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dry eyes 5 weeks post lasik normal?

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  • dry eyes 5 weeks post lasik normal?

    I am now 5 weeks post lasik and still suffering from dry, burning eyes. I went to my surgeon three days ago. He put in lower plugs and put me back on Lotamax for two weeks. He did a tbut test and said it was about 10 seconds. I am 37 and was never diagnosed with dry eye, but I think I may have had issues because contacts would become uncomfortable as the day wore on. My surgeon says my eyes will heal and this is not permanent. I, however, am terrified it is. I suffer from deppression and now it has gotten worse. I am constantly anxious and can not sleep very well. I just need some hope, advice, support. I feel like I am doomed to be the 1 out of 5.
    Please help
    Lasik victim 2012

  • #2
    Please try to relax and not stress, making your depression worse, makes your eyes worse - take it day by day - feeling anxious and not sleeping ( I have been there) dosent help you heal. I know its easy to say and hard to do, but there is hope give your eyes a chance.


    • #3
      Hi jaxBit,

      At five weeks you are very early in the healing process. A great deal of healing happens in the next few months.

      I am 9 months post lasik and I can tell that I have healed a great deal from the 5 weeks post op. I still have dry eyes and discomfort, but I feel much better than I did at two months post op. I too felt very traumatized after my lasik surgery. Connecting with others on DEZ has been a great source of support.

      It is really important for you not to stress out over it all. I know it sounds impossible. Here is what I have found to be helpful: listening to meditation CDs, practicing belly breathing, singing (or playing an instrument, if that is something you enjoyed before), watching funny movies. Take this time to really pamper yourself. Get a massage, go for a run, take naps, listen to audio books (if eyes are to sore to read). Do the things that you enjoy doing and live in the moment. . . You can't control tomorrow. I really do believe that our eyes feel better when we feel relaxed.

      Fear is a big block to healing. Joy, fun, love all help with the healing process. Think of the fun things you are doing as a medicine for your recovery Medicine does not only come from a doctor's prescription pad.

      Continue to ask questions. I wouldn't spend too much time reading the stories here. It is sufficient for you to know that many have experienced fear and despair in the early months. You will not always feel this way. Do all that you can to enjoy the moment. . . one moment at a time.


      • #4

        5 weeks is way early and I am surprised your having such a rough ride with a TBUT of 10 seconds, that's pretty close to normal.

        Here is my advice. I am 5 months post LASIK, but don't let that mess with you. Your not me!

        1) Read the sections in here on pain mgmt.
        2) I got depressed the same time you did. Don't panic, but take it seriously and get on top of it. What your feeling is normal, but a shock to the system. So talk to your regular doctor and get a handle on the anxiety and depression quickly.
        3) If your TBUT really is 10 seconds, then you may have a problem with your meibian glands (I am sure I spelled that wrong). Here is what can happen. There is natural bacteria on your lids near the lashes and sometimes the bacteria becomes less normal and creates what feels like tiny soap bubbles that can create the burning. This is what my doctor explained to me. So try doing a warm compress for like 5 minutes and then scrub your lids lightly with ocusoft (over the counter and simple).
        4) run a humidifier at night in your bedroom and during the day when working if you can. Moisture is very helpful.

        Lastly, don't go crazy googling LASIK dry eye. Trust me, there is no real good news and too many bad stories. DO use this forum for help, advice, etc. People here are here to help.

        I also got a second opinion about 5 weeks into it. I just wanted an independent validation of what was going on. You may want to consider that as well.

        As hopefule2 mentioned try not to stress about it. I know that is practically impossible. The healing process can be long (unfortunately) so time is on your side.

        Hope this helps (even a little bit).



        • #5
          Thank you guys so much for your support and advice. I am not doing well handling the stress of this. I am going to make an appointment with another doc this week. I like the idea of getting someone else to take a look at my eyes. Again, thank you so much for responding. My husband has been very supportive, but he just does not understand the pain and discomfort. I am so glad I found this site.
          Lasik victim 2012


          • #6
            Everyone's eyes heal at a different rate. It's a bit of a roller coaster ride my eyes were fine the first month then got really bad improved a lot then went into a major downhill dip just in time for x'mas and the last couple of weeks they have been quite good. This all in the space of 6 1/2 months since I had LASIK last year. Just monitor your eyes regularly and don't do what I did a couple of months ago when my eyes were good and I thought I had this dry eye thing beat. I became very complacent not taking my drops when I should, not giving my eyes regular breaks and my dry eye came back with a vengeance. Also agree with tommyboy about being careful what you read, I read lots of LASIK horror stories at first and ended up having panic attacks. Hope everything works out for you.


            • #7
              Thanks robster, I am actually having a decent eye day today (drops only every 30 minutes to an hour). It could be the humidity today, 90%! However, yesterday was a beat down. So I guess it will be a roller coaster. I have already had my share of panic attacks looking up LASIK stories on the Internet. I will not be doing that anymore. I ordered a pair of onion googles to see if they will help me make it through the work day. Thanks for responding.
              Lasik victim 2012


              • #8
                Hello jax8it,
                I feel for you as I have been there too. Take it one day at a time and be good to yourself. I found connecting with others who had gone through what I was a huge help. Being proactive was good too, seeking answers and help. It was better then hearing oh just a year, that made me crazy.
                Everything you are feeling is normal and don't let anyone tell you different. Your reactions are all valid, this is your sight and you paid for this treatment so freaking out is allowed.
                Try to remain positive and like I said, seek answers and help for yourself in whatever form you need.
                Hang in there,


                • #9
                  Thank you fiddle. I have never in my life felt more despair and regret, all over a five minute procedure.
                  I am sitting next to a humidifier and applying cold compresses to my eyes as my husband and son are at a hockey game. Aint life grand? Does this get any better or do people learn to cope with it? I know I am still early in this screwed up healing process, but this just down right sucks. I am venting...... I hope I get my googels soon. Maybe they will help me escape the house!
                  Lasik victim 2012


                  • #10
                    It does get better for sure and venting is part of the process I found. I think it's exactly as you said, you learn to cope, the eyes will and do improve for sure so take comfort in that. I went through exactly what you are and came out the other side. It takes time for the eyes to heal. My lasik company made it sound like it was no different then getting my eye brows waxed but when I had problems after they said, well it's a surgery you know! All that you're feeling is normal, the range and roller coaster of emotions and there will be good days and bad. This forum is a great place to vent and learn from others so long in as you need to.


                    • #11

                      5 weeks is nothing and you are in the infancy of the healing process. I am a severe dry eye sufferer from Lasik but had hyperopia of +6 preop with -2.75 diopters of asitigmatism, so I had the Full Monte.

                      My TBUT is about 1/2 sec at 10 months so you are doing fine. If you are 1 sec, odds are high it will even out. You have come to the right place. It's likely in a few months we will never hear from you again as you will be fine. Post Lasik dryness is common and usually dissipates as the nerves heal and begin to produce normal tear production.

                      Get a cool pair of Oakley Blades and relax.


                      • #12
                        Hello MikeM,

                        I sure do hope you are right! Some days I feel like my eyes are doing better and I get excited. Then the next day my eyes feel like poopoo?!? This is some stress.... The onion goggles do help a lot. I am a high school teacher and wearing them to school is embarrassing. But,, it is what it is.
                        Thank you for responding.
                        Btw, Do you know how many drops I should use each day. I read somewhere I could over use the drops?
                        Lasik victim 2012


                        • #13
                          As long as they are preservative free drops then you can use them as much as you need to. The other day my eyes were horrendously dry and I was putting in drops every 10 minutes or so all day!

                          Mike you have a 1/2 sec TBUT I've never heard of a TBUT that low before. I thought mine was bad at 4-5 seconds, hope things improve for both of you.

