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IPL update

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  • IPL update

    I posted after 2 IPL treatments with Dr Toyos. I had noticed some improvement in my glands and symptoms of swollen lids and some dryness in the eyes. I went on to have 2 more treatments. The initial improvement didn't last and actually the last treatment seemed to kick up some inflammation. I got the inflammation under control with a round of steroids. Unfortunately the symptoms (swollen red lids which are at their worst in the morning) that I had before I started are about the same.

  • #2

    The treatments were $375 each when I had them. I stopped for 2 reasons. The first was that I felt it had actually kicked up inflammation (Dr Toyos called it a flare up) and secondly I got concerned that the IPL was just too close to the eye and I thought it might possibly cause damage to the eye. Also, even when I got some improvement it wasn't long lasting.

    I don't know why he wanted those things discontinued. I never used Restasis.
    I do believe he's a good doctor and cares about helping his patients.


    • #3
      Taryn, did Dr. T feel that the treatments caused the flare up? What was his suggestion when you go the flare up (continue w/ IPL or stop)? I too find it strange that the 4 treatments is now 6-8.....


      • #4

        Dr Toyos felt that the flare up could be due to "the nature of the disease". He did think I should continue because he thought my oils were thinner and better quality. As we all know dry eye/meibomian gland dysfunction is complicated so his answer is probably correct. Since I wasn't getting a steady and dramatic change for the better, I decided not to continue. As I said before, I also made the decision to stop the treatments, because I felt there was a chance that the IPL could do damage to my eye. One of his patients had gotten a blister under the eye that took awhile to heal, which made me think there is some element of danger to the IPL.


        • #5
          im sorry to hear that you didnt get the relief you sought. my dry eye symptoms are starting to feel progressively better after 3 treatments although ive noticed my eyelids and upper cheeks now feel like the fluid is running alot more, which actually makes the skin feel a bit sore and painful until i push on it. this pushes more oil into my eyes and both the eye and skin symptoms resolve a bit.

          ipl absolutely gets the oils running, but its unfortunate that it doesnt always get the relief to the necessary level and that it may take so many treatments. as ive come to realize, dry eye isnt always 100% and that is so frustrating because i miss my painless eyes so much


          • #6
            Hi Michael,
            That is great that you you are feeling better. I did not have burning or pain before the IPLs. I was comfortable with some mild dryness. The reason I tried the IPLs was for swollen and red lids that were worse in the morning. At first the IPL seemed to help because my lids were less red and swollen. After the 3rd treatment, I had some inflammation and tearing and after the 4th I had some burning. I had a round of steroids that treated those symptoms and I back to where I was before the IPLs.

