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  • Rosacea

    I just started taking 100mg of minocycline 10 days ago. Does anyone know how long it will take before I see a improvement in my dry eyes? Are there certain things people have found to be more beneficial in treating ocular rosacea ? Are there things that I should avoid? My eyeballs feel inflamed almost 100% of the time, I could use some relief. Thanks Debbie.

  • #2
    Hi Dab,
    I have ocular rosacea, tear deficiency and oil problems. Food is a big issue with my rosacea. It is really trial and error as we have different triggers. Try staying away from sugar and cutting back on the carbs and dairy products. Unfortunately, what I put in my mouth makes a huge difference. Some people cannot eat nightshades, and that is true for me as well. (Tomatos, potatoes, eggplant.) You might want to try an elimination diet to find out what bothers you. Not sure how long the antibiotics will take. Best of luck.


    • #3
      When I started on the Doxy, my eye doctor told me it could take a few months 2-3 for it to be working optimally.

