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callus from dry eyes?

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  • callus from dry eyes?

    hi all,ive recently started a antidepresant medication which has caused me dry eyes and eye pain.imipramine a tryciclic. ive also started to get little callus's on the whites of my eyes because of my eyekid constantly rubbing on my eyes,consequentley i now have yellow callus's to go with bloodshot eyes i already had. has anyone else experienced this?
    please help because i feel embarrassed to look anyone in the eye because it looks like ive been on the booze allnight.
    id appreciate any similar experiences and feedback please.
    billybob mac

  • #2
    Where is the "callous" located? It might be a pinguecula--a raised area on the white part of the eye (sclera) caused by dryness and UV light exposure. This is pretty common and doesn't usually cause problems unless it "grows" onto the cornea. But you should have an ophthalmologist check it to make sure.

    I had an actual "callous" on my sclera in the 1980's--due to rubbing of the edge of my contact lens in combination with mildly caustic feldspathic dust (workplace related). This was much more serious, because I could see by looking in the mirror that the area repelled water. The tears just beaded away from it like it was an oil spot. I had to have it surgically removed and tested. The doctor described it as a "callous" and tests showed it was benign. It wasn't "raised" or yellow like what you're describing.


