Hi my name is Paula and I had RK surgery in 1994. My eyes regressed throughout the years, but I was always able to wear glasses and contacts. In the last six months, I developed severe dry eye on top of the rk scarring and my cornea is so irregular it is a mess. I never realized how much damage was done until I went to a cornea specialist in sept. this year. Ever since I have been so depressed I can barely function. He put in plugs and they came out within days. After having been to my dr. of optometry, and being fitted with all shapes and forms of contacts, he basically gave up on me, and said I will just have to accept the constant pain and bad vision. When I went to the other cornea specialist at Washington University, he finally referred me to a specialist who makes contact for people who have had vision surgery. I go to her this Thursday, to see about getting some scleral contacts. I am scared to death, this is my last option besides and cornea transplant and I am told they do not yeild good results. My family can't relate to my depression and crying and I feel like I am going crazy. I am trying to keep working and today I got approval of FLMA leave and just cried when I saw it all in writing.
Can anyone give me hope? I can't believe with all the new technologies there is nothing for severe dry eye and corrective surgery complications.
Can anyone give me hope? I can't believe with all the new technologies there is nothing for severe dry eye and corrective surgery complications.