I first had RCE symptoms in my 20's (many moons ago!) but didn't know it was called that. Was treated with steroid drops for occasional recurring episodes over the years. About 18 months ago, the episodes became increasingly frequent (I put it down to advancing years). Eventually, my GP referred me to Rapid Response Ophthalmic Unit at local hospital (not rapid treatment, was there 4 hours!). Diagnosed me with marginal keratitis and sent me home with Maxidex & Chloramphenicol drops. At follow-up appointment, Dr said all was clear, but I knew it wasn’t, I could feel pain in my eye. Discharged me; I kept using the drops off and on for another 3 months (I know you shouldn’t use steroids like that) with the odd clear week here and there with my eye. Then I got a really bad inflammation in my eye; went back to hosp; Dr said it was adenoviral keratitis and prescribed Chl’col 4 x daily for 1 week, Maxd. For 2 weeks. Said no sign of MK; could be scarring. Inflamation cleared but still getting painful erosions. Decided to see an ophthalmic Dr privately. Said not a viral thing, but Blepharitis and MGD. Never heard of MGD before! Prescribed 3-month course of antibiotics, 1 per day; steroid eye drops once per day. Plus lid massage and lid hygiene. Still got occasional eye flare-ups. Felt very, very depressed. AND THEN …
I discovered DES site. What an eye-opener (excuse the pun). No one ever said to me, you have dry eye syndrome, or explained the need for eye drops/lubricants, or the importance of regular lid massage. Every time I browse the site I discover more helpful things. I thought I had severe DES but realise that my problem is very minor compared with lots of you out there. Currently, I no longer use steroid drops when I get a flare up – a heavier gel lubricant does the trick. I am trying out different drops. My normal one, Snotears, recommended by Dr, has the dreaded BAK preservative. Love the Theratears, but find them a bit expensive for everyday use. I have just ordered online some Clinitas Ultra 3 drops. Watch this space. Thank you, Rebecca and everyone else out there for your help and advice. Sorry to ramble on but I am very , very happy!
I discovered DES site. What an eye-opener (excuse the pun). No one ever said to me, you have dry eye syndrome, or explained the need for eye drops/lubricants, or the importance of regular lid massage. Every time I browse the site I discover more helpful things. I thought I had severe DES but realise that my problem is very minor compared with lots of you out there. Currently, I no longer use steroid drops when I get a flare up – a heavier gel lubricant does the trick. I am trying out different drops. My normal one, Snotears, recommended by Dr, has the dreaded BAK preservative. Love the Theratears, but find them a bit expensive for everyday use. I have just ordered online some Clinitas Ultra 3 drops. Watch this space. Thank you, Rebecca and everyone else out there for your help and advice. Sorry to ramble on but I am very , very happy!