I've been posting and lurking for quite a while, but never actually introduced myself. I'm a 26 year old female living in New Hampshrie. I've always had a pingeucula that would occasionally get inflamed and need steroids (alrex) for a week or so to get it back to normal, and that was it.
The last few years I started getting a lot more redness and was diagnosed with dry eye - aqueous deficiency and unstable tear film. Artificial tears a few times a day seemed to work just fine.
Then, this summer, I started having ALOT of red conjunctivitis when I started working at a vet clinic. I have never had allergies to my knowledge, but my eye doctor has always thought there was an allergy component. He also ran TONS of tests to autoimmune diseases, and I saw a rheumatologist to rule out anything. Only thing of significance was 1 ANA test out of 3 was slightly weak positive, speckled. Rheumatologist ran it again on 2 other occasions and he believed it to be a false negative.
So, back to the eye doctor because I soon therafter began getting TERRIBLE attacks of bloodshot, ITCHY, burning eyes. The itch was unbearable. The allergies had reared their ugly head, I suppos. Stayed on Pataday, and went to the allergist, where I tested positive for allergies to dust, molds (year round) and tons of weeds, trees, dustmites, horses (whom I ride daily).
My eye doctor said that since he has seen no evidence of me being a steroid responder in the past, that he thought I should go on Alrex 1x a day for a few months to get the inflammation under control. I resisted, so he gave me Restasis to try instead, thinking it might help the allergy attacks. I tried it twice and had an absolute TERRIBLE reaction to it.
So, yesterday I called and got the order for Alrex. I'm depressed, and I'm at the end of my rope.
I'm unable to engage in social activities, I don't go out at night with my husband, I'm constantly checking my eyes in the mirror, finding them disgusting and bloodshot. I stopped taking my weekly riding lessons with my trainer because I can now only ride with ridiculous goggles on and I'm embarrased about that. I have missed out this entire summer and so far this winter in trail hikes with my dogs, and other fun things. I am thoroughly depressed at this point.
I don't want to stay on a steroid for long at all, no matter how "soft" it is and "safe" my doctor thinks it might be. But at this point, I am missing out on my life. I'm anxious and depressed and angry. I've tried all the allergy cures, bedding, air purifiers, nasal cleansers, I'm on Allegra daily, and nothing works.
I guess I just needed to talk it out to people who understand. Thanks guys.
I guess I should add my routine currently is:
Pataday 1 drop am
Alrex 1 drop am
PF theratears all day long, and gel of some sort with a mask at night
Ocusoft cleanser in the shower
cold compresses
Dwelle 2-4 times a day
Allegra 180 mg 1x a day
Natural remedy for allergies
Fish/Flax Oils and Vit d and Probiotic