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I think this site will do wonders for me

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  • I think this site will do wonders for me

    Hello... my name is Tanya. I am 29, and im obviously from texas. Ive been diagnosed with sjogrens so yay my eyes dont work. I recently purchased the goggles that seem to have great reviews. I take restasis, I have plugs, we are talking about sergically shutting them, I have learned to live like this. But every day is a struggle. I found this site and from what Ive read I feel like I am normal. (with my dry eye drama) There are days I cant drive. And when I get to work the days are getting harder and harder. I dont know how I havent gotten in an accident with driving. I am so frustrated. I am a single girl and its making my entie life hard. How do some of you work? I have become quite the shut in. Ive cancelled dates, and do not socialize like I used to. (part of that is the fatigue of the auto immune disease) I cant look at people at work sometimes, and I blame it on "allergies" I am at a job where I need to look put together every day and I am constantly fixing my make up. (I have found a really good water proof eye liner that doesnt mess when I put drops in). SO thats me. Hi

  • #2
    oh haha ps

    My eye dr has been great. After seeing 4 other drs and at the end of my rope I walked into him with a bag of every prescribed drop ever (prob 12 different things) and said."none of these work, im not leaving until i know whats wrong with me"
    Ive had eye issues about two years, but this sjogrens is newer to me.Is there anyone in the DFW area that knows any good drs either for eyes or my immune disorder. I got diagnosed by my internist who communicates with my eye dr. Im pretty freaking misrible. And I really would like to find a dr that knows a lot about whats going on. Thanks!


    • #3
      I have Sjogren's too, and have gotten lots of info and support from Dry Eye Talk and also this forum at Sjogren's World. Please join us there! There are people of all ages dealing with Sjogren's. Plus advice, humor, rants, etc.---it's Friendly, too---and you may have better luck there in finding suggestions for a knowledgeable doctor in your city.

      Also visit the Sjogren's Foundation site here. There are links to local support groups. I have attended many meetings in my city, but I still find that the forums give me the most info and support. You can ask anything at any time, and so you definitely don't feel alone!


