Anyone have/ever had uneven eyelids ? one diff than the other lower/droopier ? fixes ?
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Experience with eyelids ?
Hello DRyeyes ~ this is called 'ptosis' if you want to search more. I think a surgeon regards that as an easy fix but some patients have ended up here because their eyelids are not meeting again when they blink, or there's been disruption to glands around the eye. Are you thinking cosmetic or is there a problem making your eyes dry?Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere
I now have Horner's Syndrome (oculosympathetic palsy) as a result of a complication from surgery {heart...believe it or not}. It causes my right eye lid to droop. After dealing with it for four years I am going on July 30 to have it 'fixed'. They are actually going to do both lids because the chances of actually matching them up if they only do one is not good. My Dr. told me my dry eye symptoms would get worse for a while which I am totally dreading but am hoping at the end of this road will be some relief.