Hello everyone been lurking for awhile and finally dont know what else to try. I recently was diagnosed with dry eyes. I know very broad diagnosis. I went to an eye doctor about 7 months ago because my eyes just felt gritty and tired all of the time. I went and they tested my vision and they could not get a subscription for my eyes because it was all over the place. So my eye doctor looked at my eyes and said that they are very healthy eyes but that i have dry eyes. He told me to try some drops in them and hot compresses and see if there is any improvement. After a month he wanted to see me back. So now its been seven months now i have not gone back yet. I called him after the first month and told him that my tired and gritty eyes are gone but my vision has improved very little. I also said would it be ok to postpone my follow up because i only get one eye doctor visit a year through my insurance and wanted to see if there was any improvement in my vision. Well seven months now my vision comes and goes sometimes it is quite bad and other times it is ok. I work in a cabinet shop probably not the best place for someone with dry eyes but its all i know. It is dry in work and dust is always in my eyes and lacquer is always being sprayed but i am ok at work i manage. It is when i get home that i notice the vision at its worse.
Is it normal to be jealous of your 10 month old baby crying and the tears running down her face? I cannot hardly get tears ever. But once in awhile if i sit and stare at something that i cannot make out for long enough my eyes will water and i can see it clear as day that is my only hope knowing that my eyes are still good it just the dry eyes effecting my vision.
So here is what i have tried all sorts of drops all with preservatives. I use them about 5-6 times a day. Refresh tears is the only one that offers any comfort for me at the moment but i have tried refesh optive, refresh optive advanced, blink tears, systane balance this one wasnt bad. ststane ultra burns my eyes and effects my vision for days. systane gel for nighttime not a great fan of this at night i wake up and feels like someone punched my in the eyes until i get my refresh tears in.
I also tried omega 3 fish oil about 2 weeks now havent noticed a difference, I know it may take longer so i will keep at it.
I am terrible and the hot compresses i bought one of the bead masks and warm it up with a wet wash cloth under it and use it for about 10 min at a time but i dont do it very regularly.
What else should i try? i was thinking freshkote maybe next. is it worth trying the preservative free vile of anything, i just havent tried them yet because there is so much less and just trying to get a fill for the drop in general. Or anything else anyone recomemends. Thanks again for the replies and help in advance.
Is it normal to be jealous of your 10 month old baby crying and the tears running down her face? I cannot hardly get tears ever. But once in awhile if i sit and stare at something that i cannot make out for long enough my eyes will water and i can see it clear as day that is my only hope knowing that my eyes are still good it just the dry eyes effecting my vision.
So here is what i have tried all sorts of drops all with preservatives. I use them about 5-6 times a day. Refresh tears is the only one that offers any comfort for me at the moment but i have tried refesh optive, refresh optive advanced, blink tears, systane balance this one wasnt bad. ststane ultra burns my eyes and effects my vision for days. systane gel for nighttime not a great fan of this at night i wake up and feels like someone punched my in the eyes until i get my refresh tears in.
I also tried omega 3 fish oil about 2 weeks now havent noticed a difference, I know it may take longer so i will keep at it.
I am terrible and the hot compresses i bought one of the bead masks and warm it up with a wet wash cloth under it and use it for about 10 min at a time but i dont do it very regularly.
What else should i try? i was thinking freshkote maybe next. is it worth trying the preservative free vile of anything, i just havent tried them yet because there is so much less and just trying to get a fill for the drop in general. Or anything else anyone recomemends. Thanks again for the replies and help in advance.