This text was translated from Portuguese to GOOGLE TRANSLATOR, I apologize in advance for possible errors.
Hello everyone, I'm Andre, I have been following the forum about 1 month, I have dry eye, I believe that due to LASIK surgery. Began to worsen about 8 months, going to extremes to a 4 month period. From then began a treatment with Restasis and I'm using artificial tears FRESH TEARS LIQUIGEL 8 to 12 times a day. I managed to ease the problem somewhat, especially in the morning, but at night the eye still bothers me a lot and I am in search of solution to this problem. I hope I can help on something, but apparently, it seems that here in
my country, we do not have proper techniques for treatment of dry eye.
If anyone has the same problem that I've been through these drugs and want to give any tips you can give, I appreciate. =)
symptoms: A feeling of dryness, redness, eye strain.
Drug: Restasis (fourth month of treatment), Fresh tears LIQUIGEL.
I wonder if there are more Brazilians in this forum so we can exchange information about doctors and treatments in the country.
E-mail Contact: andre.augusto.pereira @
Gostaria de saber se há mais Brasileiros nesse fórum para que possamos trocar informações sobre médicos e tratamentos no país.
E-mail para contato:
Hello everyone, I'm Andre, I have been following the forum about 1 month, I have dry eye, I believe that due to LASIK surgery. Began to worsen about 8 months, going to extremes to a 4 month period. From then began a treatment with Restasis and I'm using artificial tears FRESH TEARS LIQUIGEL 8 to 12 times a day. I managed to ease the problem somewhat, especially in the morning, but at night the eye still bothers me a lot and I am in search of solution to this problem. I hope I can help on something, but apparently, it seems that here in
my country, we do not have proper techniques for treatment of dry eye.
If anyone has the same problem that I've been through these drugs and want to give any tips you can give, I appreciate. =)
symptoms: A feeling of dryness, redness, eye strain.
Drug: Restasis (fourth month of treatment), Fresh tears LIQUIGEL.
I wonder if there are more Brazilians in this forum so we can exchange information about doctors and treatments in the country.
E-mail Contact: andre.augusto.pereira @
Gostaria de saber se há mais Brasileiros nesse fórum para que possamos trocar informações sobre médicos e tratamentos no país.
E-mail para contato: