mouth carefully with mouthwash,teethmatches, floss and a new antibacterial chewing gum. Suddenly the inflammation broke out and it was the time when my eyes felt better. Now a month later, i have the inflammation under control and its almost gone and my dry eyes also.
My next step is to try protein with "lactoferrin" together with Flaxseed. Maybe the morning dryness then dissapear.
Hello, I am 28 years old. I am from Örebro, in the middle of Sweden. I can look back on a long period of struggle against dry eyes, about 1,5-2 years. The eye doctor find out I had a BUT between 6-8 sec last year. I got my dry eyes from contact lenses or after quiting a Swedish tobacco called “snus”, i am not sure yet? There have been periods during this years when my eyes have been terrible, especially before last summer and before last Christmas. Now I look back on a 2 month periods with very good eyecondition. Last three weeks I haven´t taken any drops at all (!). Cant belive it myself.
The reason for me to finally post in this forum is the flaxseed oil. Inspired by this guy (http://www.xenophilia.com/zb0061.htm) i gave it a try. AND This stuff was a turning point for me. Seven days after i start taking it i just starting to feel better i my eyes. I cant guarantee that the flaxseed oil alone gave the effect but Im pretty sure.
Things I tried/still try:
- Membrasin, which is a finnish combination of omega 7 and omega 9 made on buckthorn. Start taking it 5 month ago and still take it. Membrasin has no effect for me I think, but im not sure yet because I still eat it. Got caps for a month more.
- Omega 3 + B12, took it for 3 month, stopped a month ago. Made nothing for me.
- Chloromycetin, took it in a two week period, stopped a 3 ago. Had effect on my vision (made it better). I was using it around the turning point so it is to early to exclude.
- used humidifiers for six month, stopped 2 month ago. No effect for me. Actually I hade som great days when it was off.
- Used gel and drops of type Ocutears, Lacryvisc, Viscotears, biotears. Stopped with gel and drops three month ago but I still use Lacryvisc when I need . In general the drops an gels only make my eyes worse.
- Use flaxseed oil from a local farmer here i sweden. Its a cold-pressed oil made in a barn by a farmer who need a second income. I have taken it for a month (http://www.alternativforadling.se/produkter.html). Around day seven i had the best day for two years. I could stare without blinking for over 20 seconds, I usually can stare for around 4-6 seconds when i try in the morning, and after it hurts like hell. Now three weeks later I still haven’t used any eye drops. I only feel dry around one hour in the morning but that’s it. For your information I work in an office with very dry air.
Flaxseed oil or/and Chlormycetin made my eyes feel better. Im 95 % sure that it is the flaxseed. I cant exclude membrasin but It made nothing for me in 4 month so I don’t think it had any effect. But… another aspect I thinking of is gingivitis. Is it possible a connection between bacteria in the mouth and i the eyes? My dentist find out that I had a latent bacterial inflammation. Sometimes, when I get to rough with my toothbrush, I bleed a little bit in the gum in some places (ive done it for years more or less). I didn’t take notice of it before the dentist said that it didn’t look good soo I started clean my mouth carefully with mouthwash,teethmatches, floss and a new antibacterial chewing gum. Suddenly the inflammation broke out and it was the time when my eyes felt better. Now a month later, i have the inflammation under control and its almost gone and my dry eyes also.
My next step is to try protein with "lactoferrin" together with Flaxseed. Maybe the morning dryness then dissapear.