Hi, my name is Theresa and I was diagnosed by my Opthamologist with Moderate dry eye. I am 35 year's old and feel a little depressed/discouraged about the entire situation. I have been on Thera Tears and taking my flax oil every day religiously now for over a month. I eat Salmon once a week and try to incorporate other fish into my diet praying that will help me. The symptoms have gotten worse, thus leading me to go to my Opthamologist for yet another visit. That is when she diagnosed me with moderate dry eye. She recommended I try Restasis. This is my second day on Restasis and the dry eye symptoms have gotten worse. I use the Thera Tears now more than ever. I just got off the phone with their customer service department and they are reporting that I am experiencing Ocular burning from the drops. She said if it persists to let my doctor know. She did say this was a normal side effect of the drug ( I can't see why it is supposed to help no?). Anyways, I am wondering if anyone knows how long I should give it before I call my physician and tell her this is not for me. I have done much research on dry eye, even on this site (which is great and helpful) I love it! I see that treatment options are limited, and I am young and want to avoid corneal damage. I had the option to try the plugs, but I told my Opthamologist I would give the Restasis a whirl. But just wondering how long I should give it before I give up.
P.S. I tried the Refresh Optive drops with the Restasis, big mistake. They made my symptoms even worse. I find Thera Tears to be a life saver FYI.
Looking forward to insight. Many thanks
P.S. I tried the Refresh Optive drops with the Restasis, big mistake. They made my symptoms even worse. I find Thera Tears to be a life saver FYI.
Looking forward to insight. Many thanks