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Looking for doctors in UK/London for help with post-lasik complications! Pls Advice!

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  • Looking for doctors in UK/London for help with post-lasik complications! Pls Advice!

    This is a re-edited (and shortened) version of a vastly edited and expanded article that I posted on forums.
    While the new version of the text is made up of approximetly 28 pages, I will be cutting-out most of it here, leaving the forum members of DryEyeZone (fellow patients and PRO's alike are very welcome to reply) only 6-7 pages to read, which I think will suffice.
    While this post is mostly LASIK-FOCUSED, both I and all the doctors that I have visited (so-far) agree that I have very dry eyes as well, ESPECIALLY my right eye is suffering from that problem (More will be explained below).

    **If requested, I can post/email/PM you the entire article, as well.**
    Oh, and the reason I'm looking for help ’’in London’’ is because (as the text below suggests), I - for the past 7+ months - have not been able to get an efficient form of treatment where I live. Even after all these months, I am still suffering from the same amout of eye pain and dicomfort, more or less. But England is pretty close-by to where I live, and I have several relatives living in London, hence the title and the question
    Maybe you – yourself used to suffer from post-lasik complications and have found help in London?
    Maybe a loved-one of yours (a family member or a friend etc) have been suffering from a similar issue and found their salvation in the captial of United Kingdom eh?
    In any case, don't be afraid. You DON’T have to give me any guarantees, lol.
    Heck, you might even be saving my life in the process! Seriously!
    Thank you kindly in advance for any and all possible suggestions.

    So, I will be pasting in the text below, now.

    Please be aware;
    …. That basically, this article is an extensively edited version of a rather haphazardly written thread of mine posted on that can be found here;
    This article is meant to be an informative text written to familiarize prospective doctors (such as lasik/cornea experts etcatera) about the post-lasik complaints, complications and the symptoms therein that I have been experiencing ever since the surgery.
    I am writing this long article becuase so far -with the exception of Ulf Stenevi ( & Tommy Andersson) - the vast majority of the doctors that I have visited often dissmissed my explanations and after only listening to me for a mere 30-45 seconds or so, they proceed to the slit-lamp examination and -practically - notice nothing more than the ''good old dry eyes'' as the culprit behind all my woes, which in-turn encourages them to give me regular (mostly over-the-counter) lubricating eye drops. I have been using such eye drops (Systane Balance, Optive, etcatera) for the past 7+ months, and so far - I haven't been feeling any particularly better because of it. And my problems/symptoms (in form of pain, foreign body sensation and dry eyes) haven not been dissipated or cured in accordance to such periscriptions. Sure, the situation would be much worse (without a doubt) IF I wasn’t using the eye drops that have been recommended by my doctors, but this alone (using such eyedrops etc) hasnt been able to rid me of my pain or other symptoms. They only make my maladies more tolerable - at most - but provide me with no final solution in sight.
    With that being said; this is going to be a very long post, (perhaps the longest in the history of mankind lol) so im going to divide it up into smaller chapters.
    IF you don't wanna read everything (which would be understandable, but than again you risk missing the bigger-picture), than you should at-least read the; (1)INTRODUCTION and (2)THE SHORT STORY chapters, along with the two chapters following those, entitled: (3)MY SYMPTOMS AND CONCERNS, and (4)THE CORE OF THE PROBLEM.. in order to get a somewhat clear idea of my predicament. Finally, I would also recommend that you read one of the last chapters in this long saga, entitled; (28) MY UNPROFESSIONAL SELF DIAGNOSIS. These chapters - 5 in total, should constitute no more than 5-6 pages to read and ought to give you a rather lucid and definitive idea about my ailment, symptoms, and how (and if) you can help me with my problems. Whenever you feel like you require further information, you can simply delve deeper into the ”book” to get it. And if you need to have a clear overview of all the medication that I’ve been using throughout the past 7+ months, than you should probably also take a look at the very last chapter of this article called; (30)A LIST OF MEDICATION THAT I’VE BEEN USING SINCE THE SURGERY.
    Thank you for your time and patience.
    Due to the nature of this article (which is very long) there may (ehem,, definetly) have been some spelling errors etc, and I shall strive to edit/correct such mistakes in due course.

