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Ocular Neuropathy

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  • #16
    I to get this type of pain. I don't have it every day but when I get it, it can last a couple of days. It is definetly nerve pain. I don't have the same issues your having abby but I had lasik just over a year ago. When I get it I feel like my whole eye socket is pounding and the whole side of my face and head. It feels like the nerves are going through the back of the eye ball all the way down the back of my neck and into my shoulder and upper back muscles. Lots of tension. It definelty causes a migraine headache out of this world. The only other thing I have had that comes close to this is like when you have a minor tooth ache that one day flairs up and has the whole side of your head and face throbing and then may go away for a couple of days and then comes back again. I haven't tried any rx pain med yet but wish I had some. It's hard to talk to Dr's about stuff like this because they look at you like your crazy and think you just want drugs from them. They just don't know what we are going through.


    • #17
      Just in case you're ever looking for a different BAK-free Glaucoma drop, I'm going very well on Travatan-Z. It isn't irritating my eyes at all and is controlling the pressure well. And I'm only having to use it once per day.


      • #18
        Thanks Gabriel for your input regarding this weird eyeball pain. Does your pain typically start in the early morning hours and quickly gets worse and finally subsides by the end of the day? Of course by this time I have taken Excedrine!! like yours, my pain comes and goes sometimes for days and I can't remember a span of more than 10 days that I have gone without.

        Mary, I cannot use Travatan because it is in the same family of drugs as Xalatan and they can cause inflammation inside the eyeball which I am prone to.


        • #19
          I had a severe corneal scarring (40% deep) in my left eye 3 months back which seem to have left a scar in that area.

          I keep having pain in my left eye every day even now; the pain goes away when I keep the eye shut for a while and after sleep. After I wake up in the Morning the pain is not there for couple of hours; and then it starts late morning and lasts thru the day until I go to bed. Pain is around the scarring area and feels like an open wound on the surface of the eye.

          I do use the Boston scleral lenses with out any medicines. Doctors here don't see a reason for this pain, it happens even with the lenses but little less. I am also on serum drops 4x times a day.

          I was wondering if this can be neuropathic pain as discussed here. Will a visit to neuropathic ophthalmologist help? Any comments. Thanks


          • #20
            Refractive surgeries as Lasik uses Excimer Laser. Execimer is UVC laser (ultraviolet light, subtype C). UVC is VERY MUTAGENIC! This can to be the really problem... Nerve damage is other possibility.

            Did you know this? I didn't know this.

            I did not do Lasik, but I had an accident with UVC germicidal lamp. Next day I woke up with drastic reduction of eye boogers. The first 4 days I did not have any symptoms, beyond the reduction of eye boogers. Gradually were appearing symptoms such as dry eye and photophobia.

            For many reasons I associate my accident (UVC germicidal lamp) with Lasik. I found a very interesting thing that I already suspected, but i could not find this information explicitly. The Lasik and other refractive surgery using excimer laser, which is a laser with 193 nm wavelength,i.e.,ultraviolet laser type C (UVC). UVC (wavelength range: 280 – 100 nm) can cause mutation of cells and other things that perhaps only God knows!

            I.e., my thinking was right about UVC and lasik!

            It seems that researchers are testing to use other frequencies less dangerous. We know that any laser is potentially dangerous to vision, including those of visible light that children play. There are cases that the excimer laser burned the retina.


            sorry my english


            • #21
              It is known that the corneal nerve damage is possibly a major cause of dry eye.
              This image of this great site ( is self-explanatory. Corneal nerves controls conjunctival nerves. Conjunctival nerves controls goblet cells. Goblet cells produces mucus...

