This is my first post, though I have been lurking around for quite a while. I am dealing with dry eyes, severe anxiety, and general sadness. I had LASIK just about a year ago. I thoroughly researched the procedure, carefully chose a surgeon with a ton of experience. The surgery was my 25th anniversary gift. I will say that I see clearly...no issues at all with that. I have, however, been on a roller coaster in terms of dryness. I have some long stretches where I feel pretty good, and then dryness punches me in the face once more. I am SO frustrated.
My vision, as I said, is excellent. 20/15. I haven't seen this well since I was 10. I have been examined abundantly by my corneal specialist and by another eye doctor, both of whom assure me my eyes look mostly normal. I have no dry spots and no redness. I do have punctal plugs. My corneal specialist inserted them. I just had a new pair put in two weeks ago, since the others came out.
I use countless drops, I have a humidifier and an air filter. I sleep with a sleep mask. But, without rhyme or reason, my eyes are good one day and crappy other days.
My corneal specialist also had laser correction, and she said it took more than a year before she felt mostly normal, and th at even now she has occasional bad days My other doctor also cautioned me that some people do indeed heal very slowly. So, I suppose I shouldn't give up, but...my emotional state is just not good. And, to top it off, I think menopause may be setting in, so my moods are all over the map.
I just feel bad. The doctors urge patience. They said if I really wanted, I could try Xiidra, but our insurance is sucky, and I would basically have to pay $500 a month for the stuff.
I also have rosacea, which may be impacting my eyes. My regular eye doctor prescribed doxycycline, but guess what? I am prone to yeast infections, and it caused a flare up.
I guess I am just feeling so frustrated and alone. I am trying to be calm, but I have anxiety disorder and it is a struggle to keep my mind in check. I have a terrible fear of making wrong decisions, and I am haunted by my LASIK surgery. In my mind, wrong decisions are the worst, and I feel like I am being punished for my mistakes. It is awful.
I am a very complicated person, as we all are, I guess. I just hate feeling this kind of despair. I cannot give up...I have a family that I adore. But, it scares me that sometimes even all this love cannot push away the claws of my own fears.
In addition to the physical manifestations of dry eye, I am 99% sure that, for me, there is a psychological component to my condition. For example, as I vent here, my eyes are feeling better. Also, when I am at the doctor's office, or shortly after, I feel good. I also feel good if I am totally distracted, but that isn't always easy for me.
I also have some issues with chronic pain...fibromyalgia and vulvodynia, though these are mostly under control.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello, and make my little presence known.
Please help me see the sunshine again...
Thank you for reading...
This is my first post, though I have been lurking around for quite a while. I am dealing with dry eyes, severe anxiety, and general sadness. I had LASIK just about a year ago. I thoroughly researched the procedure, carefully chose a surgeon with a ton of experience. The surgery was my 25th anniversary gift. I will say that I see clearly...no issues at all with that. I have, however, been on a roller coaster in terms of dryness. I have some long stretches where I feel pretty good, and then dryness punches me in the face once more. I am SO frustrated.
My vision, as I said, is excellent. 20/15. I haven't seen this well since I was 10. I have been examined abundantly by my corneal specialist and by another eye doctor, both of whom assure me my eyes look mostly normal. I have no dry spots and no redness. I do have punctal plugs. My corneal specialist inserted them. I just had a new pair put in two weeks ago, since the others came out.
I use countless drops, I have a humidifier and an air filter. I sleep with a sleep mask. But, without rhyme or reason, my eyes are good one day and crappy other days.
My corneal specialist also had laser correction, and she said it took more than a year before she felt mostly normal, and th at even now she has occasional bad days My other doctor also cautioned me that some people do indeed heal very slowly. So, I suppose I shouldn't give up, but...my emotional state is just not good. And, to top it off, I think menopause may be setting in, so my moods are all over the map.
I just feel bad. The doctors urge patience. They said if I really wanted, I could try Xiidra, but our insurance is sucky, and I would basically have to pay $500 a month for the stuff.
I also have rosacea, which may be impacting my eyes. My regular eye doctor prescribed doxycycline, but guess what? I am prone to yeast infections, and it caused a flare up.
I guess I am just feeling so frustrated and alone. I am trying to be calm, but I have anxiety disorder and it is a struggle to keep my mind in check. I have a terrible fear of making wrong decisions, and I am haunted by my LASIK surgery. In my mind, wrong decisions are the worst, and I feel like I am being punished for my mistakes. It is awful.
I am a very complicated person, as we all are, I guess. I just hate feeling this kind of despair. I cannot give up...I have a family that I adore. But, it scares me that sometimes even all this love cannot push away the claws of my own fears.
In addition to the physical manifestations of dry eye, I am 99% sure that, for me, there is a psychological component to my condition. For example, as I vent here, my eyes are feeling better. Also, when I am at the doctor's office, or shortly after, I feel good. I also feel good if I am totally distracted, but that isn't always easy for me.
I also have some issues with chronic pain...fibromyalgia and vulvodynia, though these are mostly under control.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello, and make my little presence known.
Please help me see the sunshine again...
Thank you for reading...