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Killing Blepharitis

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  • Killing Blepharitis


    A friend and I have gotten rid of Blepharitis. My friend's Blepharitis was moving up onto her eyelids. She used a facial scrub that had Benzethonium Chloride in it. I tried to find that product and they were not selling it at that time. It was from Avon. I looked on the internet to see what other products had Benzethonium Chloride in them.
    I ended up using WET ONES, an antibacterial hand wipe (in the red box). I was desperate to stop that itching.
    I tore each one into 8 strips and used 2 each on each eyelash area for a week and a half. After that I sent down to 3 times a day for about a month. I started to feel better. After that month I sent down to 2 times a day for several months. After I finished with that it itched once or twice and I jumped on it for that day with the wipes and it was no more.
    I was able to use mascara at the same time that I was killing the Blepharitis with the help from my daughters. One daughter got me throw away wands on the internet and the other got me throw away applicators from the drug store. I bought new mascara and used 2 wands each time I applied mascara. Never put a used applicator into the mascara. Same with the eye shadow.
    I washed each eye with a separate wash rag (I used white to throw into the bleach load).

    There were 3 Dr.'s who looked into my eyes trying to find the Blepharitis, including the one who diagnosed the Blepharitis. I was told by 2 that it would come back. I said it has been 4-5 month. Now it is almost a year.

    I do use eye drops for lubrication at least 6 times a day. I use flax and fish oil capsules that the Dr. recommended. The Dr. also said to use a warm rag on my eyes in the morning to get things going.

    I did try baby shampoo and 3 times antibiotics to help but it did hardly a thing. I would have used any and everything I have read about (tea bags, honey, whatever is out there) to try and stop that itching.
    I am grateful that my friend (daughter's mother-in-law) found something to kill Blepharitis.
    It has to be bacterial (as mentioned on several medical sites) because these wipes would not have been able to kill it if it wasn't.
    I hope this information helps others as I know how horrible that itching can be.
    Lynda T

  • #2
    Hey lynda!

    Thank you for sharing what has helped you! I will try this, wet ones are cheap and if it works for me i will be forever grateful!! So your eyes are still dry, but you no longer have any signs of lid margin redness, or inflammation?!


    • #3
      Lynda ~ thank you very much for taking the trouble to tell us, it's fascinating what you've done, and TG your eyes are better. I think the itching is quite rare though - what was that like? was it eyelids, cheeks, nose, forehead? did you have red patches or bumps? were your eyelids swollen? to an ophthalmologist, blepharitis means eyelid probs but many people have skin symptoms to deal with like you. Do you have pets? do you normally have any allergies? is the bleach wash for your bedding, facecloths and towels? that's a good lesson for us all
      My friend's Blepharitis was moving up onto her eyelids.
      Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


      • #4
        Hi Faith,

        I no longer have any problem except for the dry eyes are still here. I have wrinkled retina in one eye. I think using old mascara did the trick for me. I use throw away wands ( as have so many left over) but one for both eyes now. Still don't put a used wand into the new mascara. Dry eyes can keep the bacteria from washing out. I carry eye drops with me in my purse too.
        After I was done with this once or twice I had an itch. I jumped on it for a day with the wipes and never to come back. It goes deep into those eyelashes.
        I can't tell you the relief I felt even just after that first week and a half. So much that, it made me go down to 3 times a day.
        Hope this works for you as did for the 2 of us. It was an accidental discovery (her using facial scrub on her eyelids) that is going to give relief to many.
        I have notified Mayo and other Drs. and research places. I am not sure if any are interested enough to see it as a cure. It may take a Dr. from another country to do
        something about it. A health site sent the information viral they said on my e-mail. Sure wasn't me as just learned to blog to get this info out.
        Wish you well,



        • #5
          Facewash moisturisers with benzalkonium chloride are in UK pharmacists as, eg, Freederm, or we have been using prescription Dermol 500.
          Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


          • #6
            Dear littlemermaid,

            I was so sorry that I couldn't get back to you. I tried. I was only allowed 1 comment. I had to wait for another to post again.
            Benzethonium Chloride is the ingredient that killed the Blepharitis for the 2 of us. I would look that up as don't know if that is the same thing.
            My friend had the horrible looking stuff on her eyelids. It was diagnosed as Blepharitis. She used an Avon facial scrub that I could not get when I tried to order it.
            That is why I looked on the internet to see what other products had it in them.
            I used 2 white wash rags (one for each eye) and that is what I washed in the bleach load. I also use white towels so they went into the bleach too. Sheets I washed as usual each week.
            I don't have allergies but I do let our cat and dog in a little in the house. They stay out at night. If my eyes were to bother me I would use a wipe for sure.
            I do have wrinkled retina in one eye. I am using eye drops 6 or more times a day to keep my eyes lubricated (over the counter).
            I have learned from this that Blepharitis can spread to other areas of the eye. If it has then perhaps a person will need to use antibiotics (say for the glands). I do know that the wipes can kill it on the eyelash areas and on the eyelids.
            It does take time as deep in the roots of the eyelash area.
            It was well worth the trouble as no itching for me any longer.
            There was a Dr. from down under who said that ulcers were a bacterial infection. He was not believed. He infected himself then used antibiotics to kill it. It sounded too easy for most. This is similar. It sounds too easy.
            If it was not bacterial in nature it could not have been killed by these wipes (WET ONES with Benzethonium Chloride) in it or by the facial scrub with it in it too.
            I hope I have answered your questions. If you have any more questions I will do my best to answer.
            Wish you relief soon.



