I have been battling RCE for several years now...
The first big episode was about 5 years ago. It was one of the most painful things that I had experienced. My eyes were really dry when I had gone to bed after taking out my contacts. When I woke up, the pain was terrible. It took a week before I could return to work...
Two and half years went by and I had another big episode. This one was even worse than the first, but also resulted in a full week out of work. The doctor diagnosed it as RCE so I eagerly went online after I had recovered to learn more. After reading the accounts of others, I was thoroughly depressed. I realized that I had been having small erosions for a long time, but just didn't realize what they were. The first few month after this occurrance were terrible. I started putting drops in every hour on the hour...and still had painful eyes often. Sometimes the pain could be attributed to something (like a single beer the night before), and other times there was no ryhme or reason to it. At this point in time, I was keeping track of the small episodes in a calendar - it was happening at least once a week (sometime more), and occurred in both eyes (though one more prevelant than the other). I started sleeping with a humidifier every night in the dry months, putting ointment in both eyes each night year round, avoiding situations that would dehydrate me (drinking - even a single beer, smoky rooms, skiing, exercise that was dehydrating), and using drops on a frequent basis. I even started taking Omega-3's and flaxseed oil on a daily basis - I was willing to try anything that would help avoid going through this again.
My eyes seemed to stabilize after all of this. Until.....2 months ago I had another recurrence out of the blue. I thought I was just suffering from allergy eyes. Then it seemed to get worse, and I went to the doc thinking it had turned into an eye infection. Again, I was out of work for almost a week - I am seeing a trend here. This week my eyes were feeling very dry so I went back to the eye doc with the thought of preventing another episode. Unfortunately, I was too late - they discovered another small erosion.
When I asked my doctor what else I could do to prevent this from happening again, she suggested that I see the doctor in the office that specializes in cornea issues and does corneal surgeries. Before making an appointment, I wanted to do a little research to understand what options are out there, and also educate myself so I can ask the right questions. Can anyone provide any info/suggested reading? Has anyone had surgery for RCE, and was it successful. Also, how can I make sure I have a good corneal doctor?
I have been battling RCE for several years now...
The first big episode was about 5 years ago. It was one of the most painful things that I had experienced. My eyes were really dry when I had gone to bed after taking out my contacts. When I woke up, the pain was terrible. It took a week before I could return to work...
Two and half years went by and I had another big episode. This one was even worse than the first, but also resulted in a full week out of work. The doctor diagnosed it as RCE so I eagerly went online after I had recovered to learn more. After reading the accounts of others, I was thoroughly depressed. I realized that I had been having small erosions for a long time, but just didn't realize what they were. The first few month after this occurrance were terrible. I started putting drops in every hour on the hour...and still had painful eyes often. Sometimes the pain could be attributed to something (like a single beer the night before), and other times there was no ryhme or reason to it. At this point in time, I was keeping track of the small episodes in a calendar - it was happening at least once a week (sometime more), and occurred in both eyes (though one more prevelant than the other). I started sleeping with a humidifier every night in the dry months, putting ointment in both eyes each night year round, avoiding situations that would dehydrate me (drinking - even a single beer, smoky rooms, skiing, exercise that was dehydrating), and using drops on a frequent basis. I even started taking Omega-3's and flaxseed oil on a daily basis - I was willing to try anything that would help avoid going through this again.
My eyes seemed to stabilize after all of this. Until.....2 months ago I had another recurrence out of the blue. I thought I was just suffering from allergy eyes. Then it seemed to get worse, and I went to the doc thinking it had turned into an eye infection. Again, I was out of work for almost a week - I am seeing a trend here. This week my eyes were feeling very dry so I went back to the eye doc with the thought of preventing another episode. Unfortunately, I was too late - they discovered another small erosion.
When I asked my doctor what else I could do to prevent this from happening again, she suggested that I see the doctor in the office that specializes in cornea issues and does corneal surgeries. Before making an appointment, I wanted to do a little research to understand what options are out there, and also educate myself so I can ask the right questions. Can anyone provide any info/suggested reading? Has anyone had surgery for RCE, and was it successful. Also, how can I make sure I have a good corneal doctor?