Briefly, I badly scratched my left eye on a holly bush April 2012 since which I've seen various specialists. They warned me of RCE and recommended Lacri-Lube for the night and Hylo-Forte day drops and told me to come back in 9 months. Ever since my eye sticks to the back of my lid during the night causing pain when waking. Irrespective of any treatments my initial concern is what the hell is going on? My right eye is fine so obviously the injury is the cause. Why should the eye lids stick together (I have to prise them open in the morning) and why does the lid stick to my eye? What is the mechanics behind the injury? Anyone out there with an explanation. Not getting any from my local health service. VERY FRUSTRATED!!! Will this ever get better??
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Eye sticking during the night following injury. Why??
Please be careful with prying your eye open. I have Sjogren's Syndrome, very dry eyelid stuck to my eyeball while I was taking a nap, and there was a knock at the door. I pulled my eyelid open (I usually use water or drops for this, but was in a hurry...) and I tore a hole in my cornea the size of a pencil eraser when I pulled it open. Until you figure this out please use drops and let them help open your eye instead of pulling the eyelid.
My daughter suffers from RCEs so you have my sympathy. First thing in through morning before she opens her eyes we use Hylo Forte eye drops and keep eyes for for a few minutes. She then.opens her eyes very slowly and carefully to prevent the eye sticking or tearing. If she gets an erosion, we atend our local hospital to check for infection, anti biotic eye drops and insertion of bandage contact lens. Can you see your specialist for further advice.
Little mermaid on here is excellent for knowing her way around the NHS system!!