I have had minor dry eye for several years now, compounded by four pinguecula lesions (two on each eye). September 2011 I made the decision to have surgery to remove the two pinguecula on my left eye, as they were particularly bothersome. It seems that pinguecula can make the eye feel dryer, and dry eye irritates pinguecula, so it was a losing battle, despite using eyedrops constantly. I do wish that one of my eye doctors had offered me punctal plugs, because it might have been enough for me to avoid the surgery.
The surgery I had left me with more problems than before. High eye pressure caused a partial loss in my peripheral vision. More disturbingly, iris ischemia (lack of blood flow to the iris), resulted in permanent iris atrophy. So I am left with a permanently dilated pupil of an irregular shape in my left eye, making it difficult to see in bright conditions. Also, my dry eye is much worse than before, despite having permanent punctal plugs placed, and my vision is very blurry as a result. I wish I had never had the surgery.
The surgery I had left me with more problems than before. High eye pressure caused a partial loss in my peripheral vision. More disturbingly, iris ischemia (lack of blood flow to the iris), resulted in permanent iris atrophy. So I am left with a permanently dilated pupil of an irregular shape in my left eye, making it difficult to see in bright conditions. Also, my dry eye is much worse than before, despite having permanent punctal plugs placed, and my vision is very blurry as a result. I wish I had never had the surgery.