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the gastro-intestinal-System

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  • the gastro-intestinal-System

    I had extremely bad dry eyes for about 5 years. After trying loads of medications, Cicloporine etc. I thought that this is something I have to live with forever.
    A doctor who does alternative medication like homeopathics, asked me if I have taken a lot of antibiotics in my life. And I know that due to my chronical-bronchitis I take antibiotics about 1-2 a year.
    He then adviced me to get my gastro-intestinal-trac in a better condition as I also had constipation a lot of times.
    I took Pro-Symboflor, ate 2 teaspoons of flaxseeds everyday.
    Then after about 3-4 Months, I eyes got way better! I only used eyedrops if i travelled or entered air-conditioned places.
    After the months went by my eyes got almost back to my normal condition.
    Now I only use gel at night, and that's it.
    Most of us forget that things like dry eyes, even the worse cases can be due to problems in the gastro-intestinal-trac. In my case it probably was!

    P.s: Sorry for my bad english, I am living in germany.


  • #2
    HI Sahara,

    What is Pro-Symboflor? Is it something for the gastro-intestinal tract?



    • #3
      Sahara did you do any thing else besides those two things?

      I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


      • #4
        Hi there

        yeah, Pro-Symbioflor is a therapy for the intestinal tract! There are 3 different kinds of "Symbioflor" products. Pro-Symbioflor, Symbioflor 1 and Symbioflor 2. This has to be taken through a period of about 3-4 months.

        Besides that I took Homeopathic medications called Alumina D6, and "Luffa-Opertucula"(Which is suppose to help your body to create more moisture)
        And to get your mucous-membranes in a better condition.
        I also take flaxseed and I do a alternative therapy called "Own-blood-therapy". Where your blood is taken and then getting it injected again. I do that due to hayfever in summer. It's suppose to boost ur immunsystem.
        So I guess all of this has helped my body to get over the bad dryness.Hope I was able to give you a few tips. Take care



        • #5

          One thing I forgot to mention: Own-blood-therapy is also suppose to help by auto-immune diseases.


          • #6
            sounds like candida


            • #7

              it could be candida!


              • #8
                oil seems to be better

                flaxseed oil seem to be even better!


                • #9

                  If you look at the ultramind program - you will find out that many diseases are caused by the second brain - the digestive system - fix that and many issues go away


                  • #10
                    has anyone

                    heard about brottrunk?


                    • #11

                      Hi! My eyes were really good for a while, and I even felt that my DES got vanished. So for about 3 weeks I just stopped taking flaxseed, or maybe just forgot. And then suddenly my DES came back! So I guess, flaxseed seems to be the only thing that helps


                      • #12
                        hi sharaha

                        can i ask what is Luffa-Opertucula,is it a tablet or what form do you get it in.
                        is it something a doctor has to recommend.
                        and the same about the other product you took

                        as ive bin looking into candida and i seem to have the symptoms,were you the same



                        • #13
                          Hi Kate

                          I realise that you have asked Sharaha about Luffa-Opertucula - but I have a nasal spray that contains this. It can also be got in tincture or tablet form. I bought mine from a herbalist but you can obtain it easily enough online. You may have heard of the manufacturer - A. Vogel or

                          You can search on Luffa for more information.

                          Hi Sharaha

                          Could you tell us about brottrunk? I managed to find out it was a fermented bread / grain drink - but it isn't anything I have seen in the UK


                          • #14
                            irish eyes

                            thanks for the info,has it helped you taking it?
                            see your in the uk to and you can get it which is good wasnt sure if it was availble here.
                            so they are only herbal then and can take it on top of fish oil etc.there any negatives to it.
                            sorry for the million questions when i read something that could help im eager to give it a try hehe.

                            thanks again


                            • #15
                              Know what you mean Kate, I've ususally ordered it before I've finished reading the post!!!!!

