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Need help!! Dry eye 6 months after lasik

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  • Need help!! Dry eye 6 months after lasik

    Hello,I am new here. I have complications from lasik I had March of 2009. I have starburts and halos at night and chronic dry that started 6 months after lasik and my eye lids like to swell up the left eye is worst. I asked the doctor why and he could not give me an answer. I asked him if it will ever go away and he said no that I don't make enough tears. He gave me restasis and I tried it with not much relief. I was only on it for 2 months. I asked if I was checked for dry prior to lasik and he said there are no good tests to check for dry eye. I asked how he knew if I had any dry issues he said he could tell by looking at my eyes.I wore contacts prior to lasik and looking back I believe I had some dry eye issues and did not know. My eyes would itch and my contacts would fall out at times but it never bothered me. I am currently with a new doctor who said he would rather do plugs instead of restasis. So I am pluged in all 4 ducts. I have a shimmer test of 5 without the plugs but my eyes still feel dry with the plugs. Sometimes they water sometime they don't. My left bothers me the most it waters but I get pains in the eye and it still feels dry. My right eye is ok. I asked the new doctor about the pain in my eye and he could not give me any answer. Not sure why it hurts when I have some tears in my eyes. I have hypothyroid and I did have that checked and my medication is right on. I was also checked for any other problems that can go along with thyroid and I am healthy. I have ruled all that out. I do have sinus issues and maybe allergies. But they never dried my eyes out in the past. This issues has caused depression and sleep issues. I am currently taking a low dose of anti depressants - helps a little. I am off work right now because of this. Does anyone have any suggestions? Am I missing something? Will it ever get better? I am going to a specialist out at the mayo clinic in Nov., this I feel is my last place for real help but all those lasik doctors stick together and won't admit it was the lasik that did this. The other two doctors I have seen keep trying to find other things to blame it on.This is so hard to deal with I have small children to care for and I was a very active person before this and now I can't seem to fine the strength to move on with my life. I am so mad and hurt that they let doctors play with eyes. This should be ban. I am having a hard time trusting doctors right now. Sorry this is so long and thanks for having a place like this to go to it really helps. If you have anything that might help please let me know or if there is a doctor in mn that I can go too?
    What I have tried:
    Restasis-2 months
    doxy-2 weeks made me sick
    plugs x 4
    gel at night
    traquileyes heat and cold
    alrex -2 wks did not help
    homeopathic drops - no help

  • #2
    The restasis took me six months to really kick in. I have weaned myself from dropping every hour and a half with OTC drops to using restasis twice a day. I am now trying to go down to only once a day with the restasis.

    I have read that it can take up to 180 days to remove the inflammation from the eye that is reducing the tear flow. You may want to try it again for a longer period - 6 month minimum. My doctor said it can even take a year.

    Reversing dry eye can be a long and tedious process, but I believe you will get to a better place. There are many suggestions on this board. Many have had wonderful success with DWELLE. I have not tried it, but think I may start using it at night.

    I also used lacriserts which really helped me over the hump with the pain and the burning. You can learn more about them, on this site. I would try the restasis again if it were me. I have avoided plugs because I was afraid to trap the inflammation on the eye and make things worse. The restasis might work better now that you have plugs because it will stay on the eye surface longer. Also, you may want to try a low dose steroid along with the restasis like Lotemax to jump-start the restasis. That combo worked well for me. I was only on the lotemax for 2 weeks, but it worked great.

    I used restasis up to 4 times a day even though I was only prescribed to do it twice a day. I felt this helped me over the hump as well. I only did this for a little while and am not advising anyone to do this.

    Don't give up. There are options out there, and you have found a great place to learn and get support.



    • #3
      Sorry to hear about your post lasik problems.

      I too had to take time off work after my lasik, ended up being 7 months off and although I'm back its still hard to function.. I feel like I'm only capable of about 10% of what I was before the lasik. I've tried plugs, doxy, all kinds of drops, warm compresses and I'm currently on Restasis. Nothing has really worked except for maybe the doxy but the doc took me off it when he put me on Restasis. Omega 3 flax and fish oils may be helping I take a lot of them.

