Hello Everyone,
Here goes my story, I have mild dry eye because of over using a homemade netipot ( 1/2-1 tablespoon of salt and water mix solution went up my nose which caused me to go short sighted in right eye and Have mild dry eye)
Will my eye sight return in due time or am I permanently short sighted in my right eye?
Just to clarify I am allergic to a few things and have sensitive skin and my body is very sensitive.
I only mention the right eye because I used the solution in the right nostril as my sinus felt like it was blocked from my right nostril.
I saw an optamologist and they said my eye was healthy and diagnosed me with mild dry eye. The Optamologist didn't know if it would be permanent or not.
These are my results back from the opticians
The left eye had no rx and the right eye had a mild myopic/astigmatic correction which improved px's vision. However the optometrist did not issue a Rx. (RE plano LE -0.25/-0.50x170)
The patient is advised to go to A&E if the vision continues to worsen and to use Hycosan twice a day to lubricate the eyes.
Visual fields and fundus appeared normal and no other abnormalities were detected.
Also what is the least potent dry eye drops I can take. I do not want to take a corticosteroid.
Here goes my story, I have mild dry eye because of over using a homemade netipot ( 1/2-1 tablespoon of salt and water mix solution went up my nose which caused me to go short sighted in right eye and Have mild dry eye)
Will my eye sight return in due time or am I permanently short sighted in my right eye?
Just to clarify I am allergic to a few things and have sensitive skin and my body is very sensitive.
I only mention the right eye because I used the solution in the right nostril as my sinus felt like it was blocked from my right nostril.
I saw an optamologist and they said my eye was healthy and diagnosed me with mild dry eye. The Optamologist didn't know if it would be permanent or not.
These are my results back from the opticians
The left eye had no rx and the right eye had a mild myopic/astigmatic correction which improved px's vision. However the optometrist did not issue a Rx. (RE plano LE -0.25/-0.50x170)
The patient is advised to go to A&E if the vision continues to worsen and to use Hycosan twice a day to lubricate the eyes.
Visual fields and fundus appeared normal and no other abnormalities were detected.
Also what is the least potent dry eye drops I can take. I do not want to take a corticosteroid.