            • #7
              WET ONES with Benzethonium Chloride) in it or by the facial scrub with it in it too.
              Now that is interesting 'Benzethonium chloride exhibits a broad spectrum of microbiocidal activity against bacteria, fungi, mold and viruses' Sorry I misread it ~ Many thanks, Lynda
              Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


              • #8
                Killing Blepharitis

                Dear littlemermaid,

                I found that too. It is important for each one to research on their own.

                Information needs to be personally confirmed. I was desperate to try it (I did know the person personally so I knew she was telling the truth).
                My daughter saw the before and after on her eyelids too.

                Wish you the best and relief soon.



                • #9
                  quick question for you. I would like to try this and find it very interesting. After you wiped with the wet ones then did you rinse your eyes off with water or just leave the wet ones solution on your eyelashes like you can with the expensive ocusoft lid wipes? Thanks in advance


                  • #10
                    LyndaT, I am very happy this worked well for you. I am allergic to different kinds of wipes, and cannot remember if this is one of them, so would just add to anyone interested in trying this that they test it first on their hands, or other spot to make sure there is no allergic reaction. Some wipes dry out my skin and I end up with a rash and split skin. Truly glad this was a solution for you.


                    • #11
                      Dear Fitch and LaDiva,

                      A Dr. I blogged asked me the same question, Fitch. I told him I did not rinse it off.

                      I don't know about being allergic to different wipes but this one WET ONES, in the red box, has 0.3% Benzethonium Chloride. There is lanolin in it too and fragrance and other stuff. My Mom was allergic to lanolin.
                      If it doesn't work for you, you could ask the Dr. if there is a prescription that has Benzethonium Chloride in it. There will probably be one in the future.
                      The Dr.'s that looked into my eyes and couldn't find it just said it would come back. It's been almost a year now and still gone. I am so grateful that this friends Blepharitis moved up to her eyelids (she used that facial scrub with Benzethonium Chloride in it) or else we would not know how to kill it.
                      I sure hope you will be able to use this. You can check with Avon and see if that facial scrub (clear skin is it's name) with Benzethonium Chloride has come back. They did not have it the last time I checked. It would have a lot of stuff in it too.
                      Wish you both the best and please let me know if it is working for you.


                      • #12
                        Hi Lynda
                        I have suffered from severe blepharitis for 6 years, and was told that it was because of ocular rosacea. During this period of time I saw three different optometrists and two ophthalmologists who tried Azasite (moderate relief, too costly to continue, returned quickly after cessation), oral doxy (no help whatsoever), ristasis (mild relief), and erythromycin ointment (made it worse). Because my dx was rosacea, I researched triggers and avoided them for months. No caffeine, hot beverages, iced beverages, alcoholic beverages, or spicy foods. (No difference) Through this whole time, I religiously completed lid hygiene with baby shampoo and OTC lid wipes (Systane) and used OTC preservative free moisture drops. My career is in healthcare leadership, and I have to face people daily and look professional and well groomed. You wouldn't imagine the emotional distress these red, sick-looking eyes and lids caused me. It has been unimaginable torture.
                        I have now sustained my longest and truest period of relief. Lasting five days now. Amazing. All because I, for the hundredth time, began searching the internet for something, anything! This time I left out ocular rosacea from my keywords and just concentrated on blephariris. I found one post that was intriguing, and another, and another...WET ONES ON MY EYELIDS? I was desperate. I tried it. 14 days ago. My lids are down to 10% of the swelling they had been for years, and the whites of my eyes are, well, WHITE.
                        IT HAS BEEN WORKING! I can't tell you how thankful I am that you spread this word far and wide across the internet, otherwise I would have never tried it. And the other gal that it worked for, too.
                        This is a terrible disease with what seemed to be no cure. I have spent thousands of dollars on different make up products, medications, doctor visits, hair colors that I hoped would attract others' eyes away from mine, and glasses to hide behind. This is a 20$ cure.
                        Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          MINERAL OIL Sensitivity- the Cause of my Blepharitis and MGD

                          MINERAL OIL Sensitivity- Caused Seboreic dermatitis on my scalp, of which a trip to the dermatologist and some doxycycline for 6 weeks combined with Enteric coated Garlic Capsules and some ketoconazole shampoo

                          Cured the inflammation and dry skin.


                          • #14
                            Hello Linda T,
                            I was nearly out the door to go buy the wipes you mention but decided to first check if it is safe for eyes. Believe me, I'd like nothing better than for this to work as my blepharitis is awful. I read that (Benzethonium Chloride can be a skin and eye irritant and also is toxic to the mucous membranes. ... Eye contact can result in cornea damage or blindness.) Here are some sites I found:

                  , (this site suggests it's safe in FDA approved 1st aid products containing 0.1%-1.2%. The wipes contain 0.3%.) Maybe it is safe but most things say to keep away from eyes.

                  , (this site shows the actual wipes & warns not to get into the eyes.) I know you are wiping your lids with the wipes but it would be so easy to get into the eyes.

                            I see my opthamologist tomorrow & will ask him his thoughts on these wipes for blepharitis. Below are other sites warning of this chemical but I'm sure it is in higher percentages. I just wanted to pass this on to you as I understand how frustrating it is to deal with Blepharitis.
                            Good luck to you,



                            • #15
                              I had a bad reaction to these, it took a few days.. But am now on steroids to control the reaction.. It may work for some , but I wish I never tried this.. The pain was like nothing I ever felt