      I think there are a few members on this board from Minnesota,, hopefully they can help you find a good doctor in your area.


      • #4
        Originally posted by angt View Post
        who said he would rather do plugs instead of restasis. So I am pluged in all 4 ducts. I have a shimmer test of 5 without the plugs but my eyes still feel dry with the plugs.
        So sorry to hear about your lasik problems i am one just like you but i had lasek.

        Can i ask you what type of shimmers test did you do? I am only asking cause i had 5-6 on the shimmers test with anaetshetic.


        • #5
          Thanks for the help. Not sure what the shimmer test was. They put drops in my eyes to numb it then did the test if that is what you mean.


          • #6

            First off, you have come to the right place. Through this board I was able to assemble a regimen that has served me well (I am post-LASIK as well).

            I would be curious to know if the thyroid med or the antidepressant you are on are hindering the production of tears. Please either Google the names of the medications you are on and include “dry eye” in the search box, or if you trust your doctor to know, ask him/her if the medications have been known to cause either dry eyes or at the very least, dry mouth. Dry mouth would signify to me that the medication has a drying effect and I would try to ditch it if that’s the case. Most certainly run the medications by the docs at the Mayo Clinic as well.

            Do you take any allergy meds?

            You asked if you were missing something and will it ever get better? I can say to you that YES IT WILL. You are pretty early out from the LASIK and still have time for healing, but you must start on a regimen now.

            I would suggest you do warm compresses 2x per day with HOT WATER on a wash cloth, not the Tranquileyes gel packs as they don’t heat up enough as far as I am concerned. After one warm compress, do Dr. Latkany’s gland expressions with a q-tip on the top and bottom lids (you can order Dr. L’s book free of charge from this site in the shop), then do one more warm compress. I apply olive oil around the eyes after that and I’m off to face the day.

            Next, you should be on supplements. What are you taking as far as omega 3’s are concerned? You may want to think about adding NAC, glucosamine chondroitin, and vitamins A, E, and C to the mix.

            Remember to drink plenty of water and avoid sugars.

            Your body can do a lot of healing on its own but it must be given the proper tools to do so. Every little bit counts right now. Try to be strict with your regimen and I believe you will see results.

            Finally, get rid of the guilt. You didn’t expect to have dry eyes after LASIK, none of us did. But we’re here now and we have to find a way to move on, WITHOUT THE GUILT!!

            - Rose


            • #7
              Thanks Rose,
              I do get dry mouth from the anti-depressant. I am currently trying to get off of it. No allergy meds even though I do have some I am pretty good about the sugar intake. I will try some of the other vitamins named. Are there any good doctors in FL? I go out there in the winter to visit family(Fort Myers). I am open to all advise the more the better. I think the guilt is the hardest thing.


              • #8
                Angt - check your private messages.

