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Eye Drop Solution Input Appreciated

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  • Eye Drop Solution Input Appreciated

    I'm new to this site and have read many of the posts. I haven't found my exact problem with a prior member so decided to join and open it up for your input.

    I had Lasik surgery on 01/19/06 for both eyes. I previously wore mono vision contacts for 10+ years-Lasik performed was for mono with left eye close up and right eye distance. Surgery went well -- check up next day was near 20/20. The following Tuesday (I returned to work on Monday) my vision went "blurry". I do work on a computer all day and I'm sure that has not helped. I see worse than when I had my contacts out before surgery. Yesterday my doctor took another looksee and determined that my tear production is near nothing and very low. Although I don't have the dry sensation that many of you have (and really have not had since the surgery) my eyes are apparently dry!

    I have tried every drop...Both GenTeal Moderate and Gel (yuk-didn't like the gel). Tried Refresh Liquigel and other Refresh products. Systane non-preservative and regular. Even tried the Soothe (first day was great - not so good the next) and a product called Viva made by Corneal Science. The best feeling product is something I have not seen anyone mention on this site - Similasan-Dry Eye Relief (a homeopathic product). Feels great and cooling in my eyes. My Doctor just put me on Restatis and have used it for 2 days. I have increased my Vitamin A consumption and take Fish Oil capsules. No smoking and very low caffeine. I just ordered samples of the products sold on this website today.

    Here is the matter what drop I use -- my vision is still blurry all of the time! It will be very watery at first -- when it clears -- the vision is still blurry. Have any of you experienced this and does it ever clear up? Is there any product that can help it clear up? Help! I'm so frustrated!

  • #2
    Here is the matter what drop I use -- my vision is still blurry all of the time! It will be very watery at first -- when it clears -- the vision is still blurry. Have any of you experienced this and does it ever clear up? Is there any product that can help it clear up? Help! I'm so frustrated!
    Hi Lovely Eyes:

    Sorry you are having problems, but you are only 3 weeks post op. You didn't mention your pre-op RX, but if you were high myope it is really early. Yes, we have experienced this. It is most likely to clear up, but the timeframe isn't consistent. Perhaps if you have time, you can look through some of the FAQ's of this bb, read some threads, it will give you the real picture. We are all so very different.

    Although I don't have the dry sensation that many of you have (and really have not had since the surgery) my eyes are apparently dry!
    I did not have "the feeling of dry eyes' until 1-2 months post-op. I believe that when the nerves start to reconnect is when the "feeling of pain/discomfort" becomes a problem. Soon after surgery, your nerves are "disconnected" and you may not feel the dry sensation. It is important to keep your eyes moist with drops. I love the drops mentioned on this site and trying them is a good idea.

    When you put drops in your eyes, vision becomes clear momentarily because it smooths out the rough surface of your cornea with extra moisture. Then within a minute or two, the extra liquid dissapates and you are back to your rough corneal surface and your vision becomes blurry again.

    Restasis takes weeks or months to work, so you won't know for sure if that's going to help right away. You should keep taking it if your doc advises, but people get discouraged when it doesn't help after 2 or 4 weeks. When they realize it can take longer, that seems an eternity.

    In my uneducated (but experienced with dry eyes/lasik) opinion, you are just early in the healing process. You need to keep your eyes moist, rest from the computer periodically, and perhaps use a warm, wet washcloth compress over your eyes a couple of times a day. That helps some people.
    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen


    • #3
      Originally posted by Lovely Eyes
      I had Lasik surgery on 01/19/06 for both eyes. I previously wore mono vision contacts for 10+ years-Lasik performed was for mono with left eye close up and right eye distance. Surgery went well -- check up next day was near 20/20. The following Tuesday (I returned to work on Monday) my vision went "blurry". ....Here is the matter what drop I use -- my vision is still blurry all of the time!
      Lovely Eyes,

      Welcome to Dry Eye Talk!

      You're VERY early on (only two weeks out) so it's much too early to panic about this, but I certainly understand your frustration. I have a couple of questions for you:

      - Do you know what your prescription was before surgery? If not, were you near or farsighted, any astigmatism, and was your prescription considered high?

      - When you went back and had the dry eye testing, did they re-test your vision? What were the results? "Blurry all the time" just does not seem consistent with 20/20, dry eye or no.

      - Were there any other findings in the exam? Edema, or anything else visible under the slitlamp?

      - Are both your near vision and your distance vision blurry?
      Rebecca Petris
      The Dry Eye Foundation


      • #4
        I will try to answer both of Lucy and Rebecca's questions in this post.

        My vision prior to Lasik was -50 in the left eye and a -150 in the right eye. I had a slight astigmatism in the left eye. When I asked the doctor last visit what they corrected my vision to with the surgery he in doctor terms drilled it down to a -125 in the right eye due to the finite way the computer measures from variying degrees! I can't remember what he said he put my left eye in but it definitely is my close up script.

        When he re-examined me he said that my cornea flap look great. No infections, no flaring or ruffling. It all looked good. When he did the tear test (orange paper with the special lighting) he said that my eyes looked oily and that my tears were not spreading evenly across my eyes sufficiently. He said he really feels that this is my problem and once it levels out -- I will see clearly again! Honestly...that is not comforting as I drive around town in rush hour traffic hoping I can "feel" a traffic mishap before I actually see it!! (My weird sense of humor).

        My vision in my left eye (close up work) does not seem to be as strained as the right eye. Distance objects are just darn blurry! I feel like I'm walking in one of those funny houses at the county fairs where the optical mirrors make you look and see funny!

        I have been on the Restatis for 3 days. Ever so slight change. The biggest change I have noticed is that although I'm not feeling any of the mentioned "burning" as other people have experienced with the Restatis. I HAVE noticed that several of the brand drops I tried now burn during the day when I put THEM in my eyes. I can't seem to use any of the Alcon brand drops in conjunction with the Alcon brand Restatis. The only one that is currently feeling decent is the Soothe and the homeopatheic drops - Similasan.

        As Lucy said...Pain after the nerves reconnect. I can't wait! I'm not sure how I missed knowing about all of these "after" effects of the surgery considering how much I researched the subject. In hindsight...maybe glasses weren't so bad. I get to deal with menopause AND Lasik after effects. Oh boy!

        I did try the warm compresses for the last two nights. Heavenly!
        I also bought an eye mask that has the padded cover at the bottom to keep out light and air. What a great item. Seems to keep the moisture in that I put in before lights out.


        OK...seriously...have more patience...keep using the drops (as if I could do without them) and give it more time. I never realized there were so many people that had such serious dry eye problems. I'm very thankful for this website and the input/history given here.


        • #5
          Thanks for the further information. It's giving rise to a couple more:

          During your eye examination are they able to eliminate the blur during a refraction (the test where they flip lenses around and say "better 1, better 2?)? Did the doctor say anything about under or overcorrection, that could explain some part of your blurring?

          Have you had a topography and/or wavefront scan since surgery, to identify any possible laser-related explanations for your poor vision?
          Rebecca Petris
          The Dry Eye Foundation



          • #6
            No questions asked!

            [QUOTE=Rebecca Petris]Thanks for the further information. It's giving rise to a couple more:

            During your eye examination are they able to eliminate the blur during a refraction (the test where they flip lenses around and say "better 1, better 2?)? Did the doctor say anything about under or overcorrection, that could explain some part of your blurring?

            No...the most he has done is have me cover my left or right eye and look at the letters on the wall. I'm sure they would be less likely to suggest under or overcorrection as that would admit error on their part would it not? When I suggested this "under or over" correction as part of the problem he began explaining the depth of the technology and that the measurements are so exact that there could not be an error. I'm seriously going to another doctor not associated with the Lasik clinic to get a second opinion.

            Have you had a topography and/or wavefront scan since surgery, to identify any possible laser-related explanations for your poor vision?

            Didn't know what to ask for at this point. This is all a learning experience for me. Thanks for the educated suggestion!


            • #7
              I totally agree with Rebecca, go to another Dr. to check if you are undercorrected or over corrected. I went three weeks not seeing and was told it would get better, then when I finally got tested I was overcorrected and still am!!!! Get a thorough eye exam from another dr. and you may have to do it continually for 3-6months because your eyes will continue to change but at least you can get what you need ,if you need glasses and if thats the problem you will be able to function. I was very fortunate and have a wonderful optometrist that has been seeing me for free for a year because of my problems. Have had to pay for one pair of glasses and he replaced the lenses on those once and then I bought a pair of prescription sunglasses. This may not even be your problem but its worth a shot!!!!! You have come to the right site for help... Best Of Luck Peggy


              • #8
                Originally posted by Lovely Eyes
                No...the most he has done is have me cover my left or right eye and look at the letters on the wall. I'm sure they would be less likely to suggest under or overcorrection as that would admit error on their part would it not? When I suggested this "under or over" correction as part of the problem he began explaining the depth of the technology and that the measurements are so exact that there could not be an error. I'm seriously going to another doctor not associated with the Lasik clinic to get a second opinion.
                Whoa.... something's very puzzling here.

                First of all, unless they refract you they do not KNOW whether you are under or over corrected. Secondly it is absurd to claim that the sophistication of the software means under- or over-correction does not happen. Under/overcorrection can be related to the healing response (after all it's not plastic they're lasering, it's human tissue) and the rates of under and overcorrection are thoroughly documented in the labelling of the lasers themselves. They are lowest for low myopes, certainly, but in absolute numbers the occurrence is not in the least uncommon.

                If they won't do a refraction even on request, I'd scoot on over to a second opinion in order to get better information.
                Rebecca Petris
                The Dry Eye Foundation

