I have been having a time with Dry Eyes courtsey of Sjogren's Syndrome. Had punctal plugs put it one fail out the other got stuck half in and half out causing my cornea to get scratched?.
Every sensitive to light stay inside during day with blinds closed, I am on disability due to both Cancer and Sjogren’s. Any time I go out I wear shades even to check the mail box if I don’t it can cause a flare that can spiral out of control quickly. I have being battling issues with my eyes for over a year here it all started with the punctual plugs falling out well one fell out the other was half way in and half way out scratching my cornea. Here is a summary since March:
March: Dry Eye Syndrome, Disorder of Eye Region, Posterior blepharitis
Procedure: Lower Tear Duct Cauterized (didn't feel needles felt burning)
April: Dry Eye Syndrome, Disorder of Eye Region, Sty Internal-
June: Dry Eye Syndrome, Disorder of Eye Region, Posterior blepharitis, Lower Tear Ducts Reopened
Procedure Upper Tear Duct Cauterized (didn't feel burning but felt the needles)
lotemax for night, continue using preservative free eye drops
July: Disorder of cornea of the eye-Primary, Dry Eye Syndrome, Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye
Upper tear duct reopened wanted to cauterize all four told them they had to put me to sleep
Predislone Drops 1 per eye per day, lotemax for night, preservative free drops
Sept 30th- All four tear duct cauterized, extreme light sensitive, I was given UVA/UVB solar shields to go over my sunglasses
lotemax, predislone drops 2 per eye per day, Ak-poly-Bac
My eyes are flaring even more now from the any kind of lights, white string, itching, ugh and once one flare starts it causes a ripple effect. My partoid glands are starting to swell as well, I see the Eye doc on the 15th of this month, and Rheum nov 6 and my Oncologist on Nov 13.
Thank-god I am already on pain pills cause apparently allot of what I have is suppose to be painful all the nurses could do was apologize for the fat the cauterization wasn't working, I knew it was bad four doctors and 3 nurses are in my room and they couldn't believe I was laughing and handling the situation so well. I was like I am use to bad news, according to the oncologist I am not suppose to be alive.
Every sensitive to light stay inside during day with blinds closed, I am on disability due to both Cancer and Sjogren’s. Any time I go out I wear shades even to check the mail box if I don’t it can cause a flare that can spiral out of control quickly. I have being battling issues with my eyes for over a year here it all started with the punctual plugs falling out well one fell out the other was half way in and half way out scratching my cornea. Here is a summary since March:
March: Dry Eye Syndrome, Disorder of Eye Region, Posterior blepharitis
Procedure: Lower Tear Duct Cauterized (didn't feel needles felt burning)
April: Dry Eye Syndrome, Disorder of Eye Region, Sty Internal-
June: Dry Eye Syndrome, Disorder of Eye Region, Posterior blepharitis, Lower Tear Ducts Reopened
Procedure Upper Tear Duct Cauterized (didn't feel burning but felt the needles)
lotemax for night, continue using preservative free eye drops
July: Disorder of cornea of the eye-Primary, Dry Eye Syndrome, Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye
Upper tear duct reopened wanted to cauterize all four told them they had to put me to sleep
Predislone Drops 1 per eye per day, lotemax for night, preservative free drops
Sept 30th- All four tear duct cauterized, extreme light sensitive, I was given UVA/UVB solar shields to go over my sunglasses
lotemax, predislone drops 2 per eye per day, Ak-poly-Bac
My eyes are flaring even more now from the any kind of lights, white string, itching, ugh and once one flare starts it causes a ripple effect. My partoid glands are starting to swell as well, I see the Eye doc on the 15th of this month, and Rheum nov 6 and my Oncologist on Nov 13.
Thank-god I am already on pain pills cause apparently allot of what I have is suppose to be painful all the nurses could do was apologize for the fat the cauterization wasn't working, I knew it was bad four doctors and 3 nurses are in my room and they couldn't believe I was laughing and handling the situation so well. I was like I am use to bad news, according to the oncologist I am not suppose to be alive.