                - Rose


                • #9
                  Originally posted by angt View Post
                  Hello,I am new here. I have complications from lasik I had March of 2009. I have starburts and halos at night and chronic dry that started 6 months after lasik and my eye lids like to swell up the left eye is worst. I asked the doctor why and he could not give me an answer. I asked him if it will ever go away and he said no that I don't make enough tears. He gave me restasis and I tried it with not much relief. I was only on it for 2 months. I asked if I was checked for dry prior to lasik and he said there are no good tests to check for dry eye. I asked how he knew if I had any dry issues he said he could tell by looking at my eyes.I wore contacts prior to lasik and looking back I believe I had some dry eye issues and did not know. My eyes would itch and my contacts would fall out at times but it never bothered me. I am currently with a new doctor who said he would rather do plugs instead of restasis. So I am pluged in all 4 ducts. I have a shimmer test of 5 without the plugs but my eyes still feel dry with the plugs. Sometimes they water sometime they don't. My left bothers me the most it waters but I get pains in the eye and it still feels dry. My right eye is ok. I asked the new doctor about the pain in my eye and he could not give me any answer. Not sure why it hurts when I have some tears in my eyes. I have hypothyroid and I did have that checked and my medication is right on. I was also checked for any other problems that can go along with thyroid and I am healthy. I have ruled all that out. I do have sinus issues and maybe allergies. But they never dried my eyes out in the past. This issues has caused depression and sleep issues. I am currently taking a low dose of anti depressants - helps a little. I am off work right now because of this. Does anyone have any suggestions? Am I missing something? Will it ever get better? I am going to a specialist out at the mayo clinic in Nov., this I feel is my last place for real help but all those lasik doctors stick together and won't admit it was the lasik that did this. The other two doctors I have seen keep trying to find other things to blame it on.This is so hard to deal with I have small children to care for and I was a very active person before this and now I can't seem to fine the strength to move on with my life. I am so mad and hurt that they let doctors play with eyes. This should be ban. I am having a hard time trusting doctors right now. Sorry this is so long and thanks for having a place like this to go to it really helps. If you have anything that might help please let me know or if there is a doctor in mn that I can go too?
                  What I have tried:
                  Restasis-2 months
                  doxy-2 weeks made me sick
                  plugs x 4
                  gel at night
                  traquileyes heat and cold
                  alrex -2 wks did not help
                  homeopathic drops - no help
                  It can take 6 months of restasis use twice daily. did you need to stop use after 2 months due to complications?


                  • #10
                    The restasis made my eyes burn. It almost felt like it was drying them out more. Then the new doc I went to said once I put the plugs in I would not need the restasis. The the plugs should work and I would be back to my old self again. HA! I don't know about some of these doctors. I would be willing to do the restasis again.


                    • #11
                      dry eyes after lasik

                      I am almost 2 years out from lasik. I also have extreme dry eyes. Having all four ducts plugged did help. But, I didn't see a big jump in comfort until 13/14 months out. I eat alot of sardines/salmon. I drink organic apple cider vinegar 1-2x a day. Apparently, my biggest problem is meiobian gland dysfunction - which if I had an issue prior to lasik, I was completely unaware. So for that -it's a matter of getting the oil glands to start working. Hot compresses 2x day - rebecca's rice baggy is great for that. My advice is to get with a wholisic/naturpathic doctor. Regular eye doctors are going to steer you down the road of restasis, eye drops, antibiotics, etc. That is standard protocol. I'm just tired of that route and want to take control back. I'm tired of listening to them when I don't think they really know the damage that has been done by lasik. But, it is good for starters. Dwell and Nutratear help alot too, especially in low humidity. It takes time - especially if your body has underlying issues - longer to heal.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the info.

                        Thanks for the info. I know I just can't do the restasis I have tried and it just seems to make things worse. I have been working on a few things. I am taking lots of vitamins.


                        • #13
                          Well, you're not alone! I had my lasik done in May '09. Vision is perfect, but the dry eyes are a pain. My dry eyes aren't debilitating, but .. it's still difficulty to work in an enclosed, air conditioned office and a windy day will kill me.

                          I thought the Restasis was working well, but I'm having some issues with lid inflamation in my right eye. If I let my right eye get too dry then I get a scrape, scrape sensation when I blink. Sooooo, so very irritating !!! My lasik doc says it could be due to allergies, but duh .. give me a break - it's due to DRY EYE issues.

                          Anway, hang in there .. A lot of the suggestions here helped me through the severe dry eyes that I had after lasik. I'd say I'm now at a "moderate" dry eye ..

                          San Diego


                          • #14
                            Thanks Monica. Sorry to hear about your dry eye too. Things seem to be improving slowly. I just know it takes time. I am working on a few things to make myself more comfortable. Thanks for you message.



                            • #15

                              I also had lasek surgery and my eyes have been feeling ok over the summer i am thinking that maybe you did not feel that you had dry eye because it was summer/spring? And that is why you feel that you have dry eyes now?

                              I guess that the only thing to do is to wait and see if it goes away my lasek doc is still sying that it can take 2 years to feel better (of course nobody said anything about this before surgery)

