To adequately treat dry eye it is helpful to know what is causing it. If you have Sjogrens you will definitely be aqueous deficient and probably will also have MGD. If you are aqueous deficient then the cyclosporin drugs are more likely to help than if you just have MGD/blepharitis. Plugs and or cautery for sure will help as quite likely will moisture chamber glasses. For some people Evoxac or Pilocarpine can be helpful as well.
Sjogren's can affect more than the eyes so knowing you have it can be helpful because you know what to watch for in other areas.
By the way hannamaywills I don't recommend cautery for all 4 puncta as a lot can change and over tearing can be a huge problem.
Sjogren's can affect more than the eyes so knowing you have it can be helpful because you know what to watch for in other areas.
By the way hannamaywills I don't recommend cautery for all 4 puncta as a lot can change and over tearing can be a huge problem.