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New here (MGD) and looking for advice

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  • New here (MGD) and looking for advice

    Hello, everyone,

    I was recently diagnosed with MGD after a v-shaped indentation showed up on my bottom eyelid. It's permanent.

    Looking back at the past few years, I've had all the symptoms of dry eye, but always thought it was just allergies. I used anti-histamine eye drops occasionally and that seemed to help. My eye doctor told me to use an antibiotic ointment for 2 weeks (which I did), warm compresses and lid scrubbing. I can't take Doxy, I'm allergic.

    The antibiotic didn't seem to do anything. He said it would unclog a couple of glands, but it didn't. The warm compresses feel nice, but they make my eyelids red and also my nose and cheeks. I have mild rosacea (flushing only) and seborrheic dermatitis of scalp and eyebrows. As for the lid scrubs, I tried the baby shampoo and it made my eyeballs red, like they were bleeding. I just got Ocusoft Plus and will see how that works.

    Last night, after doing a warm compress, I was able to express a clogged gland with some effort. A hard yellow plug came out, but I feel like there was more there I couldn't express without hurting myself. Today the area is quite tender and swollen. I had come across a long article that says not to express glands at home as it can cause further damage to their function. Part of me feels this is right, but I don't see how warm compresses alone could ever unclog that gland.

    I've also come across several articles that say lid scrubs aren't necessary with MGD, which is very confusing. I don't see any yellow flakes or debris in my lashes, but I thought the lid scrub was supposed to wash away extra oil that could plug or irritate the glands. I do have SD and a very oily t-zone.

    My diet for the past 10 years has mainly consisted of salmon (4x/week), sardines (2X), walnuts (everyday) and tons of fruits and veggies. In addition, I also take a fish oil supplement everyday, so it was a shock to hear that these are the things that treat MGD. I started doing this anti-inflammatory diet for vanity reasons, but apparently it's not helping with MGD.

    I'm quite lost and I'm terrified of getting another indentation as my left eye already looks weird. Any thoughts or advice? I'm only 36, too

  • #2
    Hi Marsen,

    Sorry so late replying! Sometimes it's hit-and-miss with getting responses to a first post here

    Looking back at the past few years, I've had all the symptoms of dry eye, but always thought it was just allergies. I used anti-histamine eye drops occasionally and that seemed to help.
    Allergies and dry eye can pose a bit of chicken vs egg conundrum. But tear disease means your eyes don't have their normal protective layer, so they're more vulnerable to everything that comes along.

    The antibiotic didn't seem to do anything. He said it would unclog a couple of glands, but it didn't. The warm compresses feel nice, but they make my eyelids red and also my nose and cheeks. I have mild rosacea (flushing only) and seborrheic dermatitis of scalp and eyebrows. As for the lid scrubs, I tried the baby shampoo and it made my eyeballs red, like they were bleeding. I just got Ocusoft Plus and will see how that works.
    You might ask about Azasite in case that helps move things along. Re: compresses - that's a toughie when there's facial rosacea. Lots of people here know a lot about rosacea (I don't!!) so look for their advice. My thought would just be try to keep the heat focused solely on the pertinent area... for example, if you can make a little rice baggy you can lay just the edge of it across the lid margins... and make sure it's a steady heat source for long enough so if you have to go through it at least make it effective. Also maybe cold packs later to reduce lid irritation?

    Baby shampoo (shudder) horrid stuff. Hope the ocusoft plus does better. There are also a few other strong lid scrubs available. Personally, I have found that at times when my lids were tender I did not tolerate strong lid scrubs well but everyone is different.

    ... but I don't see how warm compresses alone could ever unclog that gland.
    Absolutely. I'd be looking to my doctor to unplug glands if I was getting those hard cap kind of things.

    I've also come across several articles that say lid scrubs aren't necessary with MGD, which is very confusing.
    Maddening isn't it. Lots of conflicting advice. All we do sometimes is plod along, sift through it, take what makes sense, find a doctor who seems to be really smart and a good troubleshooter as well as well trained in this area, and try to be consistent and methodical with the things we try.

    Does your doctor have plenty of specialty expertise in this area?
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation

