After seeing 4 opthomologists and the head of dermatology at the best hospitial in town, the only solution for my problem continued to be doxicycline for almost 5 years. My eyes were inflamed, tearing and a yellow discharge would develope by 4:00 PM daily. I haven't worn eye makeup for 5 years. My night vision was hampered by "halos". Well, after a few monthe of Chinese supplements, accupuncture and accupressure...SUCCESS! I have been off doxi for almost 2 months. Discharge is gone. Inflammation 90% improved and no halos. Tearing is not completely gone but I hope to wear waterproof mascarra next month. Best of luck to everyone on this great site.
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Chinese Supplements
Wow! That is amazing! I went on chinese herbs once a while back...but I ended up feeling worse and had stomach problems. Can you please elaborate as to what chinese supplements you used, what type of acupuncture, and accupressure? I'm thinking of trying acupuncture, but I have no idea what to expect for DE. Thanks!
Chinese medicine
I am very sorry for this late response..just learning how to navigate this site.
I started on Ming Mu and Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
Now on Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan and a beige name...I'll ask her tomorrow.
As well, a herb that I boil and use as a cold compress: Mishmi Bitter Huong Lian
There's a lot of trust here in my practitioner and a lot of $$$. Doxi was covered on my medical plan . This is NOT!
I googled accupressure and eyes and came across a lot of new info to validate this approach from trad opthamology.
I no longer have accupuncture or accupressure during my appointments. I just go and pick up my pills with the aim to wean me off of all meds...not there yet and still not wearing mascarra.
Chinese meds
To answer the ??? no change in lifestyle but was told by my Chinese Dr. to avoid spicey foods. With these meds you should drink a lot of water...I am a very dehydrated person and this I think is part of the problem with most of us ...but I'm very bad at complying with this simple issue...DRINK!
As to the type odfaccu..This is my only experience...don't know of types ...I lie there...she inserts these small very fine filaments all over my legs, arms, head.. and leaves me there for 1/2 an hour...VERY relaxing...very strange..
Originally posted by bernmee View PostHi,
I have being doing accupuncture for a while now. Can you please tell me what chinese medicine you are on as I will ask my practitioner if it might help me.
Did you make any diet/lifestyle changes?
Taking a moment to chime in as I'm currently getting acupuncture at a Johns Hopkins clinic in Baltimore. I had it this morning actually and we discussed herbs for the first time.
I've had 4 treatments so far with mixed results. Sometimes I swear it's helping... once I walked out feeling "normal" for the first time in 8 months though the burning in my right eye returned about 6 hours later... and sometimes I feel no effect at all.
I'm planning on doing 6 treatments, like the practitioner recommended, and then reassessing.