Hi all,
First post
I came across this forum a couple of days ago when Googling for Cold Compress solutions. I have been diagnosed with Blepharitis and Ocular Rosacea. I'm not convinced about either diagnosis, especially the latter.
My problems began a few years ago when I developed very watery eyes. It's possible that this came about from a situation a few years before that, when I woke up on holiday with inflammation on my eye, yes on my eyeball, which I was told was Conjunctivitus.
I visited the Opthamologist at the hospital who sent me to have my tear ducts flushed to investigate any potential blockage. After this, they were convinced this was the case and I was told that an operation was the best option but to carefully consider whether this was what I wanted to do.
My eyes actually improved for quite a while but the excess tearing did come back so I sought out the opinion of another clinic. His opinion was that my tear ducts were not blocked as my tearing is not constant. It comes and goes. He put me on Doxycycline, FML drops and told me to do hot compresses and lid massage. I didn't do the last two but the antib's and the drops helped enormously. They pretty much cleared up my problem overnight. Until I had to stop taking them. It came back again, pretty much the same as before. I also developed itchy lower eyelid margins and irritated bloodshot eyes. One evening my left lower lid inflamed quite dramatically. I looked like I'd been in a boxing match. I have no idea what caused it but it has happened a handful of times since. I also now have what I would consider to be permanent bags under my eyes and it has affected my self confidence massively. I work in job where I have to permanently interact with people on a face to face basis which can be very difficult if you look like you haven't slept in a month.
So, I decided to try to warm compresses. A warm flannel was a (dripping) disaster but then I found the EyeBag which I have found to be great. Sometimes the itching is so bad it drives me insane but it goes away with ten minutes use. It's very relaxing as well and its now a part of my daily routine. I do it once in the morning and once in the evening after work. I used to also use a medicated wipe, but I am convinced that caused one of my flare ups so I've gone to gently cleaning my eyelids with warm water and a cotton bud. It's a no chemical approach. I have also tried to improve my diet. I didn't know what fruit was at one point I ate far too many sweets and coffee but have pretty much cut those out completely. Had one cup of coffee (which was bought for me) in about two months. I only drink green tea or fruit juice now.
Before posting, I did a bit of poking about here and read that the heat from the warm compresses can actually make the swelling worse. So I'm now on the hunt for a reusable cold compress. It's amazing how poorly stocked most of the pharmacies here are. I will probably end up getting something online but I would rather get hands on with these things first.
Anyway, I've rambled on enough. Kudos if you managed to get this far.
First post
I came across this forum a couple of days ago when Googling for Cold Compress solutions. I have been diagnosed with Blepharitis and Ocular Rosacea. I'm not convinced about either diagnosis, especially the latter.
My problems began a few years ago when I developed very watery eyes. It's possible that this came about from a situation a few years before that, when I woke up on holiday with inflammation on my eye, yes on my eyeball, which I was told was Conjunctivitus.
I visited the Opthamologist at the hospital who sent me to have my tear ducts flushed to investigate any potential blockage. After this, they were convinced this was the case and I was told that an operation was the best option but to carefully consider whether this was what I wanted to do.
My eyes actually improved for quite a while but the excess tearing did come back so I sought out the opinion of another clinic. His opinion was that my tear ducts were not blocked as my tearing is not constant. It comes and goes. He put me on Doxycycline, FML drops and told me to do hot compresses and lid massage. I didn't do the last two but the antib's and the drops helped enormously. They pretty much cleared up my problem overnight. Until I had to stop taking them. It came back again, pretty much the same as before. I also developed itchy lower eyelid margins and irritated bloodshot eyes. One evening my left lower lid inflamed quite dramatically. I looked like I'd been in a boxing match. I have no idea what caused it but it has happened a handful of times since. I also now have what I would consider to be permanent bags under my eyes and it has affected my self confidence massively. I work in job where I have to permanently interact with people on a face to face basis which can be very difficult if you look like you haven't slept in a month.
So, I decided to try to warm compresses. A warm flannel was a (dripping) disaster but then I found the EyeBag which I have found to be great. Sometimes the itching is so bad it drives me insane but it goes away with ten minutes use. It's very relaxing as well and its now a part of my daily routine. I do it once in the morning and once in the evening after work. I used to also use a medicated wipe, but I am convinced that caused one of my flare ups so I've gone to gently cleaning my eyelids with warm water and a cotton bud. It's a no chemical approach. I have also tried to improve my diet. I didn't know what fruit was at one point I ate far too many sweets and coffee but have pretty much cut those out completely. Had one cup of coffee (which was bought for me) in about two months. I only drink green tea or fruit juice now.
Before posting, I did a bit of poking about here and read that the heat from the warm compresses can actually make the swelling worse. So I'm now on the hunt for a reusable cold compress. It's amazing how poorly stocked most of the pharmacies here are. I will probably end up getting something online but I would rather get hands on with these things first.
Anyway, I've rambled on enough. Kudos if you managed to get this far.