I have SS and extremely dry eyes and getting worse. One is blurry all the time. Nothing seems to help. Any suggestions. I feel like I am going crazy. Do moisture goggles help?
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Hi giraffes1703,
If your eyes are blurry, you may be suffering from corneal abrasions/erosions. Have you seen an opthamologist? My DES started about 2 years ago and has been gotten progressively worse. My right eye is now constantly blurry. I have been diagnosed with recurrent corneal erosions caused by the dry eye and a condition called map dot dystrophy. There are so many causes for dry eye that it is important to try and find out what the cause is. Even then, it seems as though there is no one treatment that works for everyone. I am having laser surgery in a couple of weeks. It won't cure the dry eye and I may still have episodes from tie to time, but I shouldn't have the constant blurriness. That being said, I think the one thing that has given me the most relief from the dry eye is wearing the tranquileye moisture goggles to bed everynight. There is info on this sight. My eyes feel almost normal when I wake up in the morning. Before going to bed, I put in either genteal gel, muro 128 or theratears ointment, depending upon what is going on with my eyes at the time. Before trying anything, I always cleared it with my opthamologist. Good luck!
HI giraffes1703: I also have SS and my moisture chamber goggles (mine are WileyX) have been a Godsend. I have 2 pairs one for outside (very dark) and a pair of varigrays for night driving or walking at night or day use if need be outside (not really dark enough). I recommend if you get any goggle to try them on first to make sure they fit your face as a good seal is important.
Have you tried punctual plugs or autologous eye serum. All of the above have helped me a LOT and last checkup my corneas were perfect - first time ever, yay! I also use Restasis and copious amounts of non preserved eye drops (systane ultra) during the day and put drops in at night if I wake up. I am in the process of acquiring some Onyx goggles for nighttime in the hopes that I don't need to wake up to do the drop thing in the night.
Thanks for the encouragement. I used to love reading and taught computers. I so miss doing these things! Now I struggle to do either. I am seeing the corneal specialist this week for some plugs. I am trying to get some of those goggles but I live in Australia so its hard to find these things here. It feels so overwelming and I just want my old seeing life back! My GP suggested the humidifier on a CPAP machine but it didn't seem to help either.
If you use a CPCP machine giraffes there are some things you should be aware of. This link about covers it all...hope this helps
Regarding glasses in Australia I live in Canada but bought my Wiley's online from the US. They are available at this site (Dry Eye Zone) but not sure with prescription lenses. I got mine at http://www.safevision.net/
They were very good to deal with. I paid for about 7 frames of different makes and models which they sent (will cost you shipping charges). I tried them all on and only 2 fit my face. I then sent them all back and they refunded my money and made the glasses for the frames which I had chosen. They can make a very dark prescription lens which is what I need. They are progressive but not great for reading as there is some distortion due to the wrap around glass (my astigmatism might make it worse). They are good enough to read a menu or map or whatever but not good enough for computer use or reading a novel. If you can't find them in Australia I recommend you try these guys or Dry Eye Zone if you don't need a prescription. Hope this helps as well...cheers...F/G