Hi everyone. I am new here. I just stumbled across this site and am so thankful for finding it. I have found lots of helpful information.
The one thing I have not found yet though is a good doctor in Frisco. At the moment I am in the hands a wonderful Dr in Brandon, Florida (Dr Haroon Ilyas MD). However My family and I are relocating to Frisco, Texas on Feb. 1st. If there is anyone who knows of a trustworthly and informative Ophthalmologist in that area please let me know. Any names would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Meela
The one thing I have not found yet though is a good doctor in Frisco. At the moment I am in the hands a wonderful Dr in Brandon, Florida (Dr Haroon Ilyas MD). However My family and I are relocating to Frisco, Texas on Feb. 1st. If there is anyone who knows of a trustworthly and informative Ophthalmologist in that area please let me know. Any names would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Meela