    My name is Jan and I am a lasik patient who is suffering from ’’post-lasik complications’’…. even though I had the surgery more than 7 months ago.
    Immediately after the surgery, I was told by the doctor who operated on my eyes that I had some very ’’loose epithelium”, but back than I was informed that it was nothing to worry about.
    But so far, MY PRIMARY CONCERN HAS BEEN the ”PAIN” associated with my right eye, and I have been told by other doctors who examined my eyes (about 1.5-2 months) after the surgery that it is also precisely my right eye which have been OPERATED ON INCORRECTLY during the lasik-surgery (a.k.a faulty surgery or a surgical error).
    But how come the surgery ’’went wrong’’, so to say? I have been told that nowadays the flaps are made ”thinner”, which allows for faster nerve regeneration and thus recovery times after the surgery. BUT WHEN THE FLAP IS MADE TOO THIN, it can cause problems.
    And unfortunately – for me – in my case; the first eye that the lasik surgeon had operated on, a.k.a my right eye, had been done so with a slightly faulty flap (that ended up being too thin); which initially caused a corneal erosion on my right eye about 3 days after the surgery, which in turn ALMOST RESULTED IN ME LOOSING ALL OF MY EYE-SIGHT/VISION WITH MY RIGHT EYE (TEMPORARILY) UNTIL ACUTE TREATMENT AT MÖLNDAL HOSPITAL when I was back in Sweden (Gothenburg).
    …and I (and some of my doctors) believe that I have been suffering from a very mild form of recurrent epithelial erosion ever since. Mind you, besides the pain, I have also been having quite a prominet (and disturbing) feeling of having an ”eyelash” / foreign object in my right eye, which forms the basis of this post.
    PS! But whereas the eye pain tends to occur more often and is more constant, the ’’eyelash/foreign body feeling’’ has been happening more rarely over the course of these past 7(ish) months. Unfortunately, it has only gotten more obtrusively noticable (as in; I began feeling it/suffering from it more often) over the course of these last month.

    But, im getting ahead of myself. So first of all, for those of you who are uninterested in reading my entire lasik story; here is the SHORT version:

    As I stated above, it has been somewhat more than 7 months since I had the surgery.
    After all these months, my vision is now (mostly) stable and I don’t have any such problems (thank god) regarding visual acuity and/or haze, etc. I STILL DO experience some halos, starbursting (and so on) with my right eye (and sometimes -albeit not too often - slight blurriness with both my eyes), but at least they are not very noticable.
    NEVERTHELESS, after all this time, I am *STILL* suffering from **EYE PAIN** (and even a foreign body sensation in my eye). More SPECIFICALLY, it is my RIGHT eye that I am having these problems with.
    The pain isn't devastating, but its there (most of the time), is very noticable, distroughting and psychologically disturbing... and worrying.
    I am also somewhat suffering from eye fatigue and slightly fluctuating vision in addition to the pain. By ”fatigue” I mean that my eyes can feel tired, and by ’’fluctuating vision’’ I mean that some days (or even hours) I feel like my eyes are seeing slightly better, and yet other days I feel like they are seeing slightly worse..
    But nevertheless, the pain remains as my primary concern. (And unfortunately, even my left eye has started to hurt just a little, lately).
    And as I beriefly mentioned above, this pain (in my right eye) is usually (but not always) either preceeded, accompanied and/or followed by the rather discomfortable feeling of having an eye-lash in my right eye.
    So far, more than anything, the key to solving the problem has simply been to CLOSE MY EYE.
    ’’Closing my eye’’? What ever could I mean by that?
    I don’t know the medical term for it.. (occulation… something?). But basically; (and in accordance with the advice of some of my doctors) when the pain gets too noticable/intense, I close my (right) eye (by that, I mean I keep it CONSTANTLY closed for a period of time – WITH THE EXCEPTION OF WHEN I APPLY MY DAILY SALVES) for 3 to 4 days, and it usually (ALBEIT TEMPORARILY) alleviates the pain (also gets rids of the ’’foreign body sensation’’ if there was any to begin with) and solves the problem.
    Sometimes it relieves the pain for only 2-3 days, yet most other times it gets rid of the pain (or at least reduces it to more bearable/less disturbing levels) for about one to three weeks (at most),
    BUT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, closing my (right) eye ALWAYS seems to allievate the pain to some degree and helps it heal, as well......
    BUT eventually, I open my eye again (naturally) and than gradually it gets worse.... yet again... until the pain starts and becomes more noticable/severe….. than rinse & repeat. (And lately, even this solution has been rendered somewhat ”ineffective” because of my ’’left eye pain’’ while trying to hold my right eye closed).
    ** The doctor's dont know what to do. So far, they have prescribed various sorts of eye drops and a myriad of eye-gels BUT no-dice! The problem persists. **
    So.. what do I need help with? Why am I posting here?
    Well, clearly (as you would'a guessed by now), I need help with ending the pain and the discomfort associated with the symptoms mentioned above - preferably WITHOUT having to close my eye for 2-4 days every other week for the rest of my life or by pulling my eye out of its socket to make it stop hurting

    a) REDNESS = My right eye is usually more ”reddish” than my left eye, and it usually gets worse/more noticable as the day comes close to an end. But just because it sometimes has a red hue doesn’t mean that the pain always intensifies in association with that.
    b) PAIN = This is the most common symptom that I am experiencing, as well as the most disturbing one. Its also very erratic. Sometimes the pain can be worse when I wake up, YET othertimes it gets worse in the evening, or before I hit the sack late at night. The pain also varies drastically in its ”level”; meaning that – depending on several factors and conditions such as; how much sleep I have gotten and how recently I ’’kept my right eye closed’’ (as mentioned above) to how long it has been since I woke up and how diligent I have been in using my eyedrops throughout the day etcatera, the pain can be barely noticable (or non-existen) OR it can be rather powerful and disturbing.
    These last few days, I think that I have even been experiencing a little pain (feels like dryness) in my supposedly healthy left-eye, as well. But the pain/discomfort has been so vague that so far it’s been difficult to tell if I have really been experiencing any actual pain or if I was simply imagining it. Why would I suddenly start feeling a little discomfort/pain with that particular eye more than half-a-year after the surgery, anyways? Nevertheless, the feeling still persists as of today, and it also happens to be a tad bit worrisome, as well. Since having actual ”damage” in both my eyes would be devastating to my already crippled morale.
    I have never tried painkiller to reduce my eye-ache, primarily because; 1- I have read on the internet that painkillers and such drugs wouldnt help with alleviating aches associated with the cornea in any case, and 2- I have indeed been feeling eye pain (which can be very noticable and disturbing), but it has never been agonizing enough to prompt the use of a painkiller.
    c) FOREIGN BODY SENSATION = Apart from the obvious pain, I sometimes (but not always) also get a foreign body sensation in my right eye, as if I had an eyelash stuck under my eyelid on top/outermost layer of my eyeball. This unpleasent sensation is most usually located & focused under the upper lid of my right eye. This feeling – which is disturbing – usually doesnt result in pain in and out of itself, BUT if it continues for longer periods of time (like for more than 30-60 minutes or so), it can either increase my already existent eye pain/discomfort, OR it can trigger pain in my eye by itself, even if I wasn’t feeling any pain in my eye prior to that. I AM NOT SURE, but I believe that if I keep on feeling the ”painful” version of ’’eyelash feeling’’ in my eye for longer periods of time, WHEN I LOOK AT THE MIRROR CLOSELY, I can see a very, VERY TINY abnormality in the ’’light reflection’’ of my cornea, as if there was an extremly tiny ”dot/point” of irregularity on the surface of the eye. Than again, im not entirely sure of it myself. And it could just be that my mind (and paranoia) playing tricks on me.
    UPDATE: After my recent observations, I am now fairly certain that the ’’foreign body/eyelash’’ feeling in my right eye is usually followed by an irregularity on the ocular surface such as a tiny dot as I already alleged above. Nevertheless, I am also aware of the fact that logical or analytical conclusions made by an individual in the absence of truly-scientific evidence as it can be repeatedly observed by other human beings, should be taken with a grain of salt, at best. Yet, I did feel like I had to voice my thoughts about the subject, as I am getting more certain of the validity of my observations over time, and the ’’foreign body sensetion’’ problem is becoming a more serious problem as it begins to occor more and more often.
    d) DRY EYE = All of my doctors agree that I have dry eyes (been told that ESPECIALLY my right-eye has this problem), and personally I tend to agree with them. They all seem to think that getting rid of my dry eye problem would also help me get better and reduce my eye-pain, and far be it for me to disagree with them,, YET I wonder, would solely curing my ’’dry eye’’ really solve all my other problems, as well?
    e) RECURRENT CORNEAL/EPITHELIAL EROSION = This has been hesistantly-mentioned by a few of my doctors a few times. I have been told that I might indeed have a ’’very mild form’’ of recurrent corneal erosion. Perhaps this is why the accosional ’’eye patcing/closing’’ helps me so much? YET, the pain always seems to return after this ”treatment” (patching my eye)… eventually.
    f) FLUCTUATING VISUAL QUALITY = My left eye tends to see slightly better than my right eye.. NOT all the time, BUT at least some of the time…. And yet – sometimes (albeit more rarely) it can ALSO be my left eye that sees even better than the right one IF its having one of it’s ’’good eye days’’. But as I said; IT’S NOT COMMON.
    g) USUALLY, INCREASED PAIN IS ACCOMPANIED BY SLIGHTLY REDUCED VISUAL QUALITY = Most of the time (but not always) the increased pain that I feel in my right eye is accompanied by reduced visual quality with the very same eye as well (which as usual – happens to be my right eye), in the form off; ’’SLIGHTLY lesser overall-resolution’’, increased amount of starbursts and halos and such. PATCHING/CLOSING MY (right) eye gets rid of such ’’visual problems (IF there have been any at all) UNTIL such a time that the pain (and the visual problems) rear their heads again in about 3-4 days (at least) to 2-3 weeks (at most).
    So, when I have increased pain + foreign body sensation + lesser visual quality (in a few days in a row) = it is when I know that the time has come to ’’close my eye and let it rest’’.
    h) LACK OF SLEEP= Any lack of sleep also seems to be a powerful agent in very adversly effecting my condition, as sleep deprivation is usually (and almost certainly) followed by more noticable eye pain and discomfort.
    i) TOUCH-SENSITIVITY= No, I am not talking about the properties of my Ipad. As you could have probably guessed by know, my eye (more it’s cornea) is very sensitive to touch, meaning that even touching it with the tip of one of my fingers can not only cause my eye to get red, but it can also (later on) lead to the ’’foreign body sensation’’ in my eye (with very, very tiny visible traces of it which can be seen on the mirror). Thus, accidently touching my eye with the tip of an eye-dropper can effect the ocular surface very adversely, indeed.

    Now that you have a general idea about my symptoms and worries, I can tell you the hearth of the problem.
    For the last 7+ months, I have been having these issues (as mentioned above), and almost all the doctors I have visited (throughout the entirety of those 7+ months) have usually CUT MY DESCRIPTIONS SHORT (a.k.a they dont have time to/and thus dont want to LISTEN TO ME), than they proceed to use a slit lamp examination in cohesion with the use of some color-drops to examine my eye, than they notice a ’’MINOR DAMAGE IN THE FLAP’’. Afterwards they all tell me that its NOT CENTRAL, and that I can see fine (according to their tests), AND than they proceed to tell me THAT I HAVE DRY-EYE (especially in the right eye) and that is the real culprit of all my problems.
    So, they all come to the conclusion that what I should do is to have patience and to use (basically) over-the-counter eye-drops to resolve the issue (a.k.a to get rid of the pain) such as Systane Balance, etcatera. A list of all the drops and medications have been posted in chapter 30, as I previously indicated.
    YET, IN ALL THOSE 7+ MONTHS, **NONE** of those (mostly-if not all) over-the-counter eyedrops that I have been prescribed (such as Oculentum Simplex, Optive Fusion and Xanternet etc) HAVE TRULY AND HONESTLY BEEN **EFFECTIVE** in alleviating my eye pain (and the other symptoms & problems that I have mentioned) in the long run. They all still persist.
    A short list of things I have done so far that didn't help:
    *Using protective computer glassess when watching tv or using a computer
    *Patching my eye continuously for 2 weeks
    *Patching my eye for 3-4 days every clouple of weeks
    *Sleeping at least 6-8 hours a day and than still lying on the bed (with my eyes closed) up to 14 hours
    *Regularly closing and resting both my eyes for up to 10 seconds
    *Using my daily eye gels/drops 4-8 times a day (tried dozens of eye-drops – a complete list is available in Chapter 30)
    *Using an eye salve before i hit the sack
    *Avoiding smoke
    *Avoiding dust
    *Avoiding sultry air/closed spaces
    *Using an air humidifier
    *Regular doctor visits
    *Acupuncture (Naturally; NO NEEDLES IN/NEAR THE EYE)
    *Omega 7 pills
    *Flax Seed Oil pills
    *Membrasin (berry?) pills
    *Daily doze of ”Gojibär”
    *Vitamin B pills
    *How wet flannel x2 times a day for 10 mins.
    While all of the things mentioned above have been more or less helpful in reducing my pain and discomfort, NONE of them have been effective in permanently getting rid of my woes.

    I have degrees in theology and international relations, but I am no ophthalmologist. I can’t really diagnose myself, and frantically reading texts on the internet about my lasik complications can only lead to cyberchondria, if nothing else.
    Nevertheless, I would like to humbly present my own self-diagnosis here (with what little knowledge I have about the issue).
    Personally, I do believe that - besides the peripherial corneal chafe/abrasion that the doctors have been noticing on my eye in their slit-lamp examinations - I am NOT ONLY suffering from a milder form of recurrent epithelial erosion(s) (on top of that particular abrasion or elsewhere on my eye, im not sure), BUT I am ALSO (possibly) suffering from a weak/mild version of corneal neupathy (in unision with my RCE’s), and thats why regular night salves and eye drops (on their own) haven’t been able to cure me of my ailments yet. Since *IF* (that’s a rather big if) I’m already suffering from corneal neupathy, it wouldn’t be hard to imagine how a recurrent epithelial erosion could exacerbate the problem.

    So far, I have tried using the following eye gels, drops and salves:
    Optive (without preservatives)
    Optive (regular with preservatives)
    Optive Plus
    Optive Fusion
    Oculentum Simplex
    Systane Balance (without preservatives)
    Vita Pos
    Visco Tears
    + One more eyedrop whose name I cant remember
    Along with (oral) pills such as:
    Omega 7
    Flax Seed Oil

    If there are any doctors who think that they might be able to help me with my post-lasik problems,
    or any patients who had good experiences and/or results with such, please contact me!

    I will most definetly be replying to posts here.
    Let me know if you want to PM me (im new here, don't know if that is possible) or if you want; I can provide you with an email adress.
    It is very difficult to live like this.
    I haven't been able to work, OR even workout these last 8 months. My whole life is on haitus,
    and it feels like im stuck in limbo.
    Any help or assistance would be much appriciated!

  • #2
    Hi! I read your Healthboard and thank you for taking time to tell people. I think I would be with Ulf S's clinic too (we are initials here for docs, I think). He sounds wise. In London, if you want that, I guess it would be Moorfields Private to see one of the refractive surgeons who are used to managing complications. It's difficult for us to access eg scleral lenses, autologous serum, amniotic membrane patches, even in private sector, so it could be a toss-up between US's clinic and here, depending on your public subsidies. Punctal plugs are easy and some Optometrists fit them. The cyclosporine we have has preservatives unless manufacturing has been sorted out recently (Moorfields Pharmaceuticals) - you got some healing and relief when inflammation was controlled with steroids, but doctors are warning about side effects long-term. Has anyone examined you with confocal microscope - nerves, blood vessels, striae?

    Good that you know using the hookah pipe and night clubs will give you erosions (// With good maintenance and avoiding triggering problems, hopefully you will get comfortable again. Can you continue with US's clinic for support with that? It's been a very big help to us to see the same medical team regularly and made a big difference with healing and support. And also that we (daughter) can get seen as an emergency with flareups.

    Can you do voluntary work to keep busy? Would that help with sleep? Writing is so cathartic for you, do you think a therapy group would benefit you?

    Are you looking at pursuing the refractive surgeon for costs?

    Refs (USA) for info: Report a Problem with LASIK to Medwatch
    Last edited by littlemermaid; 07-Dec-2014, 04:27.
    Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


    • #3
      Hello, Littlemermaid.... or shall I say; hello again? And thank you for the prompt reply.
      Well, about taking legal action; I didn't have the surgery in Sweden. I travelled abroad to have it done. Why? Basically coz it was decidedly cheaper over there and I've had heard good things about the outcome from some people I know. In retrospect, im thinking that it was a big mistake now. A veeery big mistake. But my powers of hindsight won't save my hide, im afraid.
      And since I didn't have the surgery in Sweden, and im not a citizen of the country in which I had the surgery, ( + i dont know anything about their judiciary system etcatera) I don't quite know what sorts of legal action that I could take over the issue.
      And in either case, im incredibly exhausted after almost eight months of this ordeal, which is continuing as we,,, ehm.. ''speak''. Im so tired that all I want is help. I can pay for that help. Sure I'd love to delve into legal stuff to get some JUSTICE and payment for my continued treatment, but as I said, im too exhausted to do that right now. But if I had some brains and had the surgery in my home country, well, than it would be a different story.

      I think this is one of the reasons why I can't get any proper assistance here. Since it wasn't any of the doctors here who had originally operated on me, its somehow like they don't want to take responsibility for my issues. NOT all of them are like that, mind you. But most of'em are, anyways. There's a couple'o very caring doctors that I have met here, (one recommended the other for further help), and I have visited them on a few occasions. But even though the letter doctor is one of Sweden's best cornea-specialists, I don't think that they are used to taking care of Lasik Patients or people suffering from post-lasik complications... IMHO it's like their specialities
      lie elsewhere.
      All that being said, I would love have a very, very basic idea about the COSTs (which might change depending on the
      eventual examinations and treatment, ofcourse).

      And, I have one more question, as well.
      This... Moorfields Private that you mentioned, shall I just google'it up and send'em an email to get in touch with them.... or..... what would be your recommendation?

      Thank you again.

      PS! Regarding your question; ''Has anyone examined you with confocal microscope - nerves, blood vessels, striae?''
      Sorry, I don't know. All I know is that doctor's had told initially told me that I had some striae in the beginning after the surgery, and perhaps I heard the word repeated a few more times (at-most) by a few doctors,, but otherwise, im not sure.
      Last edited by JanT; 06-Dec-2014, 15:08.


      • #4
        Yes, just telephone or email to their website contacts and ask the cost of consultation, if that's what you want We haven't been so I don't know what I'm talking about - maybe ask here for recommendations by Personal Message. Do you think this would be a one-off consultation for advice? You are really looking for long-term support for the erosions. These days, hopefully they should be able to communicate between clinics on treatment.

        Post-surgery management is part of the cornea specialist's job, after cataract surgery, for example, and dry eye is quite likely in older patients. They manage erosions, inflammation, autoimmune, infection, viral conditions, various epithelium damage. How are you thinking this is 'not their cup of tea', as we English say? Are you still thinking US's clinic couldn't see you regularly?

        It looks to me as if cornea specialists are so mixed up with refractive surgery that they cannot judge and can only support people who are suffering. Even practising in different countries is not unusual, partly because of the way research and hospitals works. I'm sure post-lasik complications occur in Sweden, just like anywhere else.

        Do you have a therapist or counsellor? It would be normal to see someone to talk about all this and think through options. I've always chosen medics to talk to, especially if I'm paying, but some people here have done well on cognitive behaviour therapy or mindfulness techniques so that they feel better about the situation and make good plans.
        Last edited by littlemermaid; 07-Dec-2014, 03:23.
        Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


        • #5
          Thank you a so much for all your effort and suggestions! I am reading all your replies and PMs with greatest insterest. I swear that it is really, really appriciated And be sure that I am taking all of them into serious consideration.

          Alas, between our latest chats, there has been a new, and a very negative development. Every since the surgery-gone-bad itself, my eye has not been this bad in these past 8ish months. What happened? Probably a corneal erosion (No surprise, eh?), having this very strong and hellish feeling that I have something in my eye.
          BUT THIS TIME, ITS NOT THE REGULAR SORT that I've been having on and off.

          What seperates it from the previous erosions that I have had?
          2-It's persistent! It won't go away/disappear on its own (like it usually does), I have been directly suffering from it since 17:30 PM yesterday, and its still here.
          3-AND CLOSING MY EYE (while I am awake/during day-time) ONLY AGGREVATES THE PROBLEM. This is incredible and has practically never happened before. Usually, when the pain gets worse, I close my eye, use the salves on it 5 times a day (Chloromecytin), AND EVEN IF it hurts in the beginning (coz of the foreign body sensation), IT DISSIPATES OVER TIME and starts to heal/get better.
          This has been my usual get-go solution when things get bad, (as recommended even by Ulf Stenevi and his Associates) and it always worked in the end.
          BUT NOT THIS TIME.

          Yesterday, I applied the salve and afterwards kept my eye closed for approximetly 4-5 hours. And the result was almost catastrophic. While the eye was closed, my discomfort (the ''eyelash feeling'') was getting rapidly worse, and it just started hurting more and more, even though I was keeping my eye closed. My vision had also gotten noticably worse.
          And than, AFTER opening my eye; I could see a MUCH MORE VISIBLE abrasion on my eye than what I previously did before ''closing'' my eye.
          At first, I thought it was just the salve getting stuck on my cornea or something, but I soon realized that it wasn't just the salve.
          So, since for the first time keeping my eye closed gave a negative result, I decided to STOP keeping it closed, AND SURPRISINGLY (with rigorous lubrication) it gave a somewhat better result, and the abrasions on the cornea became much less visible (almost gone) when looking in the mirror (vision also got a little better in comparasion)
          The foreign body sensation also diminished a little but it STILL REMAINED.
          Than at night, I applied Vita Pos and hit the sack. In the morning the foreign body sensation was still there to a lesser extent, but there for sure. The visible cues of the erosion also were less visible.
          So this morning after waking up, I re-applied the salve and lay down for another 1.5-2 hours to let it (my eye) to heal more (DIDN'T SLEEP, just lay down)
          The result? My right eye got worse again, with a more visible mark in the mirror.
          OMG... I dunno what to do?
          Now, im feeling like gets slowly-worse if I keep my eye open, and it gets rapidly worse if I keep it closed?? I don't understand. What am I to do?

          But one thing I DO know, I KNEW THIS WAS COMING. This is the reason why I had already started posting frantically on the internet (as you have witnessed ) even almost a month before things got as bad as they are now. I knew this thing... this erosion or whatever it is - was in the making. That's why I had gone to a clinic (here in Gothenburg) and tried to tell the doctor of my woes, but as usual, he had simply dismissed me, telling me (as usual) that he thinks it'll get better in time............ But as we can all see; it didn't
          IM INCREDIBLY CONFUSED. Time around;
          -If keeping my eye closed is a bad idea,
          -And if keeping it open also makes it worse in the long run...
          what the heck am I supposed to do? ......Besides using lubricants - which seem to help but wont solve the problem on their own.

          Today is sunday, so no-dice. But tomorrow im gonna try to meet Stenevi, and if I can't get to see him, than any other doctor.. Yet, nevertheless, im still confused. Should I take anti-biotics? Should I...?
          PS! Any advice given here is going to be taken at a ''face value only'' MEANING THAT YOU ARE COMPLETLY FREE OF ANY RESPONSIBLITY WHATSOEVER TOWARDS ME AND MY CONDITION. Just need some advice, no strings attached. Im ashamed to say that im just getting so scared because of the recent developments that I don't quite know what to do anymore.
          SORRY FOR ANOTHER HUGE POST!! But just ONE more thing Unlike almost all the other doctors that I have met so far, Stenevi doesn't work at a clinic. He works at a hospital,, shall we call it a.. hmm... a huge ''state-sponsored hospital''. He is very competent and caring. But he is usually busy doing important surgeries etcatera and seems he has lots and lots of patients. So, unlike the doctors, I can't just call the private clinic which he works at and make an appointment or somehow get in touch with him personally. I WISH I COULD. But the way it looks like (not certain but fairly sure); that they (the hospital) will put me ''IN-LINE'' to meet him, which might be somewhere betwen a week and 2 months. LOL... I might as well be dead till than....
          And, besides him, I actually have no regular doctors when it comes to my eyes. There is a very kind GP that helps me and my family, but when it comes to my eyes he is clueless (as he says himself). So I have no ''regular'' doctors who help me with my eye-related issues..


          • #6
            Good luck today. Please tell us how it goes. When you are examined, try asking if Dr US is 'in the clinic later' because you were discussing further options now the regime isn't working. I did once find ours was doing student presentation rather than being helicoptered into an emergency. Check they have got and have read your Medical Records and are not 'winging it'. I've been advised by clinicians to be 'more assertive' - but how? Maybe courteous and straight questions are best. Remember to tell them exactly what it's like. He probably has someone experienced 'covering the clinic' - see if you can work out who that is and ask to see them, otherwise there's no innovation and we are eg left on unnecessary steroids another 4/5m. Sometimes these guys are very up-to-date and open-minded about new treatments because they are applying for Consultant jobs in university hospitals. Win-win.

            Sorry to be too direct with suggestions but really short of time today We do care here and we're all in the same boat. Good docs quite like it now that patients talk and help each other, I've found, because it shares their burden, subject to no damage, and they think that teamwork is better and safer. Have you read the Erosions section? There are more suggestions about protecting the eyes with glasses and masks to bring about healing. If you had a sports injury, you would be in physio and not back on the pitch until all-clear, wouldn't you?

            Hopefully, people managing RCE will reply.

            Type up your Treatment & Symptoms Diary to show docs, especially how debilitating and painful these erosions are, but make it REALLY SHORT form notes - 2 lines each event max. Plus keep all copy letters, imaging and tests in one file. It is very useful. Post-surgery management is part of the job. Judging by research interests, your case will be included in data and they can use it to track and fix these problems.

            Thank God for shared social health care. Good you have a supportive GP to talk to. Read SAAG's posts about post-LASIK!
            Last edited by littlemermaid; 09-Dec-2014, 08:15.
            Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


            • #7
              Hello again, and sorry for the late reply. I wanted to get some ''results'' first before posting anything here, so here it is :P
              You know what happened to my (right) eye during the weekend, a rather serious epithelial erosion and loss of vision in the right eye associated with heavy pain and discomfort? Well, unfortunately, I had to live with that feeling for about 2 more days. During that time, I tried to contact several clinics in Gothenburg for help, but all had refused me in one way or Another (we will come back to that in a bit).
              So anyways, that's why I had to take things in my own hands. I replaced my nightly-salve; Oculentum Simplex with Vita Pos, AND stopped using Optive Fusion and Visudrops. INSTEAD I started using Bio Tears and Systane Balance, all without any preservatives. And to top it all off, I also began applying Vigamox drops, 3 times a day. This is an antibiotic drop, the same kind that I had been issued after the initial lasik-surgery 8 months ago.
              The result?
              One day after starting to use all this new medication, and after a good long night's sleep, I woke up with new-born White and fresh ''baby eyes'' without any ''redness/soreness'' and or chafing/eyeless feeling, AND without any pain at all. I was also seeing almost better with my right eye than my left one. Incredible! IT WAS LIKE A DREAM-COME-TRUE.
              Alas, it didnt last. ALTHOUGH I DIDNT CHANGE MY NEW MEDICATION AND ITS USE AT ALL, the night of that same marvelous morning, my right eye started getting a tiny bit sore and I began feeling a tiny amount of pain, again.
              No problem, a Little sleep should solve that, right? Nope The day after, despite my continiously rigorous use of the new assortment of eyedrops and antibiotics, my eye gradually kept on getting worse, and the pain just increased.
              As I am typing this, the pain is very noticable, AND FINALLY, EVEN THE ''FOREIGN BODY SENSATION IS BACK''.
              I can also see the Visual results of my discomfort on my cornea when I look in the mirror under light, but the doctor that I visited today didn't, coz this MORNING it was nowhere near as bad as it is right now.
              Oh, yeah! That reminds me, what about seeking help and hospitals & clinics, etc?
              I am shunning away from giving any clinic or hospital names right now, so I will simply refer to them as Clinic 1, 2 etc. (I can PM with more information about them if need be).
              Clinic 1: So, I called clinic 1, and they said they had no doctors available at all to care for any patients. Doctor unavailable for such and such Days yada yada. BUT even if he WAS available, he usually tells me that I should use my regular eye drops and hopes it gets better. And when/if I tell him its NOT getting better, the answer I than get is; ''Sorry, I don't know what to do or say in that case'' a.k.a; ''I can't help you''.

              Clinic 2: Called em when I still had the serious corneal erosion: Been told of a ''3-month'' waiting-time/line to visit one of their doctors and that I should instead go to a state-sponsored hospitals for help.

              Clinic 3: So I called the Clinic 3 (I try to get to ''private'' clinics first so that I wont have to wait in line for an eternity)
              Here, they refused to book me up for any visits, and told me to go to ''main/state-sponsored hospital'' instead. My father talked to them in my stead, and he thought that he had booked a visit to them today, 14:15 PM, but when I visited the clinic earlier during the day, I was told that there had been a misunderstanding, and that no appointments had been made. The personell was kind enough to try to convince the doctor to take a Quick look at me, but after a while, they informed me that he was too busy to do even that.
              **ALSO, AT LEAST THEY WERE HONEST; And they told me that one of the reasons they don't wanna accept me is because I AM NOT ONE OF THEIR PATIENTS, I mean, I am not one of their Lasik-Patients; they are not the ones who had done the surgery on me, so they didn't want to take any responsibility for my healing whatsoever. They told me that I should go to a state-sponsored hospital to get help, as it is the only Place that really has a responsibility to help all Citizens.
              I told them that I am absolutly not pointing fingers at anyone, and totally uninterested in getting in a fight with someone. All I want is help. I can pay for it..But sadly, it was to no avail.
              Lastly they adviced me to try the ''Clinic 2'' (the one with 3+months line mentioned above) and try to get in touch with one of their doctors who also works there. Great, but i had already met that doctor 2-3 times before here at clinic 3, and he was unintersted in helping me or at-least couldn't help me. And that 3-months wait-line.. ehh..

              So, after being refused ''care'' again, I went to the ''State Sponsored hospital'', and immediately tried to Contact mister Stenevi. I have been told that he wasn't there, and they unfortunately weren't privy to any more information than that, apperantly.
              So, they shipped me off to the emergency eye care section. I met some kind nurses there, stood in line for a few hours than finally I get to meet the doctor.

              I told him all my woes without being scared and without hesitation. He was kind enough to listen to me (took like 5-10 minutes to tell Everything). He took a look at both my Eyes, slit lamp examination. Also had the ''eye sight examination'' before that at the same hospital just moments ago.

              His diagnosis?
              ''Well, your both your Eyes are doing fine and you are seeing well'', he says.
              His reply=Well, it sometimes gets better, and sometimes gets worse. Don't worry it's nothing dangerous.
              Me=Yeah, ok, BUT FOR THE ENTIRE LAST MONTH, IT HAS MOSTLY BEEN GOING DOWNWARDS. Its like 2 up 3 down, 2 up 3 down, do the math !
              He=Yeah, well, you should use some eyedrops etc for protection.
              Me=I am ALREADY using all of them all the time.
              Doctor=Oh, well, in that case....
              Doc=In that case you should just live with it.
              Me=**WHAT THE HELL???**
              Doc=Yeah, just live with it. SOMETIMES, SUCH THINGS TAKE MONTHS, OTHER TIMES YEARS TO HEAL.
              Me=Ok, so help me. Coz it hurts, I can't work because of it, and its going to get worse again, I guarantee it.
              Doc=Sorry, I can't help you.
              Doc= Sorry, I wish I could magically talk your troubles away, but I cant. You might have these (pains, vision-loss and foreign body sensation etc) for your entire Life.
              ME=Ok, than lets try punctal plugs, or bandage Contact lenses or something?
              Doctor=No, we shouldnt do that. There are Always risks associated with surgeries.
              Me=Yeah, I know im not asking for a surgery, just some punctal plugs or lenses?
              Doc=Yeah.. no. Those have risks associated with them as well.
              Than what the heck am I supposed to do? I can't live my entire Life like this.
              Doc=It might heal in some years, or maybe it will never heal and you will Always suffer from it.
              Me=SO PLEASE HELP ME!!
              Doc=Im sorry, I don't know how to help you. But I WILL Contact some upper-ups about it, BUT DONT GET YOUR HOPES UP, COZ IT WILL TAKE MONTHS FOR A REPLY AND EVEN THAN THEY PROBABLY WONT BE ABLE TO HELP YOU.
              Me=Jesus! Jesus f** Chryst!
              Doc=Yeah, sorry, can't help you.
              Am I supposed to go the the moon to get any sort of treatment at all?


              • #8
                Hello Jan,

                I am sorry for all of this.

                I remember, since you are in Sweden maybe you can look at this clinic:


                Seems like they specialized at dry eye... Maybe they more to offer!

                Wish all the best!

                Kind Regards,


                • #9
                  Jan, did the original lasik surgeon have a care plan for post-op complications after 2nd visit? was he a qualified ophthalmologist or do they normally refer their patients to cornea specialists? I am wondering what the legal position is on claiming for long-term treatment and what scans and reports might be useful, eg if it was done in UK there are solicitors specialising in post-lasik compensation (Google). Obviously loads of people here are managing difficult erosions and problems like that, Stevens-Johnson, Sjogrens, we even have children with RCE, so you will find suggestions for coping and healing. Obviously, you're in a good place here with us.
                  Last edited by littlemermaid; 12-Dec-2014, 06:52.
                  Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere

