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Not very happy lately : (

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  • Not very happy lately : (

    Hi everyone, Im a 38 year old female living in Sunny Hot Florida. I have never had a problem with dry eyes (that I remember) until I started using contacts. I currently use Bifocal lenses, it was either bifocals or progressive glasses which did not fair well with me. It took me a month to get use to them and now I don't do well without them. The problem is after I take them out, my eyes feel scratchy and dry. So far I have used Systane, Tears Naturale Free and also Soothe. It seems that the more drops I use, the drier my eyes are. I stopped using the contacts for 3 days and the dryness actually got worst than when I had the contacts in. The optometrist says if it gets worst, I have to stop using the contacts and get on some prescripiton drugs. This is slowly becoming a big problem in my life and taking my peace away. Any advice would be helpful.

  • #2
    You need to get some professional help for your eyes. From my experience there will be no relief until you reduce the inflammation. First of all, don't use any eye drops with a preservative in them. Unfortunately most doctors recommend synthetic tears as a first line of defense. Ask most people here and they'll tell you its a losing battle, even with the non preservative ones. You are putting in man made tears into dry inflamed eyes. When I used them all I got was blurry vision, followed by maybe a few minutes of relief. And I bought the premium Bion tears and many others. Not very sustainable ! I also got a gross white powder residue on my eyelashes. See your doctor about reducing inflammation which may include Restasis, corticosteroid drops, Omega 3 supplements, etc..
    In the near term, you should get glasses that prevent wind and air conditioning from irritating your eyes. They make me feel 100% better and are great for your peace of mind while you attack the inflammation. Don't give up. I've been told that God has special courtside seats for those of us that suffered the most!

