I'm new in this forun. I posted a few replies to some threads a few days ago.
My dry eye started at teh end of 2004. The factors:
long term contact lens wear, computer use, and medication taking at teh time: wellbutrin, zyrtec, Birht control pills. I was dix with MGD, Blepharitis, DES.
I was put on restasis and warm compreses and saw great improvement for the first few months. All that declined after 5 months. I relaly don't know if restasis helps me but I still use it. I got also plugs on lower eye lids in april 05. I didn't noticed a difference. Then I started taking omega supplement and that seemed to helped a great deal in conjuction with doxycicline 3 week course.
My dry eye was under control since Sep 05 up until now! Starting this week I starting having very bad headaches. Non stop. They don't respond to tylenol or inbuprofen so my GP put me on Tylenol 3 (w/ contains codeine!)
I know this headache is related to my eyes b/c they feel VERY dry too. The only relief I feel is right after my warm compresses.
I think all this happened b/c I stopped taking my omegas a few months ago and also I've been taking sudafed and medrol pack for a bad cold w/ ear infection I had for 2 weeks. I'm also taking Elmiron for another medical condition, Internstitial cystitis, for 7 months and that may be a factor...I don't know . I have an appointment with my ophtalmologist for October the 4th but is seems like an eternity to have to wait soo long.
Are very bad headaches symptoms of dry eyes too? I've never had it this bad. I hope I get a repply....
I'm new in this forun. I posted a few replies to some threads a few days ago.
My dry eye started at teh end of 2004. The factors:
long term contact lens wear, computer use, and medication taking at teh time: wellbutrin, zyrtec, Birht control pills. I was dix with MGD, Blepharitis, DES.
I was put on restasis and warm compreses and saw great improvement for the first few months. All that declined after 5 months. I relaly don't know if restasis helps me but I still use it. I got also plugs on lower eye lids in april 05. I didn't noticed a difference. Then I started taking omega supplement and that seemed to helped a great deal in conjuction with doxycicline 3 week course.
My dry eye was under control since Sep 05 up until now! Starting this week I starting having very bad headaches. Non stop. They don't respond to tylenol or inbuprofen so my GP put me on Tylenol 3 (w/ contains codeine!)
I know this headache is related to my eyes b/c they feel VERY dry too. The only relief I feel is right after my warm compresses.
I think all this happened b/c I stopped taking my omegas a few months ago and also I've been taking sudafed and medrol pack for a bad cold w/ ear infection I had for 2 weeks. I'm also taking Elmiron for another medical condition, Internstitial cystitis, for 7 months and that may be a factor...I don't know . I have an appointment with my ophtalmologist for October the 4th but is seems like an eternity to have to wait soo long.
Are very bad headaches symptoms of dry eyes too? I've never had it this bad. I hope I get a repply....