After a long hiatus resulting from Rebecca's carelessness with the Delete button
I've finally gotten around to restarting this.
Please use discretion while posting, and please try to be as specific as possible about WHY you are recommending your doctor, e.g.
Is s/he a good listener?
Is s/he the first one who did proper dry eye diagnostic testing on you?
Is s/he skilled at diagnosing conditions often overlooked by other doctors?
Does s/he employ treatments other doctors do not offer?
Is s/he a true troubleshooter, seeking the cause(s) of the problem and treating them methodically?
Also, if when we launch Dry Eye Yellow Pages your doctor is not listed please drop us a line to make sure we have invited them AND urge your doctor to submit a directory listing. The charge is nominal, the effort required small, and the potential benefit to local patients great.

Please use discretion while posting, and please try to be as specific as possible about WHY you are recommending your doctor, e.g.
Is s/he a good listener?
Is s/he the first one who did proper dry eye diagnostic testing on you?
Is s/he skilled at diagnosing conditions often overlooked by other doctors?
Does s/he employ treatments other doctors do not offer?
Is s/he a true troubleshooter, seeking the cause(s) of the problem and treating them methodically?
Also, if when we launch Dry Eye Yellow Pages your doctor is not listed please drop us a line to make sure we have invited them AND urge your doctor to submit a directory listing. The charge is nominal, the effort required small, and the potential benefit to local patients great.