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Another newbie..........

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  • Another newbie..........

    Hi, my name is Deb. I suffer dry eyes too. Some days, Systane Ultra or Refresh Liguigel is an "every 15 minute" occurance for me. I suffer from headaches too, and yesterday, my sweetie asked me if I thought the headaches could be connected to the dry eyes...that's how I found this forum, a search for dry eyes + headaches. So far, the docs have found nothing to help my I thought I might persue this option. My boss, an optometrist has not helped me much with the dry eyes either. I was tested for Sicca/Sjogrens Syndrome in Feb...came back negative.

    Thanks for letting me join the group.

  • #2
    Hi Deb,
    We're glad you joined the forum too. Have you seen a doctor (or multiple docs) for a definitive diagnosis? Sometimes it's blepharitis. It can be several things so until you know more it may be harder to solve.

    One thing for sure is goggles is a big help. Panoptx, or (el cheapo) Onion goggles which are for sale on this board. Many of us use Tranquileyes at night, which is a mask to keep the eyes closed at night. Some dry eye folks have problems keeping their peepers shut all the way at night. I love my TE.

    Dwelle is a drop available only through this forum and it was out for a long time. This is a heavy duty drop and excellent for night use. You might want to try it. I have been using it periodically since 2001. I also use other drops. You might get re-tested for Sjogrens down the road in a year or two if you keep having problems like this. Sjogrens is hard to diagnose and takes about 7 years for the average diagnosis. Best of Luck, Lucy
    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen


    • #3

      This site will provide you with great info, though it could be a little overwhelming at first. It was because of this site I was able t guess at my condition, which prompted me to change Dr.s and then be told what was causing my dry eye.

      Lucy is right. You need to be told exactly what type of dry you have, that way you will be closer to creating a routine that works for you.



      • #4
        Thank you for the welcome...I will have to check on the Dwelle.

        Yes, I have seen doctors..I have my PCP, my neurologist, my sleep doctor, and my boss, who is my optometrist.Is that convient or what? He tends to ignore my dry eyes as much as possible though. He's the type, if I go to him with an idea, he poopoos me, if it's not his idea, then it's not a good one.

        My neuro diagnosed my sleep apnea, my sleep doctor tried to tell me my dryness is from sleeping with my mouth open (I also have a very dry mouth), which I find next to impossible. My mouth often times is dried shut, so I can't be sleeping with it open. My mask does not blow on my eyes, so that isn't the issue either. Along with the fact, the dry eye was going on before I had the CPAP. It's all so difficult. I have nasty headaches, well, lets just say, I have one continual headache, sensory neuropathy, along with so many intolerance's.

        I will be reading here...thanks for the welcome.


        • #5
          Aha--------a CPAP could mean you need to wear a sleeping mask at night.
          My hubby uses a CPAP, so I know how they work and if I had to use one, I'd really need a mask. The Dry Eye Shop has a new mask for CPAP users.
          Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

          The Dry Eye Queen


          • #6
            Hello Debra,

            were you tested for other autoimmine diseases? i.e Thyroid disorders. If there's any kind of history in your family, I would get this done, if only to rule it out. if you are older than 30\35 I would definetely get tested. Both under and overactive Thyroid can affect your eyes.

            Sleep Apnea and and a dry mouth are possible symptoms of Thyroid conditions also.



            • #7
              Debra, a person can have Sjogren's even with negative tests. You might want to look further into that and find a good rheumatologist to look deeper.

              Look for another eye doc. Your boss doesn't seem to take dry eyes very seriously. Check out the Plug a Doc forum or the Dry Eye Yellow Pages to find a good eye doc near you.

              Good luck!


              • #8
                Thanks everyone.

                As for my mask, it's not a mask, I have nasal pillows, and they do not release air into my eyes...I got rid of my first mask because of that issue alone.

                My thyroid numbers come back in the "normal ranges". My dad is hypo, as is one of my sons. so there is a history. I honestly think I am dealing with adrenal fatigue, but it's difficult to get docs to listen to that one.

                I am gluten intolerant, also sensory and anoxal neuropathy (testing positive for ganglioside GQB1 antibodies), the sleep apnea, gluten ataxia, and of course, arthritis.

                I was 30-35 a long time ago, my oldes is now 35.I'm 54, last week. I have heard the Sjogrens test is not always a good one...I think I am going to put a list together, go to my PCP and tell him I want these tests done, and if he doesn't want to assist me, then I will find a new doc. I love him, but I am tired of the "no searching" syndrome he seems to have.



                • #9
                  Welcome Deb, I'm new here too. I too was doing drops every 10 minutes for a period of time. Systane Ultra was one of the only that worked but I think my eyes kind of OD'ed on them and then even they quite working. My eye doctor recommended I never use bottled (preserved) eye drops more than 4 times per day. Fortunately for me Systane Ultra just came out in preservative free vials and they are working once again and fortunately I'm only needing them once every hour or so now. This is not the same as Systane preservative free even though the "active ingredients" are exactly the same as Ultra. There are ingredients in the list of non-active's including sorbitol that help with Ph balance. I called Alcon and found the only big box stores they were shipping to (a week or two ago) was Target and Walgreen's. Even the online stores did not have them at that tie.
                  Good luck!
                  "In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer"
                  -Albert Camus


                  • #10
                    If you can't eat sorbitol, would it effect your eyes if you use it...I wonder?

                    I can't eat foods with sorbitol in them. I work for an OD, and we have trial samples of these new vials in the office, he never mentioned them to me. He did tell me I can use Systane Ultra as many times a day as I want though.


                    • #11
                      Hi Debraellen,

                      I doubt there is ANY drop that ought to be used as often as "anytime you want" or "every 10 minutes". If your eyes are so dry and irritated that you "need" drops that often, I suggest you may have a serious problem you need to get treatment for.

                      Hopefully it's a temporary and treatable issue. You may need to take a few days break from contact lens wear; you may have allergies; you may have inflammation.

                      Excessive use of any drop will cause red and swollen eyes, just like when you cry, even if the drops are preservative free.

                      I have tried Systane Ultra and I agree it's pretty nice. Another nice no-preservative drop is "Eye-Cept", which are for soft contact lenses.

                      I generally use Ciba "Aquify" because I wear RGPs; and I use NutraTear when the RGPs are out.

                      I find wearing goggles or PanOptx glasses helps hold moisture around my eyes, and - maybe even more important - helps remind me to keep my fingers and eyedrops away from my eyes. My biggest dry eye improvement came when I finally got effective treatment for my nasal allergies this summer.

                      Good luck,

                      Phoenix, AZ


                      • #12
                        I do not wear contacts, never have, probably never will.

                        I do have allergies, and intolerances.

                        I wish it was temporary, but it has been going on for maybe 3 years. Not always as bad, some days are even good, but they are rare.

                        Thanks for the advice.

