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Cornea Specialist international conference, 1 Nov 2013, QVH Eyebank UK

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  • Cornea Specialist international conference, 1 Nov 2013, QVH Eyebank UK

    'The Queen Victoria Hospital (QVH) are hosting a Professional education meeting on Friday 1st November 2013, which is planned to feature high-profile and distinguished speakers from across the world.

    The programme will cover the latest cutting edge innovations in cornea, the current and future roles of eye banks in context of rapid advances in ophthalmology and eye banks as a core component of the clinical management of corneal patients.

    Symposia topics include:

    The future role of eye banking
    Corneal tissue engineering
    Surgical Therapies of ocular surface failure
    Collagen crosslinking
    Paediatric keratoplasty '

    'The meeting will give corneal surgeons (of adults and children), ophthalmologists, ocular surface specialists, corneal fellows, doctors in training, eye-bank scientists and optometrists an intensive review of current and future developments in cornea.'
    Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere

  • #2
    This is really interesting. I live just round the corner from where they are hosting this, I'd like to eavesdrop. I've been treated by 3 of the ophth's speaking a the event, a couple of the others are on the dream team ha ha!
    Last edited by lizlou29; 18-Oct-2013, 03:55.


    • #3
      Eye banking is very interesting At Moorfields Cornea Day last Saturday, the specialist was asking us patients to help to promote organ donation specifying eyes because, tragically, some people sign up as whole body donors but exclude the eyes. Also, corneas can be split into at least 6 useful layers now lamellar keratoplasty transplant is widely preferred. Paediatric, organ donation is an even more difficult topic to bring up with families. We assume here our eyes are trashed and no use to anyone, but a good proportion are valuable for research. Sorry to go on about it but I'm still feeling the love.

      Cool - we score 2 plus 2 advice by correspondence. I can't tell you how much I want to go to this - trying not to think about it x
      Last edited by littlemermaid; 18-Oct-2013, 04:49.
      Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere

