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  • hello

    I am new to this site. I have been reading this for a few weeks and the site has given me hope as well as frightened the wits out of me! I tick quite a few dry eye boxes so it is hard to see what exactly 'caused' my case but I believe it started with 1) 20 years of soft contact lense use (started contacts 1984). Painful eye infection 2004 in left eye and told I had dry eyes in France (where I was living). Told to stop wearing lenses and given drops and gel which helped me (after an anti-inflammatory for the left eye). Unable to wear lenses again. No major problems, then increasing 'springtime' irritation in UK (where I moved back 2005). I self-medicated with eye washes (BAC!), allergy drops (BAC!), need I say more. I now know that was the worst thing to do. I kept seeing my optometrist who I have known for 30 years but no dry eye was picked up. He is a contact lense specialist and kept wanting me to try lenses again with no success!

    Thought about LASIK surgery as near-sighted (got cold feet twice) and finally had it done March 2008 'successfully'. That is the #2 dry eye box. Before the operation I pointedly asked 2 LASIK surgeons (David Gartry at Moorfields and Dr. Patel at Optimax) if my eyes were dry as that was my number one worry pre and post-surgery. They said 'not particularly'. At that time, they probably were 'not particularly'. I had a few inflammatory flare-ups for the first 3 months (left eye every time) but then it all settled down and my eyes felt better than they had done for a long time. I used Viscotears at night and hardly touched the artificial tears during the day.

    Early 2010 (2 years later) left eye seemed a bit red, used self-medication again (Golden Eye - BAC!). This helped and again, no 'dry eye' feeling just visually a bit of irritation. Then, springtime, more allergy drops, and finally a request to see an opthamologist via my optometrist. She said my left eye was very dry so FML and EXocin for 2 weeks, flare-up, then again for 4 weeks weaning my eye off it. It was like a miracle because my left eye was so red at the inner point and painful. Drops made it disappear. I thought all was well (mid June 2010), then, breast cancer diagnosis and #3 dry eye element: 3 months intensive chemotherapy (Taxol x 4, AC x 4). AC irritated the eyes with 'gritty' feeling, increasingly used drops, eyes visually ok oddly enough.

    Mid-Oct, 1 week away from last chemo and central heating goes on - bingo, left eye went crazy again. Felt very upset, extremely dry eyes, unable to go outside even due to 'air'. Was using Celluvisc before, obviously not enough. Moorfields opthamologist I randomly selected via the switchboard (Dr. Pal) told me to try HyloTear 1% and Lacrilube during pm. He said I had some dry patches on the left cornea due to dryness. He really listened to my history which I appreciated. Luckily my French health insurance covers all these costs!. Helped, but central heating a nightmare. Red eye inflames after any major exposure. I use Lacrilube at night in both along with Viscotears to sleep better.

    Got onion goggles during the day (home only) and sport wraparound glasses for every day. However, my eyes do not feel comfortable. Minims drops (Prednisolone) prescribed for inflammation 1% and did nothing for me. Another opthamologist (via GP) told me to just drop using them as they were ineffective in my case. I need to 'lubricate' like crazy. This same 'other' opthamologist asked me to dry HyloCare with dexpanthenol for healing as it was a 'new' product. It has irritated my eyes so does not seem to work for me. I tested this by waiting for 3 days for my eyes to settle (very irritated with all the staining exams they do) I then used Hylotear, and 1 drop of Hylocare made my eyes feel dry and look irritated. Anyone else have this with dexp? Issue #4 ladies, I now have to deal with an enforced menopause so hormones are now not helping!

    Does anyone out there have any post-chemo stories ? Right now I am sticking to Hylotears 1% although I do not feel they 'stick' enough to my eye. Every hour but looking at my watch to wait for the next drop . . . Tried Clinitas Soothe but not sure if it is for me. I find Viscotears great, even during the day, but I have to keep cleaning my lashes. I do not seem to have a MGD problem. I lost all my eyelashes with chemo so my eyes have been totally exposed to 'the elements' too. Hoping things will get a bit better . . . My eyes and body have taken a real beating,
    post-chemo lady.

  • #2
    Just reaching out to say "Welcome!" and good luck with everything. It sounds like you have been through an awful lot, and while I have been through what seems very little compared to you, I know about the depression and anxiety that comes with figuring out how to get your eyes looking, feeling, and behaving better. It's a day-in day-out battle and with all of us listening to one another and offering advice, it will help. Keep us posted - I'm sure lots of advice will be coming your way. Best wishes!


    • #3
      ideas of dry corneal patches and night treatment?

      Thanks for your welcoming message! That was very kind. I am very confused about the Lacrilube ointment. In the UK it is preservative free. I found it irritating at first, but when I didn't use it, my left eye was horribly dry on waking (I use Viscotears as well as the Lacrilube). I was told by 2 opthamologists that I had dry spots on my cornea (left eye) and that the Lacrilube would help heal these. I really do not know if I am blocking the glands etc. but the Moorfields man told me I did not have a meiobian gland problem . . . Having read the Dry Eye for dummies a few minutes ago, I seem to have a combination of everything though. Evaporation (dry eye issues in heated or AC environments), low tears (confirmed by opthamolog.), and mucous layers are always disrupted by chemotherapy drugs. Not sure where to begin! Will investigate night goggles from USA after the New Year, but if I stop the ointment, will the corneal dry patches be unable to heal? That is of great concern to me. Any ideas anyone? Thanks,


      • #4
        Hmm...about the stings me too and I have trouble using it. Same with the genteal gel. However, I find that sometimes I CAN use them both, usually if my eyes feel good. So it might be time to try them only when your eyes feel their best, if that makes sense.

        Also, have you tried using some tape or some saran wrap at night time to keep your eyes shut? Glad press n seal works the best for me at night. I use this with Theratears Gel at night and a flat soft sleepmask over it.

        As far as your lashes go, would fake lashes work do you think? You could put them on in the morning, get really soft ones, and maybe see if your eyes feel better (if the lashes keep debris out of your eyes)


        • #5
          RE: gel/ointment

          I've had dry eyes for 15 years and tried all the nightime gels and ointments including lacrilube. I can't tolerate any of them...

          After joining DEZ, I heard about Muro 128 but I thought it was prescription and I figured that one of my doctors over all these years and TONS of appointments would have prescribed it to me if it had a chance to help... none of them ever mentioned it!

          Well, Muro 128 isn't a prescription ointment (it's behind the counter tho) and I finally took the advice of someone here on DEZ and tried it for nighttime when my eyes get really dry. My eyes are fine with it!


          • #6
            Clinitas Ultra 3 (UK) same as USA Dwelle??

            My eyes got better on Xmas Day (!) but are nowhere near normal. Travelled on a hot airplane for 2 hours and wore wraparound clear glasses and my chemo scarf pulled over the top! Luckily my kids were sitting in separate seats. Kept dosing with Viscotears (helps seal my eye from airplane air I find). Was in mountain air (clear and cold) but as I was wearing goggles for 6 hours a day (so nice to wear them without looking weird!) my eyes were even able to tolerate the centrally heated base afterwards. Still using HyloForte, HyloCare, and HyloTear during the day. Had painful left eye flare-up 4 days later though, very red and swollen near tear duct towards cornea. Ouch. Luckily was 24 hours and after major dosing and Viscotears, the next day I was okay. THis happens a lot. Anyone out there who gets these 'flare-ups' so frequently? Trying punctal plugs in 10 days (silicone). Hope they help. Rebecca, you mentioned in another post that Dwelle and Clinitas Ultra 3 are the same exact drop barring Amisol Clear. Is that correct? Would you advise trying Clinitas Ultra 3 here in UK to see if Dwelle would be suitable via the USA? Also, what makes Dwelle so unique and would you recommend it over FreshKote? From what my google searching tells me, FreshKote is made in UK as Cllinitas Ultra 3 or is that incorrect? Thanks, chemolady.


            • #7
              Hi there and welcome. Wow, you really got clobbered by a multiplicity of dry eye causes! I'm sorry to hear that.

              Originally posted by postchemo1 View Post
              Rebecca, you mentioned in another post that Dwelle and Clinitas Ultra 3 are the same exact drop barring Amisol Clear. Is that correct? Would you advise trying Clinitas Ultra 3 here in UK to see if Dwelle would be suitable via the USA? Also, what makes Dwelle so unique and would you recommend it over FreshKote? From what my google searching tells me, FreshKote is made in UK as Cllinitas Ultra 3 or is that incorrect? Thanks, chemolady.
              That's correct: Freshkote = Clinitas Ultra 3 = Dwelle + Amisol Clear. I wouldn't necessarily recommend Dwelle over Freshkote/Clinitas Ultra 3 unless you don't get significant relief from the latter. From what I've observed of Dr. Holly's Drops over the years it's really down to personal experience which of them will do best for someone. Just have a personal bias because of which one was best for me. As a matter of fact I used to prefer Dakrina (Dwelle plus vitamin A) over the others but it's no longer being made, sad to say.

              p.s. Good luck with the plugs - let us know how it goes!
              Rebecca Petris
              The Dry Eye Foundation


              • #8
                Vitamin B and 'dexpanthenol'

                Thank you for the clarification Rebecca and to the general advice re. nighttime and dry eyes. My eyes feel a lot better and look un-inflamed at the moment. I have managed to use the Hylo-Care regularly which has dexpanthenol in it. The is supposed to aid natural healing and regeneration of corneal and conjuntival epithelia. It stung at first, but now I find it tolerable. Any ideas re. its effectiveness? Does anybody else have any knowledge or experience re. Vit. B in eye drops and/or dexpanthenol specifically? It may be a 'European' thing versus a USA thing. I noticed that Bausch and Laumb does something called Corneregal which is a gel (European website). A french website has a gel for nighttime (cornea) with Vitamin B12 so obviously it is out there. Vitamin A is something that other people have mentioned in eyedrops as Rebecca mentioned but this is V. B! It is pouring with rain in London so high humidity probably helping my eyes . . . managing to drop less, but not complacent as my left eye always feels 'there' . . . Will update re. punctum plugs once the time comes next week. Thanks, chemolady


                • #9
                  punctal plugs not done

                  I went to see the opthamologist with the intention of trying plugs. I told him that my eyes felt much better and on examination it seems that the epithelium 'holes' had gone! I assume that is why my eyes have been able to take the central heating without any problem. I was very, very pleased. He did not believe it was worth putting in plugs at this time and we agreed to see each other again in a few months (allergy season). Having said that, I went to the cinema yesterday evening and managed to watch an evening film without difficulty, but felt my eyes were quite irritated today as a result. They also feel 'drier'. Something to do with the way the vents work in the cinema . . . I was disappointed in that I believed I had 'turned a corner' but I realise that this is an ongoing problem and will not magically 'disappear' overnight. Will be collecting the simple night goggles this week and I am curious to see if they work out for me although I have been waking up with relatively comfortable eyes compared to before. I really do not know what 'healed' my eyes and neither does the opthamologist. Lacrilube night use? The Vitamin B eye drop? I am tempted to think the latter as its function is listed as 'renewal of the epithelium and conjunctival tissues'. The stinging is worth it! I have also not yet tried the Clinitas Ultra product which is almost identical to Dwelle. The optham. thought it best for me to not put too many products in my eyes if I am currently experiencing improvement. One frightening thing on the horizon is a 10 hour airplane trip! Will probably have to use moisture goggles on that one and deal with some stares . . . Any views on the healing? Thanks, chemolady.


                  • #10
                    night goggles excellent

                    Originally posted by postchemo1 View Post
                    I went to see the opthamologist with the intention of trying plugs. I told him that my eyes felt much better and on examination it seems that the epithelium 'holes' had gone! I assume that is why my eyes have been able to take the central heating without any problem. I was very, very pleased. He did not believe it was worth putting in plugs at this time and we agreed to see each other again in a few months (allergy season). Having said that, I went to the cinema yesterday evening and managed to watch an evening film without difficulty, but felt my eyes were quite irritated today as a result. They also feel 'drier'. Something to do with the way the vents work in the cinema . . . I was disappointed in that I believed I had 'turned a corner' but I realise that this is an ongoing problem and will not magically 'disappear' overnight. Will be collecting the simple night goggles this week and I am curious to see if they work out for me although I have been waking up with relatively comfortable eyes compared to before. I really do not know what 'healed' my eyes and neither does the opthamologist. Lacrilube night use? The Vitamin B eye drop? I am tempted to think the latter as its function is listed as 'renewal of the epithelium and conjunctival tissues'. The stinging is worth it! I have also not yet tried the Clinitas Ultra product which is almost identical to Dwelle. The optham. thought it best for me to not put too many products in my eyes if I am currently experiencing improvement. One frightening thing on the horizon is a 10 hour airplane trip! Will probably have to use moisture goggles on that one and deal with some stares . . . Any views on the healing? Thanks, chemolady.
                    Hello again. I received Rebecca's night goggles (simple ones) and find them very, very helpful. I now realise that night dryness was a big problem for me, making me much more vulnerable during the day. When the goggles stay on (!) they mean I wake up with relatively comfortable eyes. I have stopped using the UK Lacrilube as a result, and just use Viscotears, then the goggles. Thanks very much Rebecca. Chemolady

