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Dwelle use after LASIK

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  • Dwelle use after LASIK

    Last week I posted this question in the patient forum. But thought maybe it was more appropriate for the Pro corner, hoping someone will know the answer...

    I have read accounts of other post-Lasik patients using Dwelle, with good results from it. However, since I am only 3+ months post op, I am concerned whether using it at night (as opposed to preservative free drops) could do any harm, or interfere in the healing process. So far I have only used it a handfull of nights. Upon application, it did sting a little bit, but I know from other user accounts that is normal.

    Any advice on this would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Hi Perception, sorry I didn't notice this post before.

    Originally posted by Perception View Post
    I have read accounts of other post-Lasik patients using Dwelle, with good results from it. However, since I am only 3+ months post op, I am concerned whether using it at night (as opposed to preservative free drops) could do any harm, or interfere in the healing process. So far I have only used it a handfull of nights. Upon application, it did sting a little bit, but I know from other user accounts that is normal.
    I think at this stage, the preservative-vs-no question is no different for post LASIK than any other type of dry eye. Usually it's in the immediate post-op period (i.e. days/weeks not months after surgery) where you have to be particularly cautious about anything you put in your eyes.

    I sell Dwelle, so bear in mind everything I say is suspect and with that preface:

    Personally, in my use of Dr. Holly's drops over the years, for me the preservative has been kind of a non-issue, for two reasons: 1) To me, the most important thing about a drop is whether it works. Potential side effects then need to be evaluated in the decision about whether to use it. 2) Back when I first evaluated it I was convinced by the clinical data that the preservative in it was quite unique in its extremely low toxicity.

    I am all for PF drops and wish that Dr. Holly's drops were also available PF, however, I think a lot of people end up making the mistake of considering PF-ness as a virtue in itself. Absence of preservative does not make a drop useful. To be worth using it needs to be effective irrespective of the preservative question. And not all preservatives are equal. My 2 cents.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply Rebecca. Since my post, I've seen my Optometrist and posed the same question to her. Basically, her answer was the same. If I'm using it at spaced out intervals (currently only 2 or 3 times throughout the night), and don't notice an adverse reaction to it, then I should conitnue with it if it seems to be helping.

      My eyes feel quite a bit better upon waking in the morning using the combination of Dwelle and goggles (the Onyix) than they had over the many weeks prior. I had been using refresh celluvisc PF without goggles since Lasik in